Is it weird, or uncommon for my age to want one?

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Thanks for all the replies,

I am taking all the helpful information into consideration.

My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player :D )

So i assumer that would be helpful? Insurance and the bike price itself are factors

I have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage

I will double check to make sure I entered everything in correctly. I work for the elementary school district

and they are paying me about $15/hour and as soon as negotiations are done I am supposed me making closer to $16.50-17 an hour.

It might not be a lot compare to actual careers, but for a 17 year old with no other expenses insurance and gas..the occasional weekend out.

So I shouldnt have any problems paying for any of it (knock on wood)

The power and torque I am sure will take time and patience to get used too, which I am willing

to take the time to get used to before I think about tearing the throttle off, I woudl prefer

to keep her in one piece after all :p

Again thanks for all the info and opinions! I am still just looking at pictures of it :dribble: :yahoo:

and thinking of all the fun riding i could do, well off to work

please reply if you guys have any other info you think i should know! :D

You sound like a real rider (sport tourer) to me!

I'm 44 and my friends (ex riding buddies) are still stuck on speed and adrenaline and do track days only. When I decided to sell my CBR600 and go to VFR then FJR they tried getting me to make it a trackday bike. I'd love to do that but $$$ and I love to ride street so......

I think that the GSXR's etc are best at what they do, that is to say on the track for and hour once a week or so.

If/when my son and/or daughter ever want to ride I'll start them like I started, in the dirt. If they insist on GSXR/CBR it will be a track bike. If I had a CBR when I was 18 I'd be dead. I rode a Honda CB550 that shook at 95 and felt like I was flying.

Anyway buy a FJR or VFR or Goldwing (I've had 2 and will have another) or whatever bike it takes to make you comfortable and carry your stuff. Tell the Joe racer wannabees you love your bike! Maybe they'll get it.

Enjoy, be safe


Dude, I knew you weren't 17. A true squid would never post up as you did. Besides, some clown on here named James Burleigh tried this same poseing as a teenager crap and it didn't work either. So back in your hole.......just kidding, drooling is allowed here but you must clean up your mess. That is all, carry on....PM. <>< :lol:

Thanks for all the replies, I am taking all the helpful information into consideration.

My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player :D )

So i assumer that would be helpful? Insurance and the bike price itself are factors

I have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage

I will double check to make sure I entered everything in correctly. I work for the elementary school district

and they are paying me about $15/hour and as soon as negotiations are done I am supposed me making closer to $16.50-17 an hour.

It might not be a lot compare to actual careers, but for a 17 year old with no other expenses insurance and gas..the occasional weekend out.

So I shouldnt have any problems paying for any of it (knock on wood)

The power and torque I am sure will take time and patience to get used too, which I am willing

to take the time to get used to before I think about tearing the throttle off, I woudl prefer

to keep her in one piece after all :p

Again thanks for all the info and opinions! I am still just looking at pictures of it :dribble: :yahoo:

and thinking of all the fun riding i could do, well off to work

please reply if you guys have any other info you think i should know! :D
I would say get it but your limited time on MCs is the only concern. Sometimes people jump up into a bigger bike to soon and that's when they get themselves in trouble. If you are able to respect that it is a big bike, weight as well as power, and treat that way the FJR is a great bike. I'm 29 and just got mine and I get good looks from all. It does look pretty damn good without the bags when you are not using them also. I am 5'11 265lbs and don't feel the bike is too heavy unless I am trying to back up. Backing up uphill is nearly impossible though <_< I moved from a 1100cc cruiser and while I feel the FJR has a lot of power I don't think it's too much to manage and I am able to flick it around pretty well when I need to avoid daily obstacles.

When I was first looking around I was looking for an 06 because I liked the Galaxy Blue but when I saw the 07 Dark Cherry in person in the sunlight it really got me. Everyone loves the look and color of the bike and I am more comfortable of other people I ride with while keeping up with them at speed. I wish I would have bought it sooner since I have been drooling over it for a while. Don't get the AE version or your buddy will really blast you. :D I am one of the people that believe a bike should have a clutch. Plus I feel it would be better for you as a new rider to get used to playing in the friction zone.

So to answer ur questions how you presented them:

how fun - Lots of fun. Enjoying it a hell of a lot more than my previous bike and I loved that thing. My girl even loves being on the back

how long you can ride - I haven't taken any long trips yet but have driven about 2.5 hours and was able to go more.

mpg - I get a little happy with the throttle and rarely close to the speed limit so I get hight 30s to low 40s when I am a little more laid back. That is according to the bikes display which may not be that accurate. I get about 200m before it hits the reserver and then I just make sure I fill up before the hitting another 30m

girls checkin it out - I get young 'uns and MILF's checking me out. Have gotten a few calls of "can I get a ride" but my girl would kill me. This bike is getting me in trouble. Got me thinking of upgrading my '77 SO with a newer faster model. LOL :lol:

An FJR can completely own a sportbike if the rider knows what he's doing.

???????????? How about if the sport bike guy KNOWS what he is doing?

