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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wallingford, VT
Just stopped at my dealer today and my new 2014 FJR ES is in!
It's still in it's crate but with all the snow we just got (about a foot) it may be a while before I get to ride it but at least I can sit on it and make engine sounds.
Plus I can send more money and get a few farkles. Let the FUN begin!!


That said, anyone want to buy a used 2004 FJR??

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Excellent, hopefully that might indicate that our ES's will be arriving soon. Congrats on the new ride.

That said, we'll have two 2005's for sale soon as well.

I sense the street value of my poor old '05 sinking rapidly this spring.

Good thing I'm not looking to sell it (yet) ;)

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I sense the street value of my poor old '05 sinking rapidly this spring.
Good thing I'm not looking to sell it (yet)
Yeah, I think at this point I'm almost looking at just using it up. When the time comes, whatever I get from selling it will probably just go towards farkling its replacement.

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I know a guy interested in locating a good used FJR to buy this spring. Let me know details when all you sellers figure out pricing.

Tom, Make sure the dealer has that crate inside and not out in that weather. When its assembled do not ride it home if there is salt on the roads. Salt will depreciate the value by 25%.

In case Art wasn't clear, that includes the dried white stuff too. That stuff is poison. When ya do get it into the garage, cover the tank with kleenex. There's nothin' better to absorb drool


darksider #44

Art, the crate is INSIDE. If all goes well he should have it together next week. Now all I need to do is sell mine in the next couple of weeks. I can trade it in but I get a better deal if I sell my 04.

But the salt will and there is a ton of it on our roads here in VT right now. And when the dealer gets it all together I will post some photos.

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Tom, ... When its assembled do not ride it home if there is salt on the roads. Salt will depreciate the value by 25%.

In case Art wasn't clear, that includes the dried white stuff too. That stuff is poison. ...

What a load of BS. How the heck would you too sunbelt owners know anything about what salt does to the resale value? 25%? Ha, good one!

I ride my FJR in the New England winters as often as I can, when either wet or dry salt is still on the road. You wouldn't be able to tell my bike from any other FJR with over 80k miles on it. Any of the depreciation on it has absolutely nothing to do with salt.

That said, I'm 100% certain that Tom will not be taking his brand new bike out on the slushy Vermont roads for at least a couple more months.

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Short update. Sold my 2004 FJR and put the money down on my 2014ES (VIN: 173). It's still in the crate (and the crate is inside) because we just got another 18" of snow last week. I hope the weather will come around and I can ride my 2014. Time will tell.

I still have not had mine out yet and I've had it since December 3rd. Farkling has been fun though.

Congrats on selling the 04'. It won't be long and all us Northerners will be on-the-road once again.
