Zackly whut korshen didja wanna ask thet kudent bee anserred by summon? Summa usn's er hear to hep. Uh korse, Eye awreddy maked en anser tuh RoadRunner's postin'....You know what. Maybe just maybe someone "NEW" to this forum would have something to add to the discussion, and that would "NOT" be found in the old topics in the search. You guys think you have covered everything so well that no one can add to your comments? WTF? You don't like people asking questions you've seen here before, then ban us "tards" from your stinking forum! Or mind you own business, and let us ask what we want to, and stay out of it! :angry2: You know it alls make me want to puke!
DITTO !!! :glare: except the want to puke part... :blink:
Butt, et were a purdy interstin weak en summa the korshens, like:
Whut kinely air does y'all puts enta yer tars? (Eye yews "compressed", 'cuz ets E-Z-er.)
Dew yew puts different' oll enta yer mow-tore? Whut kine? (Eye yew the kine et comes in them plastic bottels wit duh screwed-on caps.)
Mah deeler sez tuh yews premium gasohol. Whut er wee sposed tuh yews? (Eye yews whut the ownershop mahuel sez..87 oxtained.)
Seriously, while there are those who will chide a new forum member, most older members will help or direct you to a place where the answer can be found.