In the beginning.........

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Jersey City, NJ
Motorcycle 1:1

In the beginning, there was open road, and the roads were used to travel from one place to another, soon humans discovered that roads did not have to be straight and thus the creation of the twisty, yet humans were sad, for the 4 wheeled cages that traveled these roads were fun yet did not speak to the soul... And lo, one day motorcycles were born....... and it was good,

soon many different motorcycles had been created and were ridden over the roads, many different motorcycles, of all shapes and colors, yet still people felt something was missing, until lo one day a team in Japan didth create what would soon be the greatest motorcycle of them all, the toiled and drew, tooling was created and prototypes tested..

Until, they threw their hands up in ecstasy and declared "behold, the Mighty FJR1300 is created" and people rejoiced...

Many people bought these blessed bikes, and ride many miles...and it was good....

One day, a young man in NJ bought his own slice of Moto-Heaven, and he did ride it, and enjoyed it very much until one day (a week after he bought the bike...) he felt a presence and heard a voice roar from the heavens..and it did speak the following words


and he did listen, and soon recieved his first Farkle for the beloved FJR


and it was good, soon more packages were ordered and the man now sits watching packages as tey make their way to him from all parts of the world...

Coming soon, Farkleing 1:2

....and the man's beloved wife did say......"What the...? Another damn box of crap for the motorcycle?". :unsure: ....and the man did thank the Lord for creating sparkly things and other spouse-farkles...

And the wise people of the world didth consult , and realized that if they wishest to continue enjoying their beloved steeds they would need to appease the beloved spouse (or gf/bf whatever) , and all was good,

Yet some few people did have a special stroke of luck bestowed upon them, and those people reached out far and wide across the planet and did join with very special people whom also worshipped the motorcycle and prayed at the Church of the Holy Farkle, and together they were able to farkle more and harder then they ever could apart :)

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Hey, no religious threads!!!!!!! :D

But: Amen!!!

I joined the church when I had money in hand from selling Mom's house after she passed, and went to the wife with the question, "Can I please get a motorcycle, please, huh?" And her reply was, "Will it be one you can take me with?"

Glory Hallelujah!!!! Brethren and cisterns ( :) ) rejoice, the FJR was at hand!!!!

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And Lo, one day did the being known as SlapnPop, starved for FJR Content after the great hacking of 05, cause to be created a new forum, so that people may discuss their beloved Steeds, And Yay did they discuss Tires and Oil and Farlkes and all manner of things....and it was good.

And as the discussions grew, and people smiled and enjoyed talking about their beloved steeds as much as they did riding them, did some few issues arise, and out of the glow of such issues Nay did the beloved admins, consult and discuss (* it is believed by the writers of this thread that there was much alcohol involved during these discussions as there should be, (but never when riding) :) ).

After much deliberation, they did degree the following 10 Commandments...

1. No porn or obvious "Not Work Safe" (NWS) material (though links to it are okay, if labeled NWS).

2. No religious/moral philosophy/political crap. There are countless forums/blogs on the web if you want to delve into these divisive topics. This is a motorcycle forum. That said, political discussions SPECIFICALLY about pending motorcycle legislation, regulation, and laws are allowable.

3. No politically-correct fucktards.

4. No ass-clowns in general.

5. No personal attacks. However, when some asshat desperately needs it for violating Rules 1-4, group dog-piles are perfectly acceptable.

6. Those who are easily offended should proceed with caution. Posts in this forum may or may not contain adult language/themes. No whiney-gash crying about them allowed. Deal with it.

7. Always remember that you are a GUEST in our virtual house. The Admins are your hosts. When you are a guest in someone''s house, don't piss off the hosts. If you do, you'll find your dumb ass on the sidelines, participating in a "read-only" mode for a period of 7 days. Repeat offenders fall under Rule #4, and will be booted permanently. If you try to re-register under another name after you have sent to the corner for a timeout, you are definitely toast.

8. Avatars should represent you in the FJR world and will be business safe. Signatures should be used in a way that does not overwhelm postings. For more detailed information about avatar and signature line acceptability consult this link.

9. is aware of only one legitimate online source for service manuals--that being Yamaha at this link. Promoting piracy by referencing spurious manuals that are too cheap to be legal on eBay or other websites is not allowed. (meaning you can provide evidence it's a bonafide source to an admin if asked) Buy a frickin' $90 manual for your $14K+ motorcycle. This also goes for Yamaha technical bulletins that are copyrighted.

10. There shall be no discussion of Motorcycle Larry or products of or NPT Engineering. Any such posts found will be removed from public view.

And people did follow these decrees, and discussed even more farkles and tyahs and oil, and it was good...... And when some few people of the tribe asshat did attempt to break these commandments, did the forum members commence the holy dogpile :)

(I would hope that this thread is exempt from commandment number 2 as this is intended to be a humorous thread. And a thread for a religion we all worship, The most holy Motorcycle and the church of the Holy Farkle :) LOL :) :D However if the admins feel otherwise I will desist...)

Farkles 2:2

And the man did return to his domicile from the place wherest he would toil all day. and Joy of Joys, more packages were awiating him when he returned...


After giving thanks to the Motorcycle diety, he eagerly opened the boxes to reveal the most holy objects contained within...


Contained within were,

1) The most holy Heli Triple clamp, obtained through much trials and tribulations via the group buy

2) the light of the holy hypers...

3) The most rigthcous OES Frame slidereth :)

And there was much rejoicing.."YaY" :)

Or is that plural for slider and you write with a lisp??? Should be thliderth, then, Rainbow Brite! :p
Verily I say unto you that as punishment for making fun of the writer of this thread, you are hearby sentinced to ride at least 300 miles this weekend :D

Aw, well. Okay.

Actually, I was thinking about staying off the roads this weekend. The loonies are gonna be out, this being a "resort" area. But next week I'm pretty sure I'm going out and about for a while!!!!

Damn :dribble: You got your triiple clamp already. Mine won't show up until Monday. Stuff ships by covered wagon "out west" I'll be waiting by the front gate for the stage coach to arrive.

LOL, I know how you feel, a lot of moto places are on the west coast so I find myself sitting outside waiting for the Pony express too somteims :)
