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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Hi All:

While I am new to this forum, I hope you’ll indulge the wanderings of my mind as I’ve found myself reflecting, given the events of past week or so and beyond that as well.

I’ve been thinking of the amazement of the kindred spirit that runs throughout our motorcycle communities, regardless of location, age, race, gender, or brand (well, most of the time on that last one... ;) ). The spirit that makes people that have never met reach out to one another in crisis... the one that allows us to touch each other’s lives from near or far, in good times and in bad... the one that allows us to laugh and cry... to share the joy of the adventures of what we see and feel and hear that so many don’t understand.

This holiday, I put it to each of you... take a moment and take stock of what is truly important... not the “things” but the people and the smiles and the joys and the sorrows that you share... remember all the good times had with people here and people gone but not forgotten... celebrate those memories and moments because that, at least for me, is what Thanksgiving is all about.

And if you can’t find anything, reach out and ask someone to help you to find something... and if you’re that person who someone reaches out to, take a moment and give back... it can be as simple as telling someone a joke and making them laugh, watching a sunset, or just sitting in silence... “pay it forward” is my motto (watch the movie sometime if you haven’t already and you’ll understand).

Some of you I know, some I may meet, and some maybe our paths will never cross... but I wish you all peace in your hearts and healing in your souls and the joy of another day.

Thanks for that. It is a common ideal that has been woven by the members here and has been joined by our brothers and sisters from other sites. It was quite amazing to watch the members of the forum help one another through difficult times at the Memorial. I know there has been a lot of PM traffic and many telephone calls.

One thing I've said before and will repeat under this thread title. We who knew Andrew have a great priviledge to be a bit more like he in touching and helping others. His are huge shoes to fill, but as a collective, we can help fill the void where Andrew once stood. He cast a rather large shadow.

To concur with Tyler, over the holidays, hug your wife-unit or S.O. and really mean it. Love on your children and your extended family. Don't let the days pass that you will look back on and think, "I wish I'd have told them I loved them." Don't let anyone pass through your life where you miss the opportunity to tell them what they mean to you (Even your riding buddies....perhaps only mine are special?!?!). In the will be worth it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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At first glance one might assume that this place has changed in the past couple of weeks. I prefer to think of it as growth rather than change. Too often 'change' has negative connotations. I can't recall growth ever being portrayed in a negative way.

I think that many of us have come to realize what a great place this is. What great folks we have here. I mean, we all KNEW it in some little way, but this unfortunate event seems to have really put it front and center.

Everything happens for a reason. (I know this to be true because my Grandma used to tell me so.)

Still amazed by this community (the FJR community, the sport-touring community, the motorcycling community).

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At first glance one might assume that this place has changed in the past couple of weeks. I prefer to think of it as growth rather than change.
I believe this site and the people here have always been this way. There has never been a need to express it in such a way as has been this week. I'm reminded of how the forum reached out to Galaxy Blue last year. Perhaps the NorCal group is different, but I'd rather not compare nor believe that. Those I ride with on a regular basis have always had the characterstics being spoke of on this thread. Motorcyclists share a passion for riding and enjoying the ride and seem to congregate with like-minded others. Maybe those who tour and ride the miles most of us do have a closer affinity which explains why the easy "cross-over" between us, Pashnit and ST.n.

I remember how impressed my 80 yr. old mother/caretaker was with the FJR owners who came to visit while I was in the hospital and at home after I was injured on the KLR in August. She was really awestruck with the cards, visits and phone calls from (her phrase) "my riding buddies". She said that these aren't just riding friends, but "real friends", and she still asks about them, by name, when she calls from L.A. That's the way I feel about this site, though we are miles apart, we are real friends who really care.

We are a community, a "family". Like what Andrew said, "I only have great friends. Any other kind is a waste of time." Thanks, Andrew! You caused us to show our true colors.

With that thought in mind, I made myself a promise and challenge to not let the moment pass this Thanksgiving without telling those who've touched me how important they are....and you guys have all made me thankful

I also challenged myself to tell those I genuinely care about how I feel and to not let that opportunity pass...and again, thanks NrCal riders. You have helped and encouraged me to heal and ride again more than you can ever know. :lame group hug smiley:

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That's a good message, Tyler.

I've worked hard to keep that concept in the frontal lobe. I've been trying to exchange pleasantries with relative strangers, and respond, meaningfully, when they come my way. Sometimes it seems like a lot of work, until the rewards of such behavior start to become apparent. Throwing a few smiles out there usually results in a lot more than you threw coming back in the other direction.

