Irremediable Front End Wobble

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Paul Barnard

Active member
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
Slidell, LA
I bought my FJR about a year and a half ago. It is an 06 and had about 3000 miles on it. The front tire had an irregular wear pattern, the front end clunked under braking and over some bumps, the steering head was loose and it had a distinct wobble between 40-50 MPH. I took the bike to the dealer where the steering head bearings and front tire were replaced. I took a demo ride and detected the same wobble. Took it right back where the "mechanic" checled and retorqued a few things. Still had the wobble. I rode it for a few weeks before the steering head worked loose again. Took it back for a retourque. Front end wobble was still noticeable. I rode the bike out west and notice the same uneven wear pattern developing. I also found that the axle pinch bolts were loose. I tightened those. Still had front end wobble. I checked the steering head by raising the front wheel and giving it a sharp tug. It was tight.

Now the bike has 12.5K miles on it. I took it in yesterday to have both tires replaced...this time at a trusted shop. Rode the bike away and noticed the wobble. Took it back. The mechanic/owner looked things over. He noticed that the left fork was slightly lower than the right. We fixed that. He checked the steering head by raising the front wheel and giving it a sharp tug. It was tight. I watched him balance the tire. It took a good bit of weight.

The wobble didn't go away. On my ride home at 70 MPH, I looked down the fork legs. The right fork reflector was shaking and the left one was steady. At the same speeds, objects in my right mirror were vibrating and blurry, my left was steady. I can sit on the bike and rock back and forth with my front brake engaged and hear a clunking sound.

I am NOT at all mechanically inclined. I could spend a LOT of money having mechanics chase this problem. I am looking for ideas as to what I could easily check on my own, or places where a competent mechanic should start. I would prefer not to wear out another tire prematurely. The character of the wobble is such that at highway speeds, it numbs my hands...mainly my right. Also, if I let go of the bars, I get a pronounced oscillation as my speeds fall from the lower 50's to the lower 40's.

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few questions

1- What was the original tire?

2- What did you replace it with?

3- Did you install a tapered bearing? (preferred if replacing)

4- Do you ride with a top case?

Some have the wobble when decelerating around 40mph. Factors I find contribute to this are......

Tire (improper inflation and balance)

Tire (type and amount of wear - wobble worsens as tire wears) Worst one I had was an Avon Azzaro

Suspension settings

Top case (I find it contributes to a wobble if loaded. perhaps wind resistance/COG change?)

Others may have more input

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few questions

1- What was the original tire?

2- What did you replace it with?

3- Did you install a tapered bearing? (preferred if replacing)

4- Do you ride with a top case?

Some have the wobble when decelerating around 40mph. Factors I find contribute to this are......

Tire (improper inflation and balance)

Tire (type and amount of wear - wobble worsens as tire wears) Worst one I had was an Avon Azzaro

Suspension settings

Top case (I find it contributes to a wobble if loaded. perhaps wind resistance/COG change?)

Others may have more input
The original front tire was the OEM tire. Can't recall. The second was a PP2. The new one is a Shinko Raven. I have tried various pressures up to max.

The original bearings were replaced with taper bearings.

The wobble is the same with or without top and side cases.

Any suggestions on suspension settings? I weigh 170 (probably 180 with gear) and ride solo with all cases on and at least partially loaded.

Sounds like no oil in right fork tube or bad/broken spring. Pull the tubes.

That sounds like a logical assessment. At 5 years old, I imagine the fork oil is due for a change anyway. Do you have any idea how much springs cost and what a good source of supply is?

Sounds like no oil in right fork tube or bad/broken spring. Pull the tubes.

That sounds like a logical assessment. At 5 years old, I imagine the fork oil is due for a change anyway. Do you have any idea how much springs cost and what a good source of supply is?
I bought RaceTech springs...$100...called them, gave them asked for info on my weight and riding habits and they shipped them to my mechanic

guy I talked to was Dave I believe

fork springs for sport touring at

This is when it would be good to have a donor bike to swap out forks and wheels temporarily and see if that changes anything.

Barring that, I'd say it's time to service the forks.

Something to consider is that a problem with the rear of the bike can feed inputs to the front.

