In a Crash, Where Will You Most Likely Hit Your Head?

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
While cruising the Internet looking for porn pictures of motorcycles and stuff, I came across the diagram I'd seen in a motorcycle safety book once upon a time that shows, for crash-involved motorcycle helmets, the percentage of strikes by helmet location (source: Dietmar Otte, Hannover Medical University, Dept. of Traffic Accident Research, Germany).


You can deduct the sum of the percentages for particular areas to determine the amount of protection you are jeopardizing by going with a half helmet or skid lid. An overriding conclusion for me is that, if you wear a half helmet, you will protect your brain but have a good probability of shattering your jaw.


So, what's the best helmet to wear, and what color is the most visible? Safety first!

I mean, this is in "Parts and Accessories", after all, at least for a little while....


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That's what I was afraid of.

My Schuberth fits very close to my jaw.

...another reason for a new helmet this spring.

I guess that I was with 6.5% of other riders, the time I took out the deer. My other get-off was a low speed, low-side in some gravel. I was lucky and didn't even touch my helmet to the pavement.

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I seem to be a large minority by myself. My very slow gravel low-side impacted my helmet in the 10.1, 4.4, and 15.2 percentage areas. What responses might we see from more Crash Club members?

Interesting that there is not as much "use" of the rear of the helmet, which one would guess to be much busier. I can see that falling forward would put you on your chin, but I would have expected to see more get-offs involving back impacts, and thus the rear of the head. One in five on the lower right! Wow!

I've never worn less than a full-face helmet, because I like my jaw where it is. Nice to see verification of that.

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I can garONtee that if I'm in an accident I'm my head is going to heat the inside of a helmet :)

Nice find, JB.

I always wear a full face helmet, and have to go back to the '70s to recall any instance of me wearing an open face or no helmet. Looks to me like roughly 45% of the impacts are to the face, and fixing that kind of injury can be pretty expensive.

I'll keep wearing my full face helmets -- thinking I'll look prettier mashing my face up against the inside of my helmet than I would banging and grinding it on the asphalt.

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So I was just, for the umpteenth time, trying to get my StarCom headset placed correctly in my helmet so I can get good sound on both sides while at the same time not irritating my ears. And then I spotted the mic, which is glued on the front inside of the helmet right at my lips. If I strike forward, that darn thing's gonna split my lip pretty good, and maybe take out a tooth or two. But it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to be able to bark orders at people.


I tried to start a FAQ on helmets Here but no one would take it and run with it. Note that the diagram is already in that post.... no need to google, just search the fjrforum!!

Perhaps if you have a helmet passion, you'll take the post, and make it yours!

Geez How'd I miss this? I'd say the ground.

Wait a minute..... This is a trick question like those at the DMV ain't it... It's inside the helmet of course. Almost got me ya sneaky buggers!


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