Iron Butt Rally

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="OX-34" data-cid="1098566" data-time="1380886095"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Specter" data-cid="1098559" data-time="1380862770"><p>The downsides........ Cost. $1800 entry fee, hotel bills, lots of fuel. I don't count bike prep, gear or food, as they are something I do anyway. I actually haven't totaled up the cost but its probably about $6k for the rally. I ran over 15k miles with travel to and from.<br />

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If you can handle the time and cost - definitely apply.</p></blockquote>

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I'm not from round these parts. My all up cost for the IBR was US$60,0000<br />

<br />

Would I do it again - oh yeah.</p></blockquote>

If you go Darkside with a car tire, that will save you some $$$... :)


I hope you can come to a good decision on whether to apply or not for the 2015 IBR. I hope you do apply. You had some great wisdom from Wendy.Here are my responses.

How many times have you applied? - I have applied 4 times ( 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 )

How many times have you been selected ? - Been selected 3 times ( not selected in 2007. Paid and dropped out in 2011 due to life )

For multi IBR riders :

What was the 2nd time like? - It was hard and a lot of pressure, pressure I put on myself as Wendy said. I do this for fun but I am competitive and not easily satisfied with my results especially if I feel I should have done better. I like to push myself farther and harder when possible.

Why did you decide for/against a 2nd IBR? - I had some mechanical issues in 2009 and some bad routing mistakes in leg 2 and I was not satisfied with my 2009 finish. Even with my 2009 37th place finish I still had a great time and really could not wait for the next one.

Does the pressure decrease with experience? - I think that depends on how hard you plan, prepare and want to do well. It did for me as I am a planner and I new pretty much everything that was expected of me during the rally.

Do you regret only running 1 IBR? - Ran 2 so far, no regrets!

Do you regret running a 2nd IBR? - No, and you won't either.

Were your goals different the 2nd time riding? - Yes, I expected to do better than my first IBR and I put the pressure on me to finish in the top 10.

Tony, there are not many opportunities left in the world to push yourself and test your abilities. Also where are you going to meet such great people!

And yes, I plan to apply for 2015. I just traded my 2012 wing with 96,000 miles on it for a new one that I am setting up now. I am also putting it on a diet and trying to lose 60 pounds.

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I would love to do a 2nd. Unfortunately it's entirely too much of a financial and family impact so 2003 truly was a once-in-a-lifetime event for me. It took me about 5 or so years to recover from it the first time. Now I'm retired and my fixed income isn't what it used to be when I was working and getting bonuses. As small as most of those were, they pretty much funded my rallying and solo cert rides.

In 2003, I was about 18 months post-surgery for 3 fused cervical vertebra. We weren't sure if I'd ever ride again after the surgery. Just completing (against searing spinal pain that started on leg 2 and only got worse) was my sense of accomplishment. That was also the year some assholes started yammering about "checkpoint charlies"... **** 'em all.

What was the question? Oh yeah... I'd love to do it again and see if I could make different mistakes. ;)

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there are not many opportunities left in the world to push yourself and test your abilities. Also where are you going to meet such great people!
And yes, I plan to apply for 2015. I just traded my 2012 wing with 96,000 miles on it for a new one that I am setting up now. I am also putting it on a diet and trying to lose 60 pounds.
Greg, Thanks for the sharing !

I do get quite a bit of satisfaction from my Long Cert. rides, but like you said about meeting great people. I remember the parking lot in Pittsburgh prior to the

start of the rally. I am looking around at all the great riders thinking "I really made a mistake, I am not in the same class as these riders" It was a very special

feeling knowing that no matter how things turned out, I rode with the best riders in the world!

I really liked your '12 Wing, dying to see the new one... Color? Dark side I am sure

When I read your "on a diet and trying to lose 60 pounds" on my iPhone , I was thinking "He doesn't have 60 pounds to lose" Now I see you were meaning the bike.

I would love to do a 2nd. Unfortunately it's entirely too much of a financial and family impact so 2003 truly was a once-in-a-lifetime event for me. It took me about 5 or so years to recover from it the first time. Now I'm retired and my fixed income isn't what it used to be when I was working and getting bonuses. As small as most of those were, they pretty much funded my rallying and solo cert rides.
I was hoping you would post. Your story closely parallels my situation. I have had 2 compression fractures (1 in a cycle mishap) The pain I go through when I ride is extreme.

Before this years IBR I got a shot and it really helped. IF I ran in the 15 IBR, I would most likely have to work 2 additional years to get caught up with the bills. A big factor for me

in a decision is how my wife feels about it- I will NOT ride another IBR wondering if I was returning home to a vacant house. It kind of sucked mentally to say the least.


I am a bit late responding to this. You already have some excellent incite from some of the best LD riders around.

How many times have you applied?

Two times: 2011 and 2013

How many times have you been selected ? (Even if you opted out)

Two times: 2011 and 2013. I finished the IB5000 in 2010 which gave me a no draw entry into the 2011. I considered myself fortunate to have been selected to participate in the 2010 IB5000.

For multi IBR riders :

What was the 2nd time like?

I was much more relaxed the 2nd time. The entire experience became more enjoyable and less stressful. Like most others, my goal was to better my performance my 2nd time around. This did lead to a tougher physical ride for me than the first time. Mentally, I did much better my second time around. All the little things did not stress me out like they did the first time.

Why did you decide for/against a 2nd IBR?

I knew immediately after completing my first that I would be applying for my 2nd. For me the IBR is one the most rewarding adventures I have ever done.

Does the pressure decrease with experience? (Check points were miserable for me)

For me the stress decreased. I still placed the same level of pressure on myself to perform. Checkpoints were easier the 2nd time around as you know the routine and the expectation/standards applied at the scoring table.

Do you regret running a 2nd IBR?

No. The experience was even better than my first. It was incredible reconnecting with old friends and seeing different parts of the USA/Canada.

Were your goals different the 2nd time riding?

Yes. The first time I wanted to finish and do as well as I could. The second time I was trying to better my 18th position in 2011. I was very happy with my 11th position in 2013 considering how much fun I had.

I hope all works out for you Tony and you decide to run a second time.

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