It's a real in pain in the ass. Sorta.

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FrostBack #2 - IBA # 44620
Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Sudbury, ON
So it's a chilly rainy day up in the north-land today and I got to thinking about my bike while prepping a T-Bone for the bbq.

I bought a Russell on the group buy last Fall and I've got about 5K in on it. Something I've noticed, and originally written off as both it, and I, needed breaking in together.

My right hip. After being in the saddle for about an hour or so, it feels like I get a pinched nerve right in my hip. Ever had Sciatica? Feels just like that. Now some stretching and fidgeting about to get it moving usually provides some relief, but it comes back. It got so bad on a recent trip that I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold the bike up at a stop should I need to put my right leg down (I'm a left leg stopper, right foot on the peg). I'm sure it's the seat causing this and not 'me' approaching old fartdom because my hip never hurts any other time.

The only other thing thats changed is a new set of riding pants (Teiz Timiteo's). I guess I should eliminate that and go back to my tried 'n true Tourmasters.

I sure don't want to send the seat back down to Russell for an adjustment, else I'll be on here begging for a seat to borrow.

Anybody else have a similar experience?

Time to go throw the T-bone on the bbq.

Put your wallet in a top pocket of your jacket?

Ask anyone here who drives for a living what kinda pain that dead cow can cause..

I dunno Steve.. I suppose it could be the pants if the belt area was hitting a weak spot on your spine. I think you should try the tour masters thing and see if that helps before ya send it back..

Just my 2 cents.

Put your wallet in a top pocket of your jacket?

Ask anyone here who drives for a living what kinda pain that dead cow can cause..

I dunno Steve.. I suppose it could be the pants if the belt area was hitting a weak spot on your spine. I think you should try the tour masters thing and see if that helps before ya send it back..

Just my 2 cents.
You feelin' okay Bust? When I saw your reply I was formulating a response to some nasty ass comment, and here you go and be all helpful 'n shit. WTF.

Good suggestion 'cept for two things, my wallet, after last year is only their for decoration. It has seen any foldin' money for a long time. The other thing is I always ride with it in my front pocket. Still could be that, I'll put it in my coat pocket next long ride. The Teiz pants aren't overpants, so they fit a bit snugger than my Tourmaster skidoo pants. Maybe its putting pressure on my hip.

(heeheh.. I said 'snugger')

Be glad it's temporary. I woke up one day when I was 42 and had a noticeable tailbone, right-cheek, sciatica type of pain that hasn't gone away over the last 4 years. Pretty much constant and feels like a dull burning/aching feeling in the hip/cheeck and tailbone and sometimes down the back of the right leg. Been to lots of doctors and no one has figured it out. I eat IBuprofen like Skittles ...the only way I can cope. I'm sure sitting in front of a computer for the last 20 years has something to do with it. I haven't given up riding yet however there isn't a seat on the planet that has cured it but help a lot vice the stock seat. I keep hoping some day I'll wake up and the pain will be gone but at this point I don't have a lot of hope. I'm constantly figiting on the bike ...moving butt around, stretching legs until I can't stand it anymore and pull over and pop a few more Ibuprofen. Hope you get it figured out as I know exactly how you feel :)

So it's a chilly rainy day up in the north-land today and I got to thinking about my bike while prepping a T-Bone for the bbq.

I bought a Russell on the group buy last Fall and I've got about 5K in on it. Something I've noticed, and originally written off as both it, and I, needed breaking in together.

My right hip. After being in the saddle for about an hour or so, it feels like I get a pinched nerve right in my hip. Ever had Sciatica? Feels just like that. Now some stretching and fidgeting about to get it moving usually provides some relief, but it comes back. It got so bad on a recent trip that I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold the bike up at a stop should I need to put my right leg down (I'm a left leg stopper, right foot on the peg). I'm sure it's the seat causing this and not 'me' approaching old fartdom because my hip never hurts any other time.

The only other thing thats changed is a new set of riding pants (Teiz Timiteo's). I guess I should eliminate that and go back to my tried 'n true Tourmasters.

I sure don't want to send the seat back down to Russell for an adjustment, else I'll be on here begging for a seat to borrow.

Anybody else have a similar experience?

Time to go throw the T-bone on the bbq.
Seek out a physiotherapist. They know where nerve stuff emanates from. Example, I had excruciating shooting pains down my arm and numbness on the back of my hand.... caused by pressure on the nerve at the C7 vertebrae at the base of my neck. Yours could very well be in/near your spine. Time to build those core muscles!!

Check also that your underwear and pants don't have seams you're sitting on.

Over the years I've had back pain too. First time was when I did a 550 lbs deadlift ... duh. Doc said strained muscle, give it time.

Second time was after an 800 mile day in the VFR saddle. I could ride the bike fine, but was useless off the bike. Over the course of a week it went away.

Back in March I was shoveling very light snow as I noticed my back got more and more sore until by the end of the day I was calling physical therapists. Sort of suspected the run from the day before, but just don't know what caused it. But the physical therapist did .. managed to relieve the pain in one session, and while it would return slowly over the next couple days, three more sessions and he figured out the problem (the pelvis halves were rotated in relation to each other) and showed me exercises to stay strong and healthy again.

