It’s just not fair…

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
Canton, IL
…that I only get to spend 45 minutes on the feej, then I have to come inside and sit at my desk for 9 hours before I get to ride ‘er again. Anyone else think this is a travesty?

I guess you could look at the upside and say at least I got to ride today… even if it was just to and from work.

I got about a ten minute ride (if there's traffic) to and from work, typically around a 8 - 10 hour day.

Upside = since I typically work on the holidays, I get a day off in the middle of the week to "make up" for the holiday I worked. Which means nice roads to ride while everyone else is at work and not on them!

Downside = um......deployed in Iraq right now! lol. One year of riding.....gone....

But the pay is steady ........ and is enough to fuel my motorcycle. for weekends and comp days....

I got about a ten minute ride (if there's traffic) to and from work, typically around a 8 - 10 hour day.
Upside = since I typically work on the holidays, I get a day off in the middle of the week to "make up" for the holiday I worked. Which means nice roads to ride while everyone else is at work and not on them!

Downside = um......deployed in Iraq right now! lol. One year of riding.....gone....

But the pay is steady ........ and is enough to fuel my motorcycle. for weekends and comp days....

Dude, keep your head low and your helmet on and make sure you come home to ride again. I wish all of you were home!

2.2 mile commute to work

I don't usually ride because in the time it takes to put my gear on I could be there already. Plus, riding only tempts me to take a day off.

Glad that I have a job to go to (at least for the moment).

Roughly an hour each way, I can vary the route a lot. 99% country roads -- farms, forests, lakes, hills and valleys. I regularly see mink, weasels, turkeys, fisher(cat), beaver, porcupines, hawks, owls, eagles, for better or worse deer, herons and many other critters. In the summer I watch the sun come up and watch the sun set. All other times it is dark when I leave for work and dark when I leave to go home.

Then recently there are the 12+ hour days, 5 days a week, often with bonus 5-8 hrs on Saturdays. All straight salary, no OT.

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I got about a ten minute ride (if there's traffic) to and from work, typically around a 8 - 10 hour day.
Upside = since I typically work on the holidays, I get a day off in the middle of the week to "make up" for the holiday I worked. Which means nice roads to ride while everyone else is at work and not on them!

Downside = um......deployed in Iraq right now! lol. One year of riding.....gone....

But the pay is steady ........ and is enough to fuel my motorcycle. for weekends and comp days....
From a retired Vet who has been there.....THANKS. I ride today because you serve.

Work from home, so no riding to/from work, (wife didn't like the tire tracks in the main hall). Glad to have a job.

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Very happy to still have a job. Company of 55 went down to 35 4 months ago, glad I missed the axe. Weather has also been pretty good here in central IL, can't complain about that.

Downside = um......deployed in Iraq right now! lol. One year of riding.....gone....
Keep your head down and come home safe, thanks for everything you are doing over there. My cousin just got home from another year in the sand pit and the first thing we did when he came home was go for a ride.

I never thought of the lunch ride... but by the time I change back into my gear I'd only have 20 minutes or so to ride (that's better than nothing). I also should look at other routes to take home that I never thought to take in the car since I was always trying to get home ASAP...

And wouldn't you know it... the moment I complain about being bored at work it gets busy as can be. :glare:

I'm pretty fortunate to have a decent job and a killer schedule (48 hours on, 96 off). You'd think I'd get a lot more done with 250 days off a year, but I do enjoy each and every one of them, with the possible exception of when I get lots of stuff done....


Have only been able to put on 400 miles since the end of May. Anyone up here in the Northeast knows the weather has been absolutely terrible this summer. July has been the 2nd wettest in history! I am praying August will bring some better riding weather since I have 2 extra long weekends scheduled. Want to ride up through Vermont (Rte 7). I have a 30 minute commute each way to work - 7:00 to 4:00, M- F.

Let's see., Friday, Monday, Tuesday, put over 500 miles on the bike and Work paid me 55.5 cents a mile + wages to do it. Sometimes WORK rocks.

Ducking and Hiding :tomato:

Be glad you got to ride :)

My poor FJR has been sitting next to my house since the first week of May.

That was when I had my first pancreatitis attack. Then after the second I was hospitalized for a week.

Then I had a few more attacks, then had to wait for my surgery.

Now they have me on limited lifting, so I haven't ridden for months.

Hopefully about the end of next week I can start riding again.

Sad thing is I helped someone in my department pick out his first bike and another co-worker bought his new bike both since I have been benched.

I have had to cancel 4 classes I was scheduled to teach, and I doubt I will go to WFO this weekend since it will be a bummer since I cannot ride.

So trust me it could be worse.

I got about a ten minute ride (if there's traffic) to and from work, typically around a 8 - 10 hour day.
Upside = since I typically work on the holidays, I get a day off in the middle of the week to "make up" for the holiday I worked. Which means nice roads to ride while everyone else is at work and not on them!

Downside = um......deployed in Iraq right now! lol. One year of riding.....gone....

But the pay is steady ........ and is enough to fuel my motorcycle. for weekends and comp days....

Dude, keep your head low and your helmet on and make sure you come home to ride again. I wish all of you were home!
Shouldn't be too hard. My job is NOT combat oriented in the least, and this place is MUCH safer than the last time I was deployed here (2 years ago). Still not PERFECT, but much much much MUCH better (ie: safer for me on base) than last time. Only a few months left.......!!!! WOO HOO!!!
