If You're In New Orleans...

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i support constructive means of aiding people in need...

'tho, in todays light, i see a bit of irony in Habitat for Humanity's standard for the exterior of homes: low maintenance vinyl siding, made from......petroleum products.

for balance, maybe some of you engineering types know: does a barrel of oil only produce xyz amount of useable fuels grade product? are other petroleum based products derived from the other grades made during refining, thereby using every drop of oil in a barrel??

m/c content: i've been taking it easy with the right wrist when riding... i now find i get 42 mpg average for commute/in town driving...

Looks like they're going to house a large number of the refugees from New Orleans in the Astrodome for a while... good thing they didn't tear it down in the time since the Astros/Oilers moved out (the Texans never played there).

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My company just sent out a notice that we are using the American Red Cross for donations and that $.94 is going to relief and only .06 for administration. I didn't think that much went to the victims, thought it was much lower, hum anyway.

I have done work with Habitat for Humanity in my area in the past and was wondering if anyone knows of who I would contact if I wanted to physically go down and help for a week or so.

Sparks, Salvation Army has online applications for those who wanna help. I sent my donation there-Red Cross has burned me in the past, not again.

Their website must be getting slammed. Thanks for the information and will keep trying.

I have no vacation left, 3 sick days left and about to refinance. I am going to ask my work if I can go down and still get paid as a donation. If not I will work something out.

I could always just make it a few long weekends...

Well, I am far from packing any bags but is something I am considering.

They are going to be hurting for some time. I may wait to play a role until next year when I have leave and things are a little better.

Well, bring along a Beretta and a 30.06. Gonna come in handy.
I love my Glock 21 and my springfield 1911 45 but my choice would be my Rock River AR-15 :D

Heck if I took that stuff it would just be one more thing they could steal from me <_<

I live in Lafayette, La. which is 140 miles away from New Orleans. We did not get hit hard by the storm but we are feeling the effects. My brother, his fiance and her family - 7 members are staying at my and my mothers house. Almost everyone I know is housing a friend or family member from New Orleans. I had a friend today call to tell me he cannot find his dad or grandparents who road out the storm. It's very bad over here so please help in any way you can. Thanks

Blue Dog,

My mom and dad's families come from that same area (Grandparents' house was in New Iberia). I have one Aunt staying with my folks in Kingwood, another with one of my cousins in Austin, and an Uncle who got moved to Baton Rouge. Could be a loooooooong time before any of them get to go back home, even if just to survey the damage.

I have a couple of friends I go to lunch with weekly and I could not reach them at all by cell phone all morning. Kinda of odd but since Katrina the cell phone systems have been overloaded. They both called me on the way back from New Orleans after working with the rescue effort. Anyone with a boat in the area was asked to go help. So about 400 boats from Lafayette went to New Orleans to help. My friend said they lanched the boats right off I-10 in 10 feet of water in Metaire which is a suburb. He said it's worse than the on the news. They travelled in some areas where the water was so deep they could see cars under their boat. They did transport alot of people from one point to another like a relay. He said the police are overwelmed and lack any real line of communication. Helicopters swarmed like bees and were refueling as often as possible to get back to the search and rescue. They both brought guns as some of the people have gotten desparate with rumors of them taking shoots at helicopters and trying to hijack rescue boats. What an experience they had but I don't think they are going back.
