In search of quiet air

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2008
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Las Vegas, NV
OK, so I'm now on my 3rd shield, stock, Cee Bailey +4+4. now the VStream(strom?). The latter is better, but still way to loud to do 400+ mile days. I'm using a Scorpion full face w/ ear plugs and the wind is deafening. The wind in my face while the screen is down is ok, but noise has to be curtailed. Screen full up not much quieter, and I'm doing the bobble-head.

I'm not unusually tall 6'1 w/ 30/31 inseam, so longer torso. Any one use the tuning block with the VStream? Is the noise a product of angle or size of the shield?

I AM NOT A WHINNER OR NANCYBOY. I know this is not a cage, nor is this my first bike.........I am not a daily commuter, nor does my schedule let me ride as often as I would like, so 300==> 600 day trips the norm when the gear goes on. What do ya all think.........Barry

I also had both those aftermarket windscreens, and finally found happiness with a Rifle tall screen & their tuning blocks. I'm just shy of 6' and sit on a Russell saddle.

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Better earplugs. No, seriously. I still have the stock windscreen and I just took an 800 mile ride at With the eargplugs I used, noise was not a problem, and most of that trip the windshield was in the down position.

Rifle with tuning blocks.

IMO the tuning blocks are the answer, unfortunately I don't think they're available for GenII.

At 5'7" I'm not as tall as the OP but after trying several shields the Rifle is far and away my favorite. With it raised to the point that I'm just looking over the top the air is still enough to hear engine sounds at highway speeds.

It's actually too effective when it's warm, so I made a template of the bolt pattern and drilled the stock shield to fit the Rifle brackets. The added angle eliminated the buffeting in the full up position and when fully retracted the shield is about 1 1/2" lower than stock, allowing nice smooooothe air that hits about mid-chest.

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+1 on the earplugs. What type are you using?
Plugs are the green foam---'MAX LITE' I believe. Not sure bout the decibal reduction. I've used these for years. I'm open to others. Based on the limited response, angle is the answer? with the Rifle tuning blocks? The Rumble strips? reduce turbulence or noise? Thanks.

Still too loud while wearing earplugs???

I use several pair, and found the softer plugs to be quieter. Infact, it's so quiet that I have trouble hearing bike to bike via Autocom.

Silly question; are you installing the ear plugs correctly? I place mine deep into the canal... almost need pliers to pull them out. Sometimes it's so deep that it creates enough pressure to give me a headache (not good). The point is, if installed correctly, they are very effective. My next purchase will be in-ear plugs/headphones. I understand they are the cats meow.

Wish you the best...

Get custom molded ear plugs. They are much quieter than the foam inserts. I am 6'2" 32" inseam. V-stream works for me.

I know you said you were not a WHINNER OR NANCYBOY but did you ever think you might be a MARY? :D

Over the years I have tried a number of windshield and spacer combinations. I am currently using a Givi +4+2 and a wind deflector from Twisted Throttle (Linky thingy). I just finished a trip to NAFO , 3490 miles with no say the least, I am happy with my experiment. If you go to this thread and look at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 3 you will see some pictures of my bike and the windshield.

I did make my own plexi piece to match the tint of my windshield. The important thing is that it works and I still look over the deflector.

FINALLY, after 4 years of FJR ownership, I have found a workable solution for me. :yahoo:

Still too loud while wearing earplugs???
I use several pair, and found the softer plugs to be quieter. Infact, it's so quiet that I have trouble hearing bike to bike via Autocom.

Silly question; are you installing the ear plugs correctly? I place mine deep into the canal... almost need pliers to pull them out. Sometimes it's so deep that it creates enough pressure to give me a headache (not good). The point is, if installed correctly, they are very effective. My next purchase will be in-ear plugs/headphones. I understand they are the cats meow.

Wish you the best...
Thanks for the reply: I'm wondering is over time( meaning I'm getting older) if my ear canals have widened and the foam just does not insulate as it used to. I'll try some other color and see if the DB's improve. Do not wait, get yourself a pair of in ear headphones. I had some SHURE's that are 6+ years old are they are terrific! Sound quality and wind block are top notch. After I put them in I slowly tune out the world as they conform to my ears. I favor the foam inserts, but there are several options. I do not use them in town however. Just not comfortable in traffic completely deaf. Barry

I am 6'0 with a 31 inch inseam.

I tried the Yamaha tall wind sreen, and a Vstreem, and nether work to quiet down the wind roar.

The Vstreem was not tall enough to get quiet air and it was to hot. It sent two much air to the sides and dose not allow enough air to get around the sides to cool the rider.

I now have a Cal Sci 5.5 and its great. Tall enough for quiet air and not to wide. So it dose not block to much air from around the sides. I get sufficient air around to the sides to help cool me off on hot days.

CalSci XL. I'm 6-1" 32inseam. HJC CL14 or Shoei somethingorother. HJC much quieter. Works for me. Very personal - ymmvavavav.

I probably should have qualified my windshield comments with a few facts.

The windshields and combinations I've tried:


Yamaha Touring windshield (Known as the "AMAHAY")

added "spacers"

Yamaha Touring with Laminar Lip

Cee Baileys +4+3 w/flip

changed spacers to Skyway's

Cee Baileys +4+3, std. contour

CalSci XT

The only windshield that has ever given me the elusive "cone of silence" is the CalSci, HOWEVER, it blocks too much fresh air in the 100+ degree heat I endure in the Summer, hence my continued search.

The current set up allows me to adjust the angle of the windshield and Vario Spoiler still allows fresh air into the cockpit while blocking the wind that buffets my helmet. I am able to ride with no ear plugs and still block the rain I rode through heading to Golden and Telluride.

As Paulie said, YMMV.

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I have tried other shields intermittently but I always go back to my CB +4 high and +3 wider. flip of 5 years. It works the best for me even though I liked the V-Stream but way too big and I felt it put too much pressure on the windshield arms and apparatus. Even before spacers, shorter arms on the bracket, mine is an 03, I aquired a Rifle tuning block someone didn't like. It has worked great for me.

For earplugs, the best "off-the-shelf" ones I have found are these: Howard Leight Max I bought some at a local drug store (either CVS or Walgreens). They are the most comfortable and best noise reducing plugs I've found and I've tried a lot of them. They can also be reused multiple times with some care to keep them clean.

I put them way into my ears. After rolling, I wet them slightly to make sure they slide far into the ear canal before expanding. When you first put them in you will think they are too quiet. After about 20 minutes your hearing threshold will become lower and you will be surprised how well you can still hear things, but you will not mind the wind noise.

The quietest shield I've found is none. Lower the stock shield fully and have it on Rifle tuning blocks to lower it even more. When it rains I raise the shield and my head is still above the buffeting line, but the compressed windstream on my helmet increases the noise some.

Different helmets make more/less/different noise when out in the air stream. The way they fit your head will effect how noisy the helmet is. So a helmet that is quiet on rider X may be noisy on rider Y. It's worth trying a few helmets on while riding if you can talk your LBS into cooperating. Other wise keep buying and selling helmets till you find one that's quiet for you.

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