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Hey maddog, congrats on the high mileage...I think you get the high mileage award on the Forum...hand it over Slappy/Iggy/Skooter/WC

HOWEVER, you're gonna have to stand in line for a new forum handle 'cuz "maddog" you aint! :D

I ride like a pussy and I get 7-8k on the Avons. I don't get your commuting explanation for the high mileage...tire wear should be related more towards accelleration(that throttle thing by your right wrist) & braking (like during commuting) than to speed (miles on the highway)...

Anyways, I stand amazed and confused by your results...

BTW, after getting that kind of mileage on the Avons, why would you EVER think about changing tire brands?

-Curious in Wheaton
If he did that...he'd have think about going around corners....then his tires wouldn't get that type of I think we can safely say... :nono: .not going to happen :nono:

Very impressive Maddog. Don't think I could ever get anywhere near 17k on a rear Avon. I have gotten close to 13k twice, but that's about all I can get out of them.

Now I have gotten over 18k on a couple of front Avons. In fact my current front has 18,600 on it, but it will be replaced tomorrow. It's cupped pretty bad at this point and at speeds over 75mph vibrates pretty bad. Still none of the dreaded Avon shake though.

For the front Avon, tyronewildman has the record as far as I know. He recently reported that he swapped his out at 20,850 miles. I wonder what he gets out of the rear.

I just replaced my avons at close to 8000 miles,the back almost bald eagled and the front cupped pretty bad.The pirelli's I just put on seem to be pretty smooth.

If you got that much mileage outta those tires you must ride like whistlers grandma bro. But congrats to ya.

Hey maddog, congrats on the high mileage...I think you get the high mileage award on the Forum...hand it over Slappy/Iggy/Skooter/WC

HOWEVER, you're gonna have to stand in line for a new forum handle 'cuz "maddog" you aint! :D

I ride like a pussy and I get 7-8k on the Avons. I don't get your commuting explanation for the high mileage...tire wear should be related more towards accelleration(that throttle thing by your right wrist) & braking (like during commuting) than to speed (miles on the highway)...

Anyways, I stand amazed and confused by your results...

BTW, after getting that kind of mileage on the Avons, why would you EVER think about changing tire brands?

-Curious in Wheaton
wheatonFJR - I'm switching to Pirellis because I got one of the free ones they were giving away. I'll probably go back to Avons after they're gone.

My commute is all freeway, straight, flat and most of it relatively new pavement. Between car pool lanes and lane splitting I don't have much stop-and-go type riding. And I'm careful about maintaining proper air pressure in the tires (42 front and rear). While the wheels were off the bike I checked the brakes and they aren't even 50% worn yet (bike has 43500 miles).

I did take a better look at the front tire and it was cupped pretty badly.

Hey maddog, congrats on the high mileage...

I think you get the high mileage award on the Forum...hand it over Slappy/Iggy/Skooter/WC

HOWEVER, you're gonna have to stand in line for a new forum handle 'cuz "maddog" you aint! :D

I ride like a pussy and I get 7-8k on the Avons. I don't get your commuting explanation for the high mileage...tire wear should be related more towards accelleration(that throttle thing by your right wrist) & braking (like during commuting) than to speed (miles on the highway)...

Anyways, I stand amazed and confused by your results...

BTW, after getting that kind of mileage on the Avons, why would you EVER think about changing tire brands?

-Curious in Wheaton
wheatonFJR - I'm switching to Pirellis because I got one of the free ones they were giving away. I'll probably go back to Avons after they're gone.

My commute is all freeway, straight, flat and most of it relatively new pavement. Between car pool lanes and lane splitting I don't have much stop-and-go type riding. And I'm careful about maintaining proper air pressure in the tires (42 front and rear). While the wheels were off the bike I checked the brakes and they aren't even 50% worn yet (bike has 43500 miles).

I did take a better look at the front tire and it was cupped pretty badly.

Hey Maddog, let us know how many miles you get out of the Pirellis. That will be interesting..........

I have never ,ever got more than 3500 miles (rear) from any brand of tire on my FJR. And as little as 2500 miles on a Avon.. 3500 most of the time... About 5000 on the front and they were toast.... Smitty

Nice guy reply to me :cray: I'm depressed :(
Mike-H - I don't want you to feel left out so I'm responding now (sheesh, some people are high maintenance :p ). I am confused about a great many things but the mileage on my FJR's tires is not one of them.
I managed to get 13,000 off of a set of Avons I got for my old Connie. I just now replaced the OEM Stones

with Avons at 8500! (Crap!) and on the Feej. Some of us are just flat conservative riders. On the other hand, I've got respectable chicken strips on my bikes. LOL

Hey Smitty, with crap mileage like that you need to reconnect the center throttle return spring and use less meth in the morning.

I don't get it.. :blink: O, I get it, sloooooooow downnnnnn......

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That's some pretty impressive tire wear mileage, Maddog. I don't recall hearing of anyone getting mileage that high. I just replaced the Avons on my '04 FJR with new Avons--I got almost exactly 14,000 miles wear from both the front and rear Avons, they both hit the wear bars at about the same time. I'm a moderately aggressive rider on the FJR, I also have a GSXR-750 when I feel like really ripping it up on a fullblown sportbike, as well as two other bikes. I got 10,745 miles out of the OEM Bridgestone BT-020's on the FJR. I always kept both the Avons and Stones at 42/42 psi. I'm staying with the Avons on the FJR, my son and I also run them on our Gixxers, altho we don't come near the tire mileage wear on the Gixxers that I get on the FJR. But then the FJR is not a sportbike. For me, however, it's probably the best all around, all purpose bike I've owned. I love it.

IMO, there are quite a number of factors involved in the tire wear mileage you will get on any tire: speed, whether you primarily ride one or two up, road surface, throttle smoothness transitions, tire pressures, how often you whack the throttle, etc. etc.

I'm curious too why you switched to Pirelli's when you got that kind of mileage out of the Avons?? In addition to the excellent tire wear mileage, I like the Avons because of their good handling characteristics, particularly on wet roads. I see no reason to experiment with anything else.

Lee in the Mountains of Northern California

Today I pulled my wheels for a tire change and the mileage on the tires (Avon Azaros) is 17579. The front still looks pretty good but will be replaced with my "free" Pirelli. The rear tire still has some rubber but is so squared off it feels squirrelly in corners.
Yes, yes, I know, I ride like a wimp. But most of my riding is commuting so I don't have many opportunities to get aggressive. For reference I got 14,000 miles out of the original Stones, and got a little less than 12,000 miles on the Metzler Z6 (the Metzlers sucked).

By the way I found a local independent shop that will mount and balance my Pirellis for $15 a wheel. I've never used them before so we'll see how good they are (all the dealers I called won't even mount a tire they didn't sell).

Any other wimpy riders with more miles on a set of tires?

Is shift count a predictor of rear tire wear? If one had a meter on a bike that would keep a running count of the total number of shifts (up & down) performed would a high number of shifts per mile correlate to a rapidly wearing rear tire?

Would a slipper clutch extend the life of the rear tire for many riders? If downshifting is not done properly the rear tire can take short bursts of abuse from abrupt engine braking.

Do ABS brakes lengthen rear tire life?

When is a tire worn out? Most replace tires with a small amount of tread (1 mm) remaining while others may keep going until the tire is treadless -- a slick. My tire man tells me he changes tires on many kid's bikes where the tread is worn down almost to the structural belts and cords.

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