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So with my financial situation cleared up and able to keep my bike, I have decided to send my seat off to Russell to get my seat done. They say it will be about a 3 week turnaround (or so im hoping) the meantime, it is wayyyyy too nice outside to not be riding, and my truck runs through gas like its free! So I decided to try this firm pillow from wal mart as a seat. I went for a nice 150 mile ride through the mountains of southern NM and if not for my previous family obligations, I had no intention of stopping. The pillow is not only possible to ride on, but comfortable. In fact, I am going as far as to say it is much more comfortable than the stock seat. After about 90 miles on that thing I was ready to take a break. Granted, I was not moving around in the saddle, but it did serve the purpose. My wife swears there must be a law that says you can not ride a motorcycle on a pillow, meanwhile, there are people in NM driving cars with no windshields So... if you are in a similar situation as myself, and have no problem with being laughed and pointed at on the road by others, this pillow is a very feasible fix for a few weeks while waiting. Here is a nice little picture so I can share my embarrassment with the rest of the motorcycle community.