Isn't it cool when...

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You're gearing up outside the garage getting ready to head to work, packing up the bike, and an older lady that lives in your townhouse complex pulls up in her car, rolls down the window and, with a big smile says, "You ROCK!!" B)


and when your daughter's best friend comments on your Facebook pic of you on your motorbike with:

"lets see my biological mommy do THAT! HAH! moothy rawks sawks 8)"

( barb= "moothy")

You're gearing up outside the garage getting ready to head to work, packing up the bike, and an older lady that lives in your townhouse complex pulls up in her car, rolls down the window and, with a big smile says, "You ROCK!!" B)


and when your daughter's best friend comments on your Facebook pic of you on your motorbike with:

"lets see my biological mommy do THAT! HAH! moothy rawks sawks 8)"

( barb= "moothy")
Oh come ON now. She's an older lady. What the hell does she know?


Dr. Rich

..when your brother is a LEO and gave you a Fraternal Order of Police sticker (current year) and a Thin Blue Line Sticker. They are on the back of the bike.

You are traveling very much in excess of the posted, and get lit up from behind...only briefly however, as he passes you on the left and taps his brakes three times and accelerates away.

Thanks Bro! :)

..or you buy a new handgun and pump 500rnds though it without any failures or jams? Yes!

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...When you are out of town on biz, missing your awesome wife, new baby girl and boxes of just delivered farkles waiting for you at home...and you find this thread!

Nice reflections folks. The FJR is indeed an awesome steed. Problem is mine hasn't seen much action lately (refer to previous comment about wonderful baby girl).

Ok, how about...isn't it cool when life provides you so many blessings that you hardly have time to use them is good folks!

It's cool when you write your son's last tuition check.
and your college senior daughter actually WANTS to have lunch with you when you ask her.

...when the radio's playing great tunes, you can smell the spring grass on one of the first warm days, and the country roads are clean as you roll left/right/left, then gas it just enough to make the front wheel skim the ground while coming out of the last turn.

When you go out to the garage with your daughter to do a few things on the bikes and, as the garage door opens the distinctive smell of motorcycles floats out to accost your senses, she takes in a deep breath and says, "Mom, I love how our garage smells." B)

Aint it cool when...

.. you're riding with your life partner, and in the most unexepected of times you get the 'I really Love You' squeeze?


...and she says find a spot to pull waaaaay off the road... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Isn't it cool when:

  • You always get to go to the front of the line at a signal.
  • You find yourself in a knot of traffic on the freeway and decide you'd rather be in front of it. And with a twist of the throttle and a couple of counter steers, you are.
  • You tell a colleague you commute by M.C., and when they ask you if you're one of those crazy nuts who slaloms up between the cars, you get to say "Yeah, baby!"
  • You pass another motorcyclist and wave at each other.
  • A moto-cop gives you the wave.
  • You dust a mustang coming off a signal. (Or a BMW up a hill--Hycle?)
  • You can go between neighborhood traffic barriors in Berkeley to beat the long lines of traffic.

Thanks for the thread, Toe.


Isn't it cool when:

-- you ride past a field of freshly mown hay, or grass, or lilacs in bloom, or a fragrant patch of wildflowers, or moist fertile forest soil, or a barbeque, or someone burning a pile of autumn leaves, or sage after a rain storm.

-- you feel the temperature drop just slightly and you feel the ever-so-subtle rise in humidity as you drop gently in elevation to cross a river or stream bridge in the evening.

-- you know the poor cagers, in their climate controlled vehicles, are oblivious to all of it and would be utterly confused if they could see the blissful look of satisfaction on your face.

I love this exercise! :clapping:

Thanks Toe.