My dad ignored his back problems until a slipped disc pinched his sciatic nerve and put him in bed for a couple weeks. That truly sucked - as he and mom had flown to the US (they live in the old country) to go RV'ing across the states. Spending his vacation on his stomach listening to books on tape ruined both summers for him.

All I can say is to seek a professional - a good one - and see what they can figure out. They are expensive, and maybe not 100% covered by insurance, but life sucks if the problem starts to limit mobility or causes you to retire from riding.


Buncha old fsckers around here comparing aches and pains.

C'mon, Bungie - just get yer head outta yer ass and you'll be fine.



All I can say is to seek a professional - a good one - and see what they can figure out. They are expensive, and maybe not 100% covered by insurance, but life sucks if the problem starts to limit mobility or causes you to retire from riding.
Ahhh... Check his location. I'll put good money on the fact that his health insurance is different from those of us in the States. Sounds like good advice, though.

Hey Steve...After my first knee surgery, the dammed doctor had me sitting around for 6 weeks. I was getting stir crazy so about week 5, I went with Patch to go cut wood. After a day of running the chain saw, ax and sledge hammer and loading a shit load of wood, my back hurt. The next morning, I couldn't even tie my shoe because it hurt so bad to bend down.

I was gonna stay in bed, but that hurt more than moving, so I went back out and got another truck full with Patch and our dad. By the time we were done and it was time to go home, my dad had to drive because my left leg hurt so bad I couldn't stretch my right leg out to use the brake pedal. Nearly went to the hospital that night and ended up going to a Chiropractor for the excruciating pain I had in my back, running down my left leg.

The pain mostly went away, but I could always feel it lurking in the background. Then I started getting the same kind of pain you are describing. My lower back, hip and left leg would get this pain I could not stop. I would try to stretch while riding, and that would make me feel a little better because the stretch hurt so much that the reduced pain of just sitting made it seem better. I could not make it go away.

Then, I had another Goddammed knee surgery. Duing PT, the therapist asked me something about pain, and I mentioned that my left hip and back hurt. She did some PT magic stuff and said my hips were out of alignment and probably pinching a nerve on the left. She worked every session to straighten me out and I realized on the way to North Carolina the other day that my back and leg never hurt me once. I think it was a result of PT and proper rest.

I would definately see about changing those pants though as my leg would hurt more or less depending on what I was wearing. During one of my trial runs, I realized the stuff in my front pocket was adding to the pain. Good luck...

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Buncha old fsckers around here comparing aches and pains.
This from the guy whose been riding around on of them Ukrainian Ditch Pumps. Just practicing for old-fartdom are ya?

Like I said, the hip is a non-issue off the bike. Only after I've been on it for a couple of hours. I'm sure it's seat/gear related. I just don't want it to turn into a problem if I tough it out.

They changed the forecast up here for tomorrow so I'm going to take a ride up to the Island (Manitoulin). I'll leave the Teiz pants at home and go for the Tourmasters and my OLD riding boots (forgot to mention I've been wearing a new pair of Sidi's.). Just trying to eliminate variables.

But I'm thinking it maybe the 'wing' on the seat putting pressure on my right hip. Doesn't feel like it all on the bike, but you never know.

sciatica normally affects people for the first time between ages 30 and 50. It is not a condition, but a symptom that can be caused by several different problems including a bulged disk, a problem with a small muscle in your butt that the sciatic nerve passes through, etc. You SHOULD see a PT to diagnose it and get some exercises that can really REALLY help you making it worse. There is also an issue where you compress the femoral nerve from sitting crunched up (tight waist on your pants) that you can mistake for sciatica. Again, see a PT. I hurt myself, ignored the symptoms, hurt myself worse, and spent a month in agony, 24 hours a day. Six weeks later, I am able to walk a mile, ride an hour. It was horrible but luckily PT and time have enabled me to function. I am still not without pain.

See a PT. Don't f*ck around.

It is not a condition, but a symptom that can be caused by several different problems including a bulged disk, a problem with a small muscle in your butt that the sciatic nerve passes through, etc. You SHOULD see a PT to diagnose it and get some exercises that can really REALLY help you making it worse. There is also an issue where you compress the femoral nerve from sitting crunched up (tight waist on your pants) that you can mistake for sciatica.

See a PT. Don't f*ck around.
Don't leave the possibility of piriformis syndromme out of the equation

I'm sorry you're having this trouble, Steve. I hope you get it resolved soon

I'm sorry you're having this trouble, Steve. I hope you get it resolved soon
Kay, now you guys are scaring me.

I put on my old tried and true gear (leaving only the seat) this morning and went out for coffee. 600km later I'm back home. Hey, it was a good coffee!

Verdict. My hip still hurt, but not until after about 5-6 hrs in the saddle. Stop for 5 minutes. Pain is gone. When I got off the bike I paid close attention to how the leather was creased under my right buttockal muscle (like that mem, I'm all medical like!). Sure enough, evidence suggests my weight is pushing it down, a lot. Funny, I don't feel it there, but I'll believe the evidence.

I'll give it a couple of more goes and if it doesn't 'break in' more, I'm going to have to send the seat down for adjustment.

Otherwise, the seat is really comfortable, why, I bet I could ride all day long.

(See what I did there.. pretty good huh!) :D