That's really what I like about dog-pile Friday. All you have to do is cause a little bit of trouble and, man, you're rewarded with way more dogs than you could ever heap on yourself. I love this place.

I do think I'll reach out this Thanksgiving... SLAP the living snot out of the teen son's hand as he tries to dig out more turkey!

Just kiddin witcha. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the message Tyler, a very good reminder.

Motorcyclists share a passion for riding and enjoying the ride and seem to congregate with like-minded others. Maybe those who tour and ride the miles most of us do have a closer affinity which explains why the easy "cross-over" between us, Pashnit and ST.n.
This is so true. For example, it's 30 degrees or threatening rain, and I ride. My wife and other non-riders say "Are you Crazy?! The folks in here say "So what?"
Hi All:
Some of you I know, some I may meet, and some maybe our paths will never cross... but I wish you all peace in your hearts and healing in your souls and the joy of another day.
I also wish for my Forum sisters and brothers a happy, safe, and RESTFUL holiday weekend. You really are a GREAT bunch of ladies and gentlemen. Phil

Hi Tyler, it's great to see ya over here. I appreciate your thoughts and observations and have felt the same kinda things lately. Best wishes to y'all and yours this Holiday Season. Let's create a cross forum ride sometime soon...a Pashnit/SBR/FJR sorta thing maybe? From having ridden with folks on all 3 forums, I can say we are all bro's and sis's in spirit, and while we cover a diverse range of bikes and styles, when the chips are down, we are One...

Welcome to the board Tyler.

Thanks for the introspect. All to often we let things slip from our conciousness. it is nice to briing them back to the forefront.

Hi Tyler, it's great to see ya over here. I appreciate your thoughts and observations and have felt the same kinda things lately. Best wishes to y'all and yours this Holiday Season. Let's create a cross forum ride sometime soon...a Pashnit/SBR/FJR sorta thing maybe? From having ridden with folks on all 3 forums, I can say we are all bro's and sis's in spirit, and while we cover a diverse range of bikes and styles, when the chips are down, we are One...
Hi John!! :yu: That sounds like a grand idea... let's see if we can't make that happen soon.

Gotta say, you guys got some interesting smileys over here... :dinamo: :crazy: :jester: :tease:

Gotta say, you guys got some interesting smileys over here... :dinamo: :crazy: :jester: :tease:

You found my two portraits: :crazy: & :tease:

As you can see, in those portrayals, I am in "full introspection" mode!

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I have been thinking of starting a thread about the difference between UK and American people...I never fail to be struck by the genuineness and friendlyness on this forum.......once Iam over the language barrier of course!

Happy thanksgiving out in the colonies folks....From the you need anything by the way?

Thanks for this thread, Tyler.

I have recently ran across a video (and from all places, the Blackbird forum) that has REALLY driven home the issues and concepts being discussed here. Going through rough times makes us forget to think about the good in our lives.

This video is particularly germane to dealing what we have been dealing with here for almost 2 weeks now.

After I watched it.... I can now see how easy it is to forget the Good Things in life when facing Bad Things in life.

Yeah, okay, it's a clip from the Oprah website, but it's worth wading thru the ads, etc to watch what this guy has to say.

Watch the video. You'll see what I mean.

Click on "Watch Randy's famous Last Lecture" toward the middle of the page.

tell them what they mean to you (Even your riding buddies....perhaps only mine are special?!?!). In the will be worth it.
Hey Scab, JWilly, Et. Al. :****:

Happy thanksgiving out in the colonies folks....From the you need anything by the way?
Can you tell me where all the Indians went? :rolleyes:

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Watch the video. You'll see what I mean. on "Watch Randy's famous Last Lecture" toward the middle of the page.
I have actually seen this before... he is an amazing person and most inspiring! :D
He says. "I like to think that I have helped a lot of other people—and that's the best definition I know of time well spent."

You found my two portraits: :crazy: & :tease:As you can see, in those portrayals, I am in "full introspection" mode!
With a screen name like MadMike, I am not surprised... ;)
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I for one still look for Ovales responses, and get a little tingle when looking through older, longer threads still being responded to and see his instantly recognizable avatar when bopping through. Will for a while, I imagine. I still shuffle my feet at home so I don't step on Lia laying in the dark, waiting to trap me somehow. I even still think of Andy Sonju, whenever I am behind a Mack truck on the highway, the exhaust of which smells exactly like that of an M60 tank in convoy. Guess I'm thinking more of the ghosts that surround me than of introspection, but, I'm not that far off I guess.


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