I'm an electrical idiot

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Paul II

Well-known member
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Stratford, Ontario, Canada
DISREGARD! But I'm still an idiot........

*****It helps to put the fuse in the relay kit. Yep, hours wasted.....................***********


Alright, I'm frustrated. :angry2: I freely admit that I'm an electrical "idiot".

So, to make things easy for myself I bought an Eastern Beaver relay wiring kit. What could go wrong, right?

Well, I've hooked up this quality piece of kit and I thought I'd finally get to join the ranks of the heated clothing crowd. Nope, not me.

The wiring kit has a lead with a posi-tap so that it can tap into "switched power." I googled and searched and found that the blue connector that is supposed to be used for the heated grips is a good source of this "switched power." I tapped in to the blue/green wire and nothing......

The wire from the kit won't reach the back of the bike to tap into the tail light, so thats out.

I looked at this diagram https://www.fjr1300.info/misc/FJR-wiring.pdf and needed to take a Tylenol.

Could someone tell me in "idiotese" what wire, what colour and where I can tap into in order to get my Blue Seas some juice?

your patience is appreciated......


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The schematic you have been looking at is a Gen I without the heated grips.

The heated grips Blue connector and the G/L (green/blue) wire is a correct source for switched voltage. This wire should be +12 volts when the headlights turn on.

Edited to add: Even before I get this posted [SIZE=18pt] NEVER MIND.[/SIZE] :lol:

Glad to see you got it squared away and the solution was both inexpensive and simple.

Paul, in engineering parlance, that's known as a "high resistance open"
I think I actually "get that."

I'm usually pretty logical when it comes to troubleshooting other things. I think its the excitement that the weather is actually going to be over 0 C and that I may get to go for a ride. Definitely suffering from riding related PTSD.



FIRST Paul states:I freely admit that I'm an electrical "idiot".

Post later edited to state:

*****It helps to put the fuse in the relay kit. Yep, hours wasted.....................***********


Look at it from the positive side...you proved your first statement RIGHT with your second statement.

I actually just did the same thing with a fuzeblock...and...wired a powerlet to it backwards too.

Everybody gets an opportunity to be a dope.
