Is a new 06 worth $4k more than an 05 with low milage

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My local dealer offered retail and only a hint of a small price discount. I had searched ebay for a couple of months and eventually found a dealer in MN who was willing to box and ship a brand new one for 12,800. I got him to put it down on paper. I strolled over to my local dealer, with paper in pocket, and sat on one. Andy the salesguy strolled over with a big smile, as usual, and I told him my intent to buy the same bike from guys in MN. I showed him my paper and offered him the same deal, otherwise that bike in the midwest would be mine. 5 minutes later he matched the price.
I would have rode in on the one from MN and showed it off to Andy and the sales manager, bragged about the great price I got (without actually disclosing the number) after they refused to deal, and rode off, never to be seen again.

But that's just how I roll....

With our economy and stock market tanking lower and lower each day and interest on home equity lines and gas prices skyrocketing, the dealers of these fine toys are getting a bit nervous. Many here in South Florida are willing to sell these toys BELOW the invoice price simply because toys are not selling at this time and room must be made for the 2008 models. Most of these show room bikes are floor planned which means the dealers actually loose money on them each day they remain unsold. Any reasonable offer is likely not going to be refused. I keep going by the dealers and they have the same bikes sitting on the show room floor day after day. It is a buyers market now so get in there and make the Dealer an offer he can't refuse.

My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.
He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?
I bought my 07 AE for $13,200. The same Dealer I bought from in Winter Park Florida has 07's advertised on E Bay for $12,900. He MAY take a less. They are good guys to deal with.

IMO, the GenI bikes are worth zero.

The 123,000 miles I have put on my 04 FJRs were absolutely the biggest waste of time. Good grief, what was I thinking?

And I must be 'well done' without even realizing it, as most of those miles have been put on in the desert southwest. 'Course there are those that would say the bazillion brain cells I surely must have fried by now makes a certain amount of sense and explains a few things.
;) :)

I agree, the heat on my 05 is bad - sometimes.....haven't done the heatshield mod - yet. Glad I'm not a guy...."Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....."

I'm very pleased with my non-ticker, non-ABS GEN-1!...less BS to break. I recommend getting whatever your butt and wallet are happiest with.

QUOTE(Dan23 @ Aug 11 2007, 05:59 AM)

IMO, the GenI bikes are worth zero.

Can a forum member ever ask for an educated opinion? Sure we all have 05's faster than your 06...and all, but jeez....some of you guys really go overboard with your attiude toward GEN1. :dribble:

Here's to anyone who'd rather not be caged up, who prefers 2 wheels insted of 4....... :drinks:

I love my 05 and have never had a heat problem. My 25000 miles have been pure heaven and I have no desire to buy an 07. Will start looking in 2010 or 2011 for its replacement if needed. If you are in it for the long ternm go for the 07 if you upgrade a lot go with the 05.


The "heat issue" had me in a panic before I bought my '05...and for no reason. The "heat" doesn't bother me at all and I'm glad I ignored the whining about heat on this forum or I wouldnt have such a spectacular bike today!!

The other piece of the puzzle I should have shared is that I'm trading in an 05 V-Rod. They'd probably trade near even for the 05 FJR but I feel like I lose value in that situation. My plan was to throw a little cash at the dealer and make a play for the new 06AE.

Thanks for all of the replies and insight. They've given me a lot to think about.

Folks who own the 06/07 models are going to tend to exaggerate the improvements, and those with the earlier models are going to minimize the changes. It's just folks reinforcing their own choices and toot'in their own horn.

If you think the heat issue is going to be a problem for you, absolutely, no question, get the new one. (The key things that seem to separate the heat complainers from the heat tolerators are whether you ride in regular pants vs. leathers/suits and whether you live in a climate that regularly gets above 90 or so.) If not and you can get a good discount, nothing wrong with the earlier model and in some ways (instruments, driveability), it's a bit better. You can't go wrong either way.

To set my prejudices, I own an 05. The improvements are not enough (yet) to get me to trade. Honestly, if I were buying new today, I'd probably get the C14. I'll drive mine for a couple years and see what's going on with the segment. We've now got four mfg's all prioducing GREAT sport-touring bikes and there isn't a dog in the bunch. I wouldn't be surprised if Suzuki steps in shortly too with something based on the new Busa and going for the ultimate aero package and this could be a great bike too.

- Mark

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My '03, purchased in Feb. '03 with 1,300 miles at $9,000, was acquired with the intention of keeping it 10 years. Have almost five under my belt and 37,000 miles. Everything is a compromise: in Montana, we'd be selling the Gen I boasting about "the heat feature": "Yeah, you can ride it when it's 40 degree in October and you still keep the 'boys' warm! Nice! No extra charge." When I get around to upgrading, I'll be looking at Gen III or maybe IV.

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Depends on where you live and predominantly ride. If you live in a HOT and especially HUMID climate, then the Gen-II bikes are worth every penny. If I lived in an area where it rarely gets above 85F, then I'd still own my 05.

Nuf said IMHO.

