It's bad enough to drop your bike, but then have google map it?

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Panama Canal Crosser
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Good thing Google doesn't do audio....................................this would be NWS.

Been there...White River Jxn that is.
Lived there when I was a kid.
It looks like he was planning to pull out, but saw the truck coming and had to stop without thinking about exactly where he was when he stopped. I thought of this because I had a similar incident at EOM this year, except for me it was a pothole I didn't see that I put my foot down into.

You can go back up the road and see the bike was down long before the truck got there. I tend to agree with the others, he made his stop straddling the gutter and just didn't have enough leg reach to stay upright. Could happen (has happened) to any of us.

Ah, the ol' feet-don't-reach-the-ground-if-you-straddle-the-gutter!
YUUP! Thinking that way as well.

And knowing that bike now quite well, with the saddlebag, topcase, LED fog light ASM, multiple tupperware pieces he's easily in the 7K range (parts only). We don't have sliders like on our FJR's but rather (optional) engine protect bars running parallel. Zooming in on the top side, I can't define any engine protect bars at all?, normally these optional add-on bars will protect way more than even our sliders do. I have Ilium-Works on my GT-Sport, excellent tip over protection, yes.. BUT the problem is... he's in the freeq'n gully!

Even with Ilium's he would of sustained a lot of damage. Maybe with the Wunderlich (cage) system?, maybe not anything! Those wrappers are like body condoms for your bike, just all those bars everywhere makes it look like your in Alcatraz.
