In response to Rog & Debs Gun control thread

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I appreciate that the other thread was locked almost instantly and understand that this will probably be locked too, along with a heated PM from the mods.

I ask that no-one replies to this thread, then no harm is done nor can it become political.

The point I wanted to make was that the march shown at the begining of the video was nothing to do with guns. It was one of many marches over the last few years protesting at the fox hunting ban. Fox hunting in this country goes back hundreds of years and does not involve fire arms. The hunters (on horses) use dogs to track and kill the fox.

This was mixed cleverly with the Australians who appear to have had a blanket ban whereas here it was hand guns only. We still have target rifles and shot guns under licence. These demonstrations made the news many times and to my knowledge there were no such demonstrations about the gun ban.

Sorry mods, I had to put that record straight.

In my opinion..............I'll leave that there.
