It's Official - Remus Exhausts coming to WFO!!

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Hi All,

Sorry for the delayed response. I left WFO late Sunday and rode to outside of Jackson, WY. Yesterday I pushed it through Yellowstone, Beartooth, a quick fuel up in Red Lodge and then back down into Wyoming to camp up high, 100 or so miles west of Gillette. I left the high camp at 7 this morning and rode 945 miles back to Saint Paul - home.

Flash update -

I took the baffles out of my Revolutions so that folks at WFO could hear the difference. By mistake, they got shipped home with a bunch of other samples I brought to Park City, so I rode home sans baffles. We ran the bike many times under our tent at WFO so folks could hear the sound, but it is much louder when you are riding. I left the Marriott to go to town and see some friends, without my ear plugs, and I was like UhOh.

Luckily, when the bike is moving and revved over 3500, the sound of the pipes goes away. I had no issue riding home but the sound at low speeds or taking off is a bit strong. When I pulled out of the campground this morning I almost wished I had parked the bike up the hill so I could coast down without ruffling feathers.

This being said, the Hexicones are different. The Revolution baffle is different and much more restrictive - hence it is much quieter. At WFO, we took the baffles out for a guy that bought a '05 used, with Remus pipes, and he was psyched because he didn't know you could do that. Then he and his wife went for a ride. I asked how he liked the pipes without the baffles and he said the baffles are going back in - his wife complained. But the Hexicone baffle is more open to begin with so the difference in sound (with/without) is not very much. In my personal opinion, the Revolution with baffles sounds similar to the Hexicone with baffles, but the pipes with baffles removed are distinctly different - the Revolution being much louder.

As Warchild says - the Hexicones are hot! We (I'm not really Remus but Knut is a good friend and I gladly volunteered my time at WFO) sold out of all we had. Knut and I are going to talk this week (now that we are both back) and perhaps there will be a new Remus distribution channel for Fjr folks. I'll let everyone know - especially Warchild who last week only had $27 in his PayPal account, enough for the midpipe on one side only.


I'd love to hear back from anyone who got Hexacones during WFO in terms of how they like the sound... with and without the baffles. I really like those cans, and am hoping to convince myself it's worth the jack.

I tried to set up Bike Effect as a Remus dealer so I could offer their products to this forum and others as well, but after filling out their application (twice) and waiting 11 days for something to happen I called them today (as I had numerous times before) and asked for the dealer price and products lists and was told that "we have enough dealers". They must be doing very well, do ya' think?

They must be doing very well, do ya' think?
That may be the case over there, but I have only seen one bike here with a Remus can, an R1.

I think it is a case of greed, I would rather sell 10 cans with a profit of $100 each than sell one can for a profit of $1,000.

I would like my product seen on the road, but at the price of Remus cans here I can see why this doesn't happen.

One importer for the whole of Australia is not the way to go.

Another bump for any/all FJR owners with Hexacones installed. How do you like them, do you run with or without baffles, if you had it to do over again, would you buy them, or something else?

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Another bump for any/all FJR owners with Hexacones installed. How do you like them, do you run with or without baffles, if you had it to do over again, would you buy them, or something else?


I love my Hexacones. Sound even better with 4000 miles on them. Yes, I would buy again. Well, maybe not if I had to deal with Jed. [Hey Jed, just kiddin little buddy] ;) . Oh yeah, I run with the baffles out.

No one has any pictures? ^_^
I would have responded to this before now, cause I'm sure this picture was in this thread at one time.... don't know why it disappeared...


I need to pull the trigger by Monday if I want the set Knut has for me at the moment...

Watched some installs at WFO and these guys were great to have in our camp. Like Jed said these cans are loud with the baffles out and either way they sound great. Wish I had the greenbacks as they also look great as well. A set of Cycle Port riding gear will have to be the next purchase though as priorities come first. But I would spring for a set of these at first chance. PM. <>< :D