I put quite a bit of decision weight on the numbers. So for me, Gen 1 is the correct option. The heat has not been an issue for me, and I ride in NE Texas. It's hot here. Looking at 103 or 104 today. I rode back from Nashville, TN on Saturday, and it was over 100 the whole way. That's degrees Farenheit, not MPH.

The Gen 1 bikes weigh less, so advantage Gen 1. I don't like linked brakes, so advantage Gen 1. The hard bags are tucked in tighter on the Gen 2 bikes. Advantage Gen 2. Heat is diverted better on the Gen2 , but I don't have a heat problem on my Gen 1, so that's a draw.

Besides, I've got my Gen 1 farkled to almost exactly where I want it. Game, Set, and Match to MY Gen 1.

If I didn't have the '05 FJR, I'd be throwing down on the new '08 'busa. Hell, yes! Some risers, an auto oiler, and some soft luggage, a pipe and a power commander, and all you'd see would be taillights, quickly receeding into the distance. :yahoo:

I thought I'd add my 2 cents and give you a few things to consider...

I can make a guess why the '05 you're considering has low mileage... HEAT! I owned an '05/ABS since April 2005. Make no mistake, it was a nice bike. I really liked it, with one exception - it could be a nightmare to drive on warm days, or even moderately warm days. And God forbid you get caught in a traffic jam on a really hot day, riding two up - you WILL cook. I remember several times I couldn't wait to get home, just to get off the thing! I found myself only driving my FJR on days with lower temps and humidity. Unfortunately here in northern Virginia, summer time typically means heat and high humidity levels. So my FJR didn't rack up many miles. I also own an '05 Suzuki Hayabusa and it is much cooler to drive than my '05 FJR. Anytime the temps were above 85 and the humidity was high, my FJR sat in the garage collecting dust.

Just last week I traded my '05 FJR in on an '07 (A model). I made the trade for only one reason, the heat issue with my '05.

The dealer gave me $8,300 for my '05, and sold me a new '07 for $12,700. No doubt I could have made a bit more selling my '05 outright, but I didn't want to hassle with selling it myself.

IMO, unless you live in a state near the Canadian boarder, (or just enjoy oven-like heat cookin' your bod), I'd forget buying the low mileage '05. Also forget about the higher mileage '06 too. I recommend just continuing to look around. You have a couple of things weighing in your favor... one, the '08's will be on the showroom floors soon. And two, the colder weather is right around the corner. Both of these things will push the prices of the '06's and '07's down very soon.

By the way, the '07's (and probably the '06's?), have a few nice bells and whistles that the '05 doesn't have; such as a gear indicator, mileage indicator, and adjustable bars and seat. But best of all, the newer models are COOLER. With my '07 I still feel a bit of heat on my ankles, but it's very tolerable, and hands down cooler than my '05. Thank you Yamaha!

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I was REALLY worried about the heat before I bought my almost new '05 in late '06. The wife would absolutely not go for a new GenII and I didnt want to press my luck with one bike already in the garage and a newborn...there, my decision to buy a GenI was an easy one. That said, the heat isnt that bad on the 2005 (IMO)....I guess it's like the ticker issue in that it affeects some people more than others.

I am sure the GenII is a fine bike but any bike with two wheels is fun to ride, even a rebel 250.....don't sweat it and enjoy whatever you get.

My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.
He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?

Hi there jrs7,

Here's my experience. . . I bought my '06 AE in Jan/Feb of this year from Thiels Wheels in Upper Sandusky OH. The asking price new was $9995. By the time I paid taxes, bought the extended warranty, top trunk and out the door was $12900. That was a great deal at the time and tho I didn't need another bike, I couldn't turn it down since I thought I'd like the fj AE and I wanted some more power over the Valk and v-strom. Anyway, I had to put the Cee Bailey +4+2 on and that was a wonderful improvement for wind. As for the Electric shift, I really like it. However it does take some to get used to. I'm missing the thumb and index on left hand so it works pretty well for me. Also, I was only interested in the '06 model because of the heat factor and I think that's the only way to go. As for the bike in general, I don't know what you're used to but it is one sweet machine. So good luck and as for me, I'd shop around, there's some good deals out there.

My dealer just took in on trade a 2005 ABS model with only about 1800 miles on it. Asking price is around $9,400.
He also has a brand new 2006 AE model on the showroom floor. They supposedly have marked this down to about $13,400.

My gut tells me that a 2006 sitting on the showroom floor in August of 2007 should be priced a little lower. What do you guys think?

If they won't budge on the price. I'm probably going for the 2005, and save about $4K.

Any thoughts?
I think that the 2005 is the better deal....I just picked up a used 2004 with considerably more miles on than the one that you're talking about and got it in the low 8's. It looks like it just rolled off the showroom and the service records bear that out. I dont think that the heat is that bad. It's noticeable, but I had a 2003 Triumph Sprint ST that put out more heat than the FJR. You might be able to get the 2005 for a little less, but it seems like a great price for a great bike that's barely broken in. Good luck


The 05 that I bought at the end of June sucks so much, that the more I ride it, the more I love it.

After my WV trip, I have decided that 3rd gear on twisty mountain roads is beautiful thing!

I paid $9800 for it with quite a few farkles thrown in.

