Sit on the bike and try to walk it back and forth and see if you are comfortable with it. While I do like my FJR sometimes I feel like I got the wrong bike. I'm 5'11" and feel like the bike is a little tall for me and heavy when in parking situations still but I think that's all about preference. I came from a cruiser to this bike so big difference. Love the way it rides and handles but I don't get to ride it as much as I thought I would and like many said here it's shines on long rides.
When looking for a new bike I was either buying my FJR or a Warrior. Looking back I probably would have been happier with the Warrior. Only prob is my wife says if I try to get a new bike I have to get her a car. So looks like that isn't happening for a long time.
When looking for a new bike I was either buying my FJR or a Warrior. Looking back I probably would have been happier with the Warrior. Only prob is my wife says if I try to get a new bike I have to get her a car. So looks like that isn't happening for a long time.