Is there a neurologist in the house?

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
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Orleans, IN
I'm 40, and about 4 years ago I got my first migraine. I got sparkles in my vision, and at first it was kinda trippy, but a half hour later, I had a mind spitting headache. Suck!

I'd get 2 or 3 a year, and they suck, but I've learned that as soon as I see the sparkles coming, I'd down 3 Excedrin, and take a nap, or find a quiet dark room. I've learned to live with it, but never figured out what triggered it, if anything.

So, I left EOM to travel back home to visit my folks, and I got 5 killer migraines in 6 days. SUCK! I don't know what happened to make the migraine center in my brain so mad at me, but I'd like to get over it. I called my wife, when I had the 3rd one, and she said that a girl in her office was experiencing the same thing, and went to the doctor and they told her that she has a virus of some sort. (I think that is Dr code word for "I don't know").

One thing I do know, there really isn't any treatment for viruses, so I let it go, and waited for it to either kill me, or go away. (well, hopefully not kill). When it didn't go away, I finally went to my Dr and he said he "ain't heard nuttin' about no virus, but this blood pressure medicine is sometimes used to prevent some migraines".

I'd been eating these cheap ($4 for 60) blood pressure pills, and the migraines have seemed to diminish, but not gone completely, I still get the sparkles on occasion, followed by a headache if i get my Excedrin in time, or migraine if not.

So, anyone want to volunteer anything they know about migraines, and ..... it's not a tumor.


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The beginning of you troubles sounds similar to my early symtoms. I got my first Migrain at around 18. I had a ringing in my ears and after about 1/2 hour or so it would turn into migrain. I had unusal migrains, not always painfull, somtimes just strange. I had one time when I couldnt speak, once I couldnt read, stuff like that would happen to me and I was very aware of the symtoms. Very strange sensation. I had a couple that were painful and I would always throw up from them. Every episode ended up with me falling to sleep and waking up a few hours later fine, as if nothing had happened. I was first diagnosed as migrain possibly brought on by virus. It never got worse then 2 or 3 a year and eventually diminished to 1 every few years or so. Its been about 4 years now. I was rediagnosed eventually. It was determined that because of the tell tail ringing in my ears, followed by pin point migrains, followed by sleep that I was actually having a very rare and mild form of seisure. NYU Medical diagnosed it and wanted to perform a case study but I was in college at the time in FL and not willing to participate. I wouldnt ignore it if there so often. Hopefully they'll just fade away as mine have but I know the feeling and its pretty scary. I would seek more medical advice.

Feel good!

At the risk of sounding TOTALLY stupid, since I do so well of it on my own, let me ask a couple of questions:

1. Has there been ANY change to your immediate enviornment? Like adding a new pet to your home, to paint in your home, new scents/smells on your person, change in laundry detergent, etc? Sometimes if a person has an allergy to items it can trigger a migraine. Just a thought.

2. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Is there a possibility your neck or back may be out of place? Consider seeing one or possibly some other form of treatment i.e. accupuncture or massages ( I married a massage therapist. It has GREAT benefits for after a day of riding. ) Try having your S.O. rub your big toe on the top of it. It is a natural pressure point that is supposed to relieve pressure there. Also try soiking you feet in hot water to help relax them. Again, just a thought..

3. Any NEW or ADDITIONAL stress in you life? If you say the el cheapo BP pills are working for you, maybe there is some stress-related issues at the center of the problem, casuing your BP to rise to abnormal levels, which in turn can trigger a migraine.

Just some points to ponder there. My Mother in law is a nurse practioner and I might be able to ask her for any ideas.


Change in caffiene intake? New or altered coffee/soda/red bull habit starting on your trip?

Especially coupled with physical activity?

You need to find your trigger(s). One of the best ways is to, as soon as you can after an episode, write down your activities in detail for the couple of hours or so preceeding the migraine and look for constants after a few times.

Good luck.


this is a long shot but the last 3 summers i've been having killer headaches like clockwork at about 4:30 in the afternoon everyday.

it turns out that they are heat induced migranes. not all that uncommon.


Hydration makes a big difference in the interval and duration of my migraines. Being in a different climatic area than my usual can bring on clusters of them, especially if I have visited an area much dryer than here, which is pretty much anywhere...*L*

I am also prone if I spend a lot of time in buildings with overactive air conditioning/ventilation systems. I get dehydrated, my sinus cavities get parched and my entire head pounds like a sledge/anvil.

