Is the CO adjustment procedure wrong?

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Miles Krase

Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
La Mesa, CA
Okay I know that many, many of you have gone in and richened up your bikes with the help of the Barbarian Mod and have been very happy wih it, and that we understand that the individual "C" settings are for each cylinder. I was talking with a buddy today at lunch who rides a R-6, and he said he found that the same type of adjustments can be done on his bike as well as many other Yamaha sport bikes. The only real difference is that the four "C" setting screens on the dash are for four separate RPM/throttle ranges on the R's. We found some instuctions on this online that read as follows.

A: Fuel injection Adjustment

Fuel injection amount can be adjusted in the following four ranges:

Code C1: Fuel amount injected at 25% or less of throttle opening and at 3000 rpm or less

of engine speed

Code C2: Fuel amount injected at 25% or less of throttle opening and at 3000 rpm or

more of engine speed

Code C3: Fuel amount injected at 25% to 90% of throttle opening

Code C4: Fuel amount injected at 90% or more of throttle opening

So my question is, what if we've been wrong? This type of adjustment makes more sence to me than adjusting individual cylinders, and may give light to why the factory C 1-4 settings are usually each different from one another. I know that each cylinder may flow a little different, but does it really matter that much? I know the +7 seat-of-the-pants adjustment we've been doing seems to work......but what if?????? Could each model of Yamaha use totally different adjustment tactics? Please enlighten me. :eek:

Okay I know that many, many of you have gone in and richened up your bikes with the help of the Barbarian Mod and have been very happy wih it, and that we understand that the individual "C" settings are for each cylinder. I was talking with a buddy today at lunch who rides a R-6, and he said he found that the same type of adjustments can be done on his bike as well as many other Yamaha sport bikes. The only real difference is that the four "C" setting screens on the dash are for four separate RPM/throttle ranges on the R's. We found some instuctions on this online that read as follows.
A: Fuel injection Adjustment

Fuel injection amount can be adjusted in the following four ranges:

Code C1: Fuel amount injected at 25% or less of throttle opening and at 3000 rpm or less

of engine speed

Code C2: Fuel amount injected at 25% or less of throttle opening and at 3000 rpm or

more of engine speed

Code C3: Fuel amount injected at 25% to 90% of throttle opening

Code C4: Fuel amount injected at 90% or more of throttle opening

So my question is, what if we've been wrong? This type of adjustment makes more sence to me than adjusting individual cylinders, and may give light to why the factory C 1-4 settings are usually each different from one another. I know that each cylinder may flow a little different, but does it really matter that much? I know the +7 seat-of-the-pants adjustment we've been doing seems to work......but what if?????? Could each model of Yamaha use totally different adjustment tactics? Please enlighten me. :eek:

Not this again....

If you do some more searching... That theory has been debunked here before. A couple times over. Not the same setup on the FJR. It would have been really cool if it was. But it is not. The FJR's setup is what it is... A cylinder specific trim value for the CO levels. If you want to see for yourself... Adjust your CO levels for 3 and 4 way way down.. Way down into the negs of CO.. Start your bike... You will quickly discover that cylinders #3 and #4 are starving for fuel, even at idle.



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Yea.....Ionbeam PM'd me pretty quick about this and laid it to rest. I forgot that they had done extensive testing on individual cylinders with an analizer in each head tube. Sorry, didn't mean to get started on this again, still new. :dntknw:


Hey, I wonder if it's the other way 'round, and these instructions are bogus even for the R6?

+1 - that was my point in asking for a link or reference.

BTW - I've been around for over 3 years and do not recall this being discussed from this angle before.

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