ipod mounting hardware

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Active member
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA
I know mounting brackets seem to be a pretty common topic here but I haven't seen anything exactly for a Apple Ipod. Anybody know of hardware I can fix this too? Thanks.

Just a warning. I tried the Ram mount for an Ipod (RAM-B-138-AP1U). Vibration locked the Ipod up every time within 5 minutes. I tried cushioning it with a piece of rubber between the Ipod and the bracket...no luck. I had to put the Ipod back in my pocket.

If you haven't already bought the Ipod you may want to consider the Nano...no hard drive.

I use white Radio Shack dual lock and attach mine to the top of the tank bag. Good view, and useability, as well as quik removal.

FWIW, YMMV, Etc....

My Nano works great. No problems with vibrations or access to it. Of course I'm still sitting on the empty floor-space where my '06 will park someday... :D

I'd like to know what type of headphones you all use with your iPods? I've got a Shoei RF1000 and an Arai Quantum and am looking for phones that might work without any fuss or padding removal.

Thankx for any info.

I'd like to know what type of headphones you all use with your iPods? I've got a Shoei RF1000 and an Arai Quantum and am looking for phones that might work without any fuss or padding removal.
Thankx for any info.
I use these Etymotic

I have a RF 900 helmet and use the foam tips. They are a little spendy but if you search they can be found for around $80. I find the Etymotic is far more comfortable than other in the ear speakers. They also serve very well the block noise. I would say they are just as effective as regular ear plugs.

I use custom molded (for my ears) earplugs with high end speakers. Spendy, but well worth it IMO. I use a Shoei RF1K, and there's no trimming of foam or the like.

A friend from my BMW world makes the earplug/speakers and does great work. They typically last 3-5 years. Block out (roughly) 95% of wind noise, and deliver killer high end tunes right to my melon.

Pics later. I'm at work with no cam.

Like Randy said: Go the remote control way...

I've had minis and regular iPod's lock up on me: that's one reason,

but the best reason -for me- is that if I have the iPod in my jacket

pocket, then the only thing I'm leaving at the bike is the remote (which nobody

cares about since it is useless without the receiver) in case I forget.



I'd like to know what type of headphones you all use with your iPods? I've got a Shoei RF1000 and an Arai Quantum and am looking for phones that might work without any fuss or padding removal.
Thankx for any info.
+1 for the Etymotic

I'd like to know what type of headphones you all use with your iPods? I've got a Shoei RF1000 and an Arai Quantum and am looking for phones that might work without any fuss or padding removal.
Thankx for any info.
I use these Etymotic

I have a RF 900 helmet and use the foam tips. They are a little spendy but if you search they can be found for around $80. I find the Etymotic is far more comfortable than other in the ear speakers. They also serve very well the block noise. I would say they are just as effective as regular ear plugs.
Thanks for the URL. Is there any pain from helmet pressure? If not, they sound perfect for my needs. Now, where do you find them for $80.00...?

Etyomics come in different types.

I use ER6s and, if anyone can find me a new pair for $80 please let me know,

cause I paid $120 for each of mine.


Custom built for your ears. Phenominal sound! I ordered a pair 5 years ago and since that time I have used mine almost on a daily basis while working out.

For my money it has to rank up there with my all time best purchases.

The guy selling them is extremely easy to work with. I jerked the cord out of one a year after buying it and he fixed it for free.

What ever you buy music adds a whole new dimension to riding

Good Luck

Sanders in Mn