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Isn't it cool when:
-- you ride past a field of freshly mown hay, or grass, or lilacs in bloom, or a fragrant patch of wildflowers, or moist fertile forest soil, or a barbeque, or someone burning a pile of autumn leaves, or sage after a rain storm.
Or even a forest rat that has been there a couple of weeks :puke:

I think it's cool when you wake up early in St. Maries in the Idaho Panhandle to a perfectly clear and mild day in late June, knowing the White Pines Scenic Byway awaits, then running it all flawlessly at a spirited yet leisurely clip with a pillion so practiced her presence is indiscernable. Then you hit P-1 from Kendrick to Orofino, and more aggressively slice and dice that fabulous 28 miles with incredible precision, the FJR handling like it's on rails. You know this is a good day. You put Orofino behind you, then catch that road just past Kooskia that runs 50 miles up to Elk City. You have the road to yourself, it is surprisingly well engineered with good surface, constant-radius and well banked turns, one after another after another following a fork of the gorgeous Clearwater River. You enter every curve at precisely the right speed on the perfect line; you hit the apex just as a pavement feeler tings lightly, your exit is flawless and sets you up for another perfect entry at the coming turn. Over and over all the way, you ride the best ride of your life; all the senses, muscle-memory reflexes, brain synapses firing well beyond the capability of the most advanced super computer... everything functioning wonderfully in utter unison. Not one sphincter clench. You are in the ZONE - the true groove. Adrenalin and pure joy. You realize... everything in your life, on this day at this moment, is perfectly aligned. You may be as close to Heaven on Earth as you'll ever get.

Absolute total bliss.

When you have to ride the Interstate and a cage plays rabbit for you at better than a ton.

I think that must be one of the best responses to this thread... :clapping:

I think it's cool when you wake up early in St. Maries in the Idaho Panhandle to a perfectly clear and mild day in late June, knowing the White Pines Scenic Byway awaits, then running it all flawlessly at a spirited yet leisurely clip with a pillion so practiced her presence is indiscernable. Then you hit P-1 from Kendrick to Orofino, and more aggressively slice and dice that fabulous 28 miles with incredible precision, the FJR handling like it's on rails. You know this is a good day. You put Orofino behind you, then catch that road just past Kooskia that runs 50 miles up to Elk City. You have the road to yourself, it is surprisingly well engineered with good surface, constant-radius and well banked turns, one after another after another following a fork of the gorgeous Clearwater River. You enter every curve at precisely the right speed on the perfect line; you hit the apex just as a pavement feeler tings lightly, your exit is flawless and sets you up for another perfect entry at the coming turn. Over and over all the way, you ride the best ride of your life; all the senses, muscle-memory reflexes, brain synapses firing well beyond the capability of the most advanced super computer... everything functioning wonderfully in utter unison. Not one sphincter clench. You are in the ZONE - the true groove. Adrenalin and pure joy. You realize... everything in your life, on this day at this moment, is perfectly aligned. You may be as close to Heaven on Earth as you'll ever get.
Absolute total bliss.
I think it's cool when you wake up early in St. Maries in the Idaho Panhandle to a perfectly clear and mild day in late June, knowing the White Pines Scenic Byway awaits, then running it all flawlessly at a spirited yet leisurely clip with a pillion so practiced her presence is indiscernable. Then you hit P-1 from Kendrick to Orofino, and more aggressively slice and dice that fabulous 28 miles with incredible precision, the FJR handling like it's on rails. You know this is a good day. You put Orofino behind you, then catch that road just past Kooskia that runs 50 miles up to Elk City. You have the road to yourself, it is surprisingly well engineered with good surface, constant-radius and well banked turns, one after another after another following a fork of the gorgeous Clearwater River. You enter every curve at precisely the right speed on the perfect line; you hit the apex just as a pavement feeler tings lightly, your exit is flawless and sets you up for another perfect entry at the coming turn. Over and over all the way, you ride the best ride of your life; all the senses, muscle-memory reflexes, brain synapses firing well beyond the capability of the most advanced super computer... everything functioning wonderfully in utter unison. Not one sphincter clench. You are in the ZONE - the true groove. Adrenalin and pure joy. You realize... everything in your life, on this day at this moment, is perfectly aligned. You may be as close to Heaven on Earth as you'll ever get.
Absolute total bliss.

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I've had days like this fishing (catching over 50 trout of one- to three-pounds in the Yellowstone) and hunting (bull elk in the bag 20 minutes after legal light on opening day up in the Swan Valley) but they don't beat the perfect day on a motorcycle.