Training Pilot has done an exceptional job of trying to analyze this issue, i can tell you this, you have looked at this in every logical fashion as i have... i have a 2010, bought it brand new this past March of 2011...i can tell you that i did not notice any issue except for some front tire noise when on certain pavements at certain speeds for the first couple of the time i had 1500 miles on the bt021, i noticed terrible tire deforming that i have never seen on any bikel and i have had 9 in the last 3 sought of crowned and was squigley and the bike was not as crisp in handling any longer and then that dreadful day that has led me here when i was riding on a country road and raised my hand slightly off the handle bars and the wobble was continued till 4k miles when i changed the tire to a brand new shinko raven which i happen to have in stock for another bike i had gotten rid of...verified that it was compatible w/the FJR so had it installed....wobble still there... now 5678 miles on the shinko raven, there is no visible wear or deforming at all on the shinko, but now the wobble is so bad that you can feel it at about 45 all the way to 55 MPH even with steady throttle or during accelerating as well as is driving me crazy...i have screwed w/the suspension settings, added dyna beads, readjusted the axle and re-torqued the 4 pinch bolts in the order indicated in the manual, pulled up on the forks when raised looking for play in the head bearing.....what the hell is it??? i can't believe that no one who has had this issue has never come back and said the problem was solved by the dealer or anyone else....but this is what i plan on doing...i will remove the front wheel remove the tire, remove the dyna beads, re-install the tire and balance it myself as perfect as i and take it for a ride....if the issue still exists, i will change the rear tire to the matching shinko ravin as it is due now as it is squared off and worn to the wear indicator, balance and re-install....go for a ride, if the wobble still exists, i will bring the bike to a dealer, i don't trust any of them but try and find one that has the best feedback....if they come back w/all the lame excuses that all these FJR owners except as remedies, i will trade the bike for a Kawasaki Concours 14. I refuse to operate a machine that has a sloppy wobble and just have to live with it, thats ridicules to the MAX!

I know this is going to sound silly. You may have already done this or maybe your dealer has. I recommend you pull the axles (front and back) and check that they are not bent (roll on piece of glass, etc.). It would not take much of a bend in an axle to throw things off. Once thrown off that wheel geometry is going to make up the difference somewhere (one fork tube higher than the other, bent rim, uneven tire wear, etc.). Just an idea. Good luck getting this resolved.

I'm not sure which is stranger...

An '06 with only 3k miles yet has worn out steering bearings, misaligned fork tubes, visibly worn front tire and steering bearings that work themselves loose,


That you've corrected all these issues plus new tires and re-balancing and apparently none of it has made made any difference at all!

Does the amount of hand pressure on the bars effect the wobble? Does it occur regardless of pressure or only under very light grip?

I mounted a shinko tire for a friend. That tire is a shit tire. Took a ton of weight to balance.

I bought my FJR about a year and a half ago. It is an 06 and had about 3000 miles on it. ...a distinct wobble between 40-50 MPH.

The wobble didn't go away.

I could spend a LOT of money having mechanics chase this problem.

I am looking for ideas...
i have a 2010, bought it brand new this past March of 2011...the wobble is so bad that you can feel it at about 45 all the way to 55 MPH even with steady throttle or during accelerating as well as is driving me crazy...

if the wobble still exists, i will bring the bike to a dealer, i don't trust any of them but try and find one that has the best feedback....if they come back w/all the lame excuses that all these FJR owners except (accept?) as remedies, i will trade the bike for a Kawasaki Concours 14.

I refuse to operate a machine that has a sloppy wobble and just have to live with it, thats ridicules to the MAX!
I'm not sure which is stranger...An '06 with only 3k miles yet has worn out steering bearings, misaligned fork tubes, visibly worn front tire and steering bearings that work themselves loose,


That you've corrected all these issues plus new tires and re-balancing and apparently none of it has made made any difference at all!
If the problem is, in fact, "Irremediable"? -- then, one must question the history of the bike.

Maybe?, look into the first 4 years and 3K miles -- maybe there's a clue there...?

Maybe find a big/competent shop (PRO YAMAHA, 5-Star Certified Service) that can assess the chassis alignment/frame straightness, etc.? :unsure:

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