Is this spider S4?

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Jul 18, 2015
Reaction score
Bonnie Scotland
Hi, newbie joined a couple of days ago due to issues, trawled around, found spider road map (thanks Ken) and loads of threads. Went in last night (armed and loaded ;) ) and found S1, S2, S3 & S6 - no great issues, Thought we had found coupler 3 but no sign of S4 anywhere. Reading again today I think my C3 may be S4 with the recall wiring loom added. The recall has been done.

So . . . .is this S4? after a recall with a loom on it


This is the other end of the loom, RHS in front of battery


and our S2 & S3


The issues were ( are) cutting out whilst riding - twice and no fuel pump at Ign on, turning over OK

The Fuel pump relay is beside the ECU and the connector is mint so we headed straight for the spiders.



Thanks Ross, it looks fine. We've no other symptoms just a loss of fuel pump, but we do have a quirk - it starts again if you tap the TPS lightly!!

The other relay I think you are referring to is inside the same housing as the Fuel pump relay and diodes for the safety cutouts (side stand, neutral, clutch etc) as far as I can see. We found it under the seat and its "mint"

This is the connector


However, the saga continues! We've had it in bits for 2 nights now and found nothing of concern. Connected it all back up, turned it on last night and no fuel pump, went straight to diagnostics, no errors, TPS swept from 15 to 101 perfectly, up down up down sweet as you like. Came back out of diagnostics, still no pump (great I thought, the faults "on" ) put it into gear and worked the clutch, click, click, click, click from the cut out relay in time with the clutch . . . . still no fuel pump ..... turn it off while I think!!

Tap tap tap on the TPS, turn it on, fuel pump primes and it fires right up !!! Exasperating!

So, it 100% points to the TPS being goosed, but the bikes Diagnostics and my multimeter say its perfect, connector and wiring at the TPS are mint, the spider for it has been checked and cleaned (s2)

I'm running out of ideas other than replace the TPS, which is rather pricey @ £135 uk

So, from the wiring diagram I see that all TPS wiring passes through a connector identified as "A" on the drawing and labeled "wire harness" to "Sub-wire harness" . . . . does anyone know the location of this connector please. It has 12 wires each side.