Next time you feel one coming on, drink up and see if it helps. Not always easy as when it hurts that bad nausea keeps one from wanting to ingest anything. I find if I can drink about 48 to 64 oz of water as it is coming on, I fare much better.

Any time someone experiences a change in interval or severity of normal migraine patterns they should see their Doc. It's probably nothing, but better to have a medical opinion.

Interesting thought about "triggers." My wife gets migraines occasionally...most often the day after we have a glass or two of wine at dinner. We think that the sulfites in the wine are her "triggers."

I've had more than one person suggest a chiropractor. i think it's something I'll look into, that or acupuncture. ...Now that I've thought about it, I have had a pain in my neck for more than a few weeks. Just an occasional piercing sensation in my neck above my shoulder on the right side. It doesn't seem to have any coincidence with the migraines, but I guess that doesn't mean anything, right?

I really don't think it's a high blood pressure issue, my BP is never over 130/85, and usually is 120/80. HOWEVER.... I do think low blood pressure has something to do with it. For example, if I'm sitting for an hour (TV, driving) and I stand up too fast, I can get woozy. I'm sure everyone has had it happen to them, stand up, get dizzy, get over it, about that fast. My situation is, I can stand up, walk 100 feet, get woozy for several minutes, then I get the sparkles, then the migraine. Some sort of delayed reaction, then extended recovery. weird.

My Dr asked me how I was doing on my insurance deduction... I'm $10,000 short of hitting my deductible. I recently left my job, and being in good health (prior to EOM) I opted for a catastrophic policy. ($10,000 deductible, but 100% coverage after that). He told me that the local cost on a MRI is $2,000, and he'd send me if I wanted, but he didn't feel I had any dangerous signs. I told him I might wait till Jan 2nd, then I'd buy a skateboard and try to fill my deductible the honest way. :D

I'd say it's from a lack of riding and too much thinking about your suspension!!! :p

Your doctor orders you to ride with us this sunday regardless of weather!

This is really quite simple. You say this started after EOM? Well, I went and met all those bastages. My head hurts too. The cure lies in a better choice of associates.

I've had more than one person suggest a chiropractor. i think it's something I'll look into, that or acupuncture.
My recommendation would be to see a DO. That way you're dealing with a real MD who also has the additional training than what the bone crusher has (if they have any). To me Chiro's are a one-trick poney. They only have the 1 tool (the spine) in their kit so every solution is "a nail". A DO can look more at the "whole" with a wider range of skills and tools at his disposal.

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I'd add my voice to the hydration bit. I don't drink enough water (I've seen what fish do in it) and won't have any alcohol at all when riding, and I dislike sugar-laden soft drinks = dehydration = migraine. I force myself to hydrate for a few days before any long ride, and while riding.

I get severe migraines also.

Last one was this last weekend.

It was a migraine and sinus head ache together, nothing to do but take medications and suffer.

Interesting statement on hydration, It may have been a factor on my last migraine.

A trigger I never heard about.

I did a 10 hour ride from Grand Junction, Co to Phoenix, on Thursday and drank very little. Even after I was there. On Saturday it hit.

Following the migraine I drank about a 3 gallons of water the following day.

On the trip home I cut my time down to about 8.33 hours of riding and drank my normal amounts, No problems.

I do think one of my triggers is bread mold.

Do you guys and gals drink a lot through out the day?

I drink a considerable amount more than my wife and children.

Here is a link to answer some of your questions.


It is interesting reading.

I hope hope this site helps all.

If anyone is suffering with out a Dr help, I would look for Dr's who are pain relief specialists.

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I should count my blessings. I've never had any kind of headache my entire hangover episodes, no nothing. I don't know how to relate to the experience of having pain in the head. Reading this thread, I don't think I want to find out.

During some of my migraine googling, i found a possible cause is a magnesium deficiency. So, I figured I'd trot down to the newly opened co-op (health food type place) and see if they had some. As I was standing there looking at all the 'supplements' the girl approached me and asked if she could help. I told her of the migraines and she asked me about my nutrasweet consumption, and MSG. I said 'Of course! I consume mass quantities of both'. she then told me that those 2 combine to create formaldehyde, and that tends to coalesce in the frontal lobe of a brain.

So, it seems I'm pickling my brain. She listed several symptoms, and I think I have most of them. The migraines, problems focusing both thoughts and vision, dry skin on my forehead, poor memory, etc. The Google showed me Aspartame (NutraSweet) Formaldehyde Poisoning, Health Destruction, and Lawsuits and then FDA Lists 92 Symptoms from NutraSweet (Aspartame) (including Death!)

