Igntion Switch Recall = New Back Tire?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
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Tallahassee, FL
So, the ignition switch recall is on! I call them up and they have one in stock, so how 'bout I bring it in Saturday. You can keep it till Tuesday since the weather is crappy. So I call 'em on Wednesday and they say it's ready to go. I have a co-worker drop me off, pick her up and head back the 1 mile to the office. So I'm in the motorcycle only parking lot at work taking off my helmet and notice that there is a trail of some kind of dried liquid on the left side of the tire about an inch and half away from the sidewall. Don't remember hitting any puddles, what is this crap? And that sure looks like a piece of glass about the size of pencil eraser. Crap.

"Hi, Service Department, how come you guys didn't tell me you picked up a piece of glass in my back tire while road testing my ignition switch and maybe filled my tire up with Slime to patch the leak? " "Oh, you bet, I'll be there at lunch time!" So back down there I go. Service writer says, yup, it was on the work sheet, sorry we forgot to tell you about that. We'll fix you up, but I got to get the Service Manager to sign off on it and he'll be back in few minutes.

Service manager says yup, it's a piece of glass, and I'll make you a deal on a new Michelin dual compound, only $189, no fee for mount and balance. I says "$189 plus tax, huh? You guys are gonna charge me $200 to fix my bike after you broke it?" He chews on that for a minute and then tells the writer to just put a new tire on.

So, ignition switch recall = new back tire!

Why do they always have to try to do that shit

Why can't they just be up front and fix what they break

Had a stealer put the wrong shim in on a valve adjustment once

God you would of thought I was asking for a new bike and all I asked was

Why the F*&^ is my bike ticking

What did you do

Man that pisses me off when they do that shit

Glad you stood your ground


So did you check you mileage to see how far they rode around to test your switch?

I wouldn't think they would have to take a test ride for a switch replacement. I'd ask for a matching front as well :rolleyes:

"Hi, Service Department, how come you guys didn't tell me you picked up a piece of glass in my back tire while road testing my ignition switch and maybe filled my tire up with Slime to patch the leak? "
Their sneaky solution was to slime it? Oy vey! That would give me serious pause that a dealership wouldn't at least try and patch the tire.

I'd make them clean every molecule of that foul stuff from your rim and inspect it before they put another tire on.

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I had a bad thought on Saturday. While I was in buying oil for my bike I thought, just for kicks, I would ask if the dealer less than 5 miles from me would do the ignition recall. After 10 minutes of convincing the service writer, yes the FJR1300 is a Yamaha and there is a recall.... he had the gaul to say..."well, we'd need a service manual for that, that'll add $100 to the service bill"... I asked, "Oh, and I get to take that home since you're making me pay for something your mechanic would need?" "No, we'd keep it for the next time you bring the bike in for service."

Re-affirms that I'll never take my own bike there for any service. And yes I do check for the foil on the quarts of oil I buy from there...

Hrm, "my dealer" didn't charge me for the service manual (I re-checked). Guess I'm going there on a nice weekend for the recall.

I would be pissed too.. They slime a fukin tire they put a whole in? I wont ride my bike with a plug in it beyond getting a new tire.

I too would be very very pissed. and you know they knew they did it because they friggen slimed it..

Hell, i am angry just hearing about it and it aint even my bike

Why would they ride the bike anyway. I wouldn't think it was neccesary IMO. Am i wrong?
I could see a road test policy in a shop. I would understand if they had a policy that says every bike gets a road test for quality assurance.. But this is OBVIOUSLY not the case here.. as quality is poor as hell..

Why would they ride the bike anyway. I wouldn't think it was neccesary IMO. Am i wrong?
Perhaps it's a policy of a dealer or maybe Yamaha, but talking with my mechanic....he test rides anything he touches. I'm sure he won't do it if he adjusts a mirror or something very trivial, but if he takes off a part that you couldn't ride without...he test rides it after he puts it back on. The ignition switch replacement is substantial tear down of critical steering bits.....so would easily qualify for a test ride.

He said besides riding it to make sure it's absolutely fixed and returning it to you in working order...he'll spot other things many owners don't realize like worn forks, loose throttle cables, incorrect idle levels, etc.

That said...an ethos to test ride yet slime a tire and not tell the thread starter still mystifies me.

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See now I feel cheated! I just had my new ignition switch installed on Saturday and I didn't get a new tire. Too bad, I really could use one.


That wasn't your bike in two weeks ago, was it? 21 Feb if I remember correctly. (Tally Power Sports).

I had them do my tires and there was another 06 on the rack.

The front wheel was off when I got mine there.

They said they were doing fork work on it and the switch recall.

I just brought my switch home with me. I didn't want them fooling with it because of the additional wiring I had run.

Hey Capt Bob!

No, this was all Feb 28 - Mar 3. I thought about taking the switch and doing it myself but decided I didn't want to turn myself loose drilling out the old one. I really do wish there was a competent dealer somewhere close by, but the 100 miles to Panama City is too far for something that should have been as simple as this. I get pissed off everytime I go in there anyway, and I don't know why I even bother with the assholes. The $5.00 parts ordering fee, the $85.00 oil change (they only got me once with that one), and I don't remember what the Yammie differential fluid costs by the pint but that pisses me off too. I love my feej, but these guys really get my goat. Long as I can do brakes and cables and fluid changes myself, they will not see me again.

Thanks to the rest of you guys for your moral support and shared indignation.

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If you get the chance, be sure to tell them that another dealer in NC also messed up on a ign switch recall. Difference is they were up-front with the customer, ordered the parts required to fix their mistake (scratched triple), and the customer let them off the hook on the parts cost by ordering his own aftermarket clamp instead.

The honest dealer saved themselves $150 in parts cost and gained a loyal customer.

In NC it's against the law to patch a motorcycle tire. If FL is the same way, you have some serious charges against them. Not that I agree withe the law, just sayin...

Glad it turned out okay for you.

with only getting about one side of the story i would think there is MUCH more story than fact with this . seems everyone for some insecurity issue or another needs to degrade anothers busniess! probably more bs from owner than real facts about what really happened

first i have to think ------ what benefit would it be to service dept. to ignore tire concern? ( sell customer new tire and make money or not tell him what he needs and lose!) something very wrong with this story ///////// smells like walks like looks like big ole pile o crap!