And THAT's when maturity and experience will keep you alive on the FJR, because if the sport bike rider knows what he's doing, the FJR rider better have the common sense not to push the Feejer to try to stay with him.

I'm impressed with sirfonner's comments -- seems mature beyond his years. But there's no substitute for experience. If it were me, I'd ride the wheels off that 650R (NICE choice for a first bike, BTW) and save up for a FJR as a college graduation present to myself. But that's just me, and he's certainly got an eye for a great all around motorcycle. Best bike all around that I've ever owned.


My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player biggrin.gif )

So i assumer that would be helpful? Insurance and the bike price itself are factors

I have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage

I will double check to make sure I entered everything in correctly. I work for the elementary school district

and they are paying me about $15/hour and as soon as negotiations are done I am supposed me making closer to $16.50-17 an hour.


Yikes! $180 a month? IMO, that is too much for this time in your life (spoken as a father, I know). I was on my dad's KZ400 at your age just tryin to get as much experience as possible. Times sure have changed I guess for a under 20 year old to actually consider $2160 in yearly insurance for a bike! I would say be patient with what you have until you get over that insurance spike of the under 25 set. For comparison, my insurance is about $380/year.

To answer your topic question, I would say it is uncommon for your age to want one. Whatever you decide on, good luck and just ride safe. We'd all like to see you on a Feejer some day.


Duluth, MN

'05 FJR (28k)

p.s. If you might be wondering about the sportiness of the FJR, though, check out this little video I put together from my first track day on the FJR:

It keeps up with the track boys (on a long, open track) rather nicely, should you decide to go that route, also.

Thanks for all the replies, I am taking all the helpful information into consideration.

My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player :D )

So i assumer that would be helpful? Insurance and the bike price itself are factors

I have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage

I will double check to make sure I entered everything in correctly. I work for the elementary school district

and they are paying me about $15/hour and as soon as negotiations are done I am supposed me making closer to $16.50-17 an hour.

It might not be a lot compare to actual careers, but for a 17 year old with no other expenses insurance and gas..the occasional weekend out.

So I shouldnt have any problems paying for any of it (knock on wood)

The power and torque I am sure will take time and patience to get used too, which I am willing

to take the time to get used to before I think about tearing the throttle off, I woudl prefer

to keep her in one piece after all :p

Again thanks for all the info and opinions! I am still just looking at pictures of it :dribble: :yahoo:

and thinking of all the fun riding i could do, well off to work

please reply if you guys have any other info you think i should know! :D
I. Backing up uphill is nearly impossible though <_<
That's why I carry a pillion :lol:

Sirfonners, go for it young man :) -- but ride safe. ALL good advice already given.

My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player :D )

please reply if you guys have any other info you think i should know! :D

I had one year on a street bike before purchasing FJR. If I had to do it again would buy used. Cost less up front, less in insurance and if you don't like it (which I doubt would happen) your not out the up front fees.

Just remember there is nothing better than the FJR so you will have the best of the best at a very young age. Kind of takes away from that "I've waited my whole life for this" feeling. But I have also learned that I would rather miss out on a couple of things (mocha's) and have something that makes me want to go to work everyday.

Take your MSF course and have fun!


I really think that a lot of riders want their FJR to be so special that a 17 year old rider couldn't handle it. If you have 6,000 miles on your 636 then you have about 6,000 more miles than many of the FJR riders that I know had when they bought their FJR. Heck, you have more miles on your 636 than a few FJR riders have had in the last two years on their FJRs!

Where you are lacking is in years of experience that will enable you to read situations better, understand options better, and snap to corrective action faster. Never get complacent on a bike, in, or out of traffic. Be safe Jon.

To me, it sounds like you are a good candidate for the bike.

The down payment, the good gear...all that goes a long way in case the unexpected occur. Good thinking. The less credit you are in, the better. Most times credit = slavery so use it wisely and keep your freedom.

By the way, when I was your age it was 1984 and I absolutely drooled over the following bikes:

BMW R100RS. R100RT

Honda Gold Wing and Silver Wing

Yamaha Seca 750 with fairing and sidecases

Kawasaki Spectre 1100

If wanting a powerful, sport touring, or touring focused bike is odd at your age, you aren't/weren't the only odd one.

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I just got my FJR at 22. Im now 23. Moved up from a 750 nighthawk after 2 yrs of riding.

Yep. We are the weird ones, but I just jumped on my bike for 7 hours saturday and had a blast. My FJR is AWESOME.

GO FOR IT. You wont look back. Oh, and get the AE. The electric shift is sweeeeet :yahoo:

You've already gotten some great advice here. Of course, we're a pretty biased bunch with regard to the FJR being a great bike to ride.

I have an '03 as well as an '07 Ninja 650. My short stature makes the little, light bike easier for me to ride. For commuting, the Ninja is the way to go. For carving twisties, close to home, again the Ninja wins. Anything over 200 miles in a day, or carrying any luggage makes the FJR the better choice. While I'm not a hard-core distance rider, I've done a few 500+ mile days on the FJR, that would have painful on the Ninja.

