Interesting Lawsuit Won: State to blame for animals

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You're right, "Only in California".

I'd say there is a good chance this get overturned on appeal, or at least reduced, especially since the rider was a .10 alcohol concentration. :dribble:

Rogers' wife, Kristin Finn, also was awarded $500,000 for "loss of consortium."
Somehow, I doubt his "services" were worth a half a mill. :unsure:

I hear you can get a decent battery operated vibrator for around $20!

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"the jury concluded that wasn't a major factor in the crash."

What?!?! Can I have this jury? "the jury concluded that pulling the trigger wasn't a major factor in the bullet passing through the subject's head"

You can see they're giving him the sympathy vote so that the drunk pantsweasel gets medical care. Which is nice, but still major FAIL anyways.

The pigs are the same problem that moose and forest rats are anywhere else. And I wonder if it was sweet 'lil Bambi instead of ugly 'ol pig, it might have been a different outcome too. I really hope this gets overturned. I really don't want the state getting penalized for putting up warning signs.

Not arguing this one way or another, but noting a few issues.

Loss of consortium isn't just loss of sexual services. A skilled plaintiff's attorney will demonstrate the difference from being a fully functioning normal couple, complete with a normal sex life to what she might be afterwards: a full time nurse maid who has to wipe his butt every time he takes a dump.

Hard to say what will happen on appeal relying on facts recited in a news article. But I'd bet that there was a distinction made between normal forest rat and boar situations and this one. Most probably, the plaintiffs demonstrated to the jury that the state's revegetation project was like putting a salt lick and deer smorgasbord next to a busy highway, and that without the boar smorgasbord, the natural occurrence of pigs on that stretch was few or no pigs. Just a guess, and again, I'm not saying the result was reasonable -- juries can be unpredictable AND unreasonable, but I'm betting there was more to it than what it sounded like the first time I read it.

Sounds like the state could have avoided the liability altogether by putting up the "Pig Crossing" sign in the first place. I wonder which bean-counter decided they didn't need to and "saved" the cost of putting up the sign. Serves 'em right....