And yea, if it's on the Internet, it's gotta be true. But it got me to thinking, I have been feeling less and less well over the last year or so, I kinda chalked it up to rolling over 40 on my calendar, but now, after looking at the list of symptoms, maybe it's aspartame symptoms. I'm gonna print some stuff and drop it off at the Dr.s office, he's pretty good about calling back with thoughts, or info. Maybe he has a subscription to a medical journal that mentions this (something other than an Internet conspiracy site)*.

So, it's official, I'm swearing off all artificial sweeteners for 60 days (one site suggested that) and see if my problems cease. I do think some of the other suggestions are valid, I probably don't drink enough water either, and since i got that suggestion, I've been drinking more, and i think it may be helping. Oh, and my Dr might actually be a DO, but I don't know that he does manipulations. I'll ask about that too. There is something satisfying about hearing that big *SNAP* in your neck, then not immediately seeing Grandma with a harp.

* conspiracy on jet 'chemical trails'


Above: Note that the trails are coming from the TAIL and NOT from the engines on the wings.

Yea, idiots, but they might have something with the nutrasweet

I had migraines and then I got divorced and they quit. For me stress was a big part of getting them. The most common triggers are Red wine, cheese (aged), stress, lack of sleep, and food additives.

Go have the MRI. Only that way your Dr can see if you have vascular changes ie aneurysm that could be causing your new headaches or other pathology. Late onset migraines (once you are over 40) always should be investigated with a MRI.

There are medications that will derease the number of mirgaines and the intensity esp if you get the frequently like evry week or several times per month. There are also good abortive medications out there but they are all $$$.

I am not a Neurologist.

I agree with previous need good sound medical advise...stay away from the bone cruncher until you have a thorough examination including some diagnostics....MRI! The best thing that you can do for yourself and for your provider is to start keeping a 'Migraine/Headache Diary.' Folks frequently state that there is no pattern to their headaches...they seem to come and go at will. Keep a may take a long time (months) but it pays off once you can identify and eliminate/avoid triggers! The drugs work....but less is better. Any medication/chemical that you put in your body has potential side effects and interactions (often with foods that you are not aware of)...the less you have to take...the better off you are in the long term. As for the detailed. When you experience a headache...document what you are doing, what are your surroundings, what is going on in your life (particularly any stressors), what is the last thing that you had to eat or drink, what is the last strenuous activity in which you were engaged and how long ago was it, how much sleep did you get last night, make note of any smells or noises! Nothing is too small to note! You would be amazed at the patterns that can evolve from this exercise. This information is of great value to your provider (physician) in making an accurate diagnosis.

Good luck!

I am not a neurologist but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night!....or is it....I play one on TV!

For those of you on the edge of your seats wanting to know what's happening, here's a little update.

Perhaps all this is coming from blood sugar issues. While my regular doctor is an excellent trauma doctor in Chicago, he might not be a very good doctor for diabetes and other internal issues. After discussing symptoms and so on with plenty of non doctors, most of them came to the conclusion that it might be hypoglycemia. (low blood sugar problems).

I can apparently eat a whole box of Oreo cookies with no ill effect, but 2-4 hours later i get the punishment for my gluttony. It seems my pancreas has no problem producing insulin to fight the sugars, but maybe it produces more than it should, and I have an over dose of insulin after the digestion begins, and that is what causes the migraines and so on. (or at least that is what I"m coming to believe). So, I tell the Dr that I get headaches and migraines a few hours after eating something, or after i get active after being inactive for a while, and he comment was "if eating makes you fell better, eat". Not what I wanted to hear, I've gained some weight since this whole thing started, and I don't feel good about it.

So, my wife's friend, a board certified M.D that works in the pathology department in one of the Indianapolis hospitals, says that I need to get a P.T.T. test. something about pancreas tolerance or something. It seems that it's not really cheap, so I think I'll wait till he first of the year, and try to get it on next years deductible.

The good news is, by limiting my intake of carbs (sugars and so on) I don't have nearly the headache issues I did. When I feel one coming up, i can drink a small glass of O.J. and it's gone. However, I find I have to snack alot more. A headache, or a pressure on my eyes is telling me that I might not be hungry, but I still need to get something to eat before a bigger headache comes up.

Bottom line, I need to look for a new Dr. I think it'd be a good idea to find one that specializes in blood pressure/ blood sugar. Maybe a Dr that has alot of handicapped parking out front. (that means old patients)

Am I the only one here with this issue? Anyone else got any suggestions?