Acceleration is smoother and faster on the FJR. The shift is more forgiving but otherwise, both bikes are a whole lot of fun to ride. When I ride my Ninja for a few days, I wonder why I keep the FJR, because the Ninja is such a cool bike. Then I ride the FJR for a few days and wonder why I ever got a Ninja.

Have you taken the MSF class? Do brush up your slow speed skills on the little bike before you upgrade. As previously mentioned, it's better not to let the FJR start to fall over. Build the skills to prevent all the drops you can.

Good luck with your decision.


I just got my FJR at 22. Im now 23. Moved up from a 750 nighthawk after 2 yrs of riding. Yep. We are the weird ones, but I just jumped on my bike for 7 hours saturday and had a blast. My FJR is AWESOME.

GO FOR IT. You wont look back. Oh, and get the AE. The electric shift is sweeeeet :yahoo:
Man, at 23 I had 2 kids, three stripes on my uniform and hence, no money. I could only dream of buying a bike. Heck, I couldn't afford hamburger.

It's good to know some people can attain their wants early on :)

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Insurance and the bike price itself are factorsI have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage
Geez, maybe being old ain't so bad!!!!! Mine's just over 400 buck for a year! Comprehensive, collision, liability, yada yada. Just turned 50.

Oh, and get the AE.
[Thread hijack] DJS, Does it get weird switching around bikes and having to remember that neutral isn't at the bottom any more? [/Thread hijack]

Thanks for all the replies, I am taking all the helpful information into consideration.

My body style, I am around 5'10 235lbs (i was a football player :D )

So i assumer that would be helpful? Insurance and the bike price itself are factors

I have already looked into, when I check progressive it was only $180 something a month for good coverage

I will double check to make sure I entered everything in correctly. I work for the elementary school district

and they are paying me about $15/hour and as soon as negotiations are done I am supposed me making closer to $16.50-17 an hour.

It might not be a lot compare to actual careers, but for a 17 year old with no other expenses insurance and gas..the occasional weekend out.

So I shouldnt have any problems paying for any of it (knock on wood)

The power and torque I am sure will take time and patience to get used too, which I am willing

to take the time to get used to before I think about tearing the throttle off, I woudl prefer

to keep her in one piece after all :p

Again thanks for all the info and opinions! I am still just looking at pictures of it :dribble: :yahoo:

and thinking of all the fun riding i could do, well off to work

please reply if you guys have any other info you think i should know! :D
I hate to be the voice of reason here but....... If you were to take that $180.00 per month for the insurance plus the note payment on the bike and invest that money conservatively over the next 10 years, you could buy a dozen of these bikes with some left over. I wish I had delayed a few toys when I was your age.

Not to mention maybe paying for an education. It's never a great (financial) idea to finance depreciating toys. On the other hand........

Yeah -- ouch to that premium. I pay around $1150 a year for 3 bikes with full coverage and 100/300 liability limits, two of which have the horsepower to command the top premiums. Fortunately, having a MC endorsement over 30 years with no accidents or tickets on my record helps (oh, yeah -- and being old in a chronological sense). God forbid I get a performance award that sticks, though -- substantial increase for 3 years on both the motorcycle and auto policies for loss of the good driver discounts.

I have another vote for the "go for it" column. I'm "younger"...28, and I love the bike. I know a lot of people around the area that own rockets and I myself had a Honda RC51 up until last year when I traded up for the FJR. I have never looked back, the bike does everything I want it to do and actually is easier IMHO to ride than a 1000 cc sport bike. My favorite thing to do now is trade up bikes with one of my riding buddies for a few miles and listen to him whine about how he should have bought one instead of his bigger better sport bike!! It is easy enough to keep up with the sport bike guys, but when they stop for gas and stretching I just grab a drink from the sidebag and pick on people stretching! I used to live in Sac and really wish I'd had this bike then!!!

I am glad to see that you are mature enough to want a bike YOU want and not what your friends think. in 2002 I went from a 1985 interceptor 500 to my new cbr954rr. awesome bike but UNCOMFORTABLE. 20,000 miles in 4 years, parked for 1 due to work injury. Just traded it for my leftover 2006 fjr. I wish I bought a sporttourer in 2002! I ride with the same guys on liter class sportbikes, They will blow me away in a drag race, but I will catch up when it gets twisty.

Your experience level does not scare me from recommending this bike. About the milf thing. The younger ones look when you leave the saddlebags at home!

Good luck with whatever you decide, Dave

As far as the younger ladies...

A month or so ago, I took my wife to the movies. The line out front was long, so I dropped her in front, took her gear, and started sharking for a place to park while she got the tickets. While I was stowing my stuff on the bike, A NICE lady of 19 or so walked by and gave me the "Nice Bike" routine. I GAR-ON-TEE she would have gone for a ride had I offered. But then again, at 37, I am a hottie myself :rolleyes:

Although, It was dark and she could have been drunk :D
