Isn't it cool when...

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
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Fresno, CA've just exited the freeway, iPod's pumpin' some good road grind, and you're going to turn right against the red at the bottom of the offramp, but there's some lady in a sedan in your way, waiting to turn herself. There are more cages to your left, blocking your view of the oncoming traffic, so you won't know if it's clear until after she goes and you move up to get a look.

She goes, with you virtually hitched to her bumper, until you stop for the requisite foot stomp and quick look, which reveals both lanes are open, as you see her appear to be turning into the right lane. The road you're turning onto has no cross traffic for the next half mile with a 45 mph limit, in an area where LEO's can't hide. It's on!

So, you roll it on and carve your arc toward the left tire track of the left lane. Suddenly, you notice her car is loosening it's original arc and appears to be headed to the same spot you are. WTF? Did she go to sleep or something? Maybe she's on the phone. Either way, she is about to become irrelevant.

Knowing you are quickly approaching the meat of your first gear power band, and knowing the capabilities of your mount, you can easily shoot that gap, so you pin it! The bike lunges hard toward the hole, the mere mortal probably doesn't even know you're there yet. Almost instantly, the bars feel like they're weightless. You giggle a bit and hold the throttle while playfully jiggling the bars to enjoy the weightlessness.

Even though the front wheel is no longer in contact with the ground, the bike still continues carving that original arc, until the end of useful torque, then you shift to second and roll on for another half gear, still juiced on adrenaline, before falling back into a semi-normal traffic flow.

Power wheelies are more fun when you aren't going in a straight line....


Isn't it cool when...

Isn't it cool when are taking a big sweeping on ramp, almost dragging a knee, at 75 mph, when you see the CHP motor officer sitting infront of you under the overpass, watching you as you straighten the bike up to merge into traffic and..........he smiles and waves.

Isn't it cool when, after riding for 30+ years a simple little thing makes you go WOOOOT!

For me, its transitions in hard cornering. You know, hard right, back up to vertical followed immediately by a hard left. If I could find a stretch of road that was one long chicane, with no gravel, traffic and good sight lines - I'd wear the damn tires off the bike!

Isn't it cool go to take a couple hour ride...and you take a left instead of a right...end up doing that alot and find you're hundreds of miles from home, daylight is ending, and you've discovered some new roads? :)

You're tooling along in the left lane and from far behind a rather suspicious looking cage is gaining on you so you mosey into the right lane and just then the cherries initiate an "oh shit, I'm toast" moment at least until officer friendly pulls up beside in the left lane, looks over a bit, turns off the lights and moves on as you unpucker and continue unabated, at a somewhat reduced speed. :yes2:

Isn't it cool when you turn at every paved country road exploring parts of the hill country that you would have never seen in your cage, trusting your FJR and your GPS to get you home at the end of a great day.

You're gearing up outside the garage getting ready to head to work, packing up the bike, and an older lady that lives in your townhouse complex pulls up in her car, rolls down the window and, with a big smile says, "You ROCK!!" B)

Isn't it cool when you're buzzin' along in traffic, when up ahead you spot a motor-cop aiming his laser at you, you look down and realize you're going way too fast, you go past him, he puts his laser weapon away and pulls out a ways behind you, you see him coming up in the traffic in your mirror, then he pulls over the guy BEHIND you. :yess: Be still my beating heart.

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riding with AIW (angelic italian wifey) as pillion, tooling along the bayou twisty road, come on the curve to the right and speed limit 20 sign, snap it over to set for the decreasing radius 270 degree curve, leaned way over, g's pulling on the blood in ya brain, recover and snap it vertical, cross over the kewl bridge across the Bogue Falaya River, and she reaches around and gives me a love squeeze... :yahoo:

You've been pulled over for doing more than a little over the posted limit and the young trooper asks, "aren't you a little long in the tooth to be riding one of these and going that fast?"

He shakes his head and starts walking towards his car, over his shoulder he says "Slow it down Grandpa" and drives off with all the tickets still in his book.

You've been pulled over for doing more than a little over the posted limit and the young trooper asks, "aren't you a little long in the tooth to be riding one of these and going that fast?"
So, what was your answer to his question? Inquiring minds....

. . . when . . . wimens lift their tops and show us their titties just because we ride. :dribble: :clapping: :yahoo:

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You set out for a short ride and get home 5 hours later...

Happened last week. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Aint it cool when...

.. you ride over the next ridge and see the most beautiful sunset ever?

.. with ATGATT on, the incredible hot young chickie gives you the universal dine at the Y sign, not knowing you're 50+ and old enough to be her grand dad?

.. you've put in a long, long, CBA day, thinking you can't do another 10 miles, then you notice your shadow and think how uberkewl is that and keep going?

.. you ride over a blind hill to find 14+ stinkin' forest rats in the middle of the road, no way can you stop, so you split them down the middle and not one moves? (truth)

.. you tell your boss you're leaving for a ride, the only question is whether or not you should return? (and you don't care how he answers)

.. you're riding with your life partner, and in the most unexepected of times you get the 'I really Love You' squeeze?

.. you've been riding in rain for 10 hours, you are wet, cold, and hungry - then a bitchin hotel for 45 bucks with a 50 big rig trucks parked outside the eatery appears? (ohh, baby)

and finally...

ain't it cool you are still alive and healthy enough to ride? (that's one to think about)

I have so many more too..

Thanks Toe, I guess it really is pretty good after all! :clapping:

You nearly go off the edge of a cliff after barely making a decreasing radius right hander, then seeing your buddy fly off the same edge, only to moments later find out that although he is hurt bad, he is still lucid enough to crack jokes with you.

That's cool.

Rather than having a Fast Trak device for the bridge tolls, you find yourself paying cash in the far right hand lane of the Benicia Bridge toll plaza. Exiting the toll gate you hit the gas hard, shifting through the gears leaning hard into a hard arcing right hander. You finally straighten up for the straight section of the bridge and realize you're pushing triple digits and want ever so much to push ever harder before reality sets in. That too is cool.
