It's Official - This Winter Sucks Ass

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Umm... Yeah....

This was the view outta the front door this morning.


Looking towards the front door.


What's that, you say? Let's go for a ride?!


You go ahead - I'll meet up with you on the road... :dribble: :blink:


You mid-Atlantic guys can send your snow up here where it belongs. We're having a snow drought(sp?).

One thing I like about New England is the seasons. We've had cold (Thank you, Canukians) but very little snow this year.

I talked to some friends in N.Potomac, Maryland this morning. They are so buried.

Don't worry, spring will be here before we know it.

Same here in CT. Lots of cold, no snow.

I'd rather have the snow. Hate the cold.

Winter does suck!

It's overcast and only in the 60s today for crying out loud!

Where's my sun and 100 degrees?

Same here in CT. Lots of cold, no snow.
I'd rather have the snow. Hate the cold.

Yer crazy. You don't have to shovel cold and the traffic still moves just fine through it. ;)

Actually, I bought a new pair of XC skis this year and have only been able to use 'em once so far. But I'm sure that will be rectumfried before the end of the winter...

Hey, hey at least we sent you snow!!! When the damned thing came thru here it was sleet and freezing rain. The breaking limbs sounded like shotguns firing. Lost power from Thursday evening till this afternoon.


Winter does suck!
It's overcast and only in the 60s today for crying out loud!

Where's my sun and 100 degrees? I hear you loud and clear, My Brother SkooterG! Only got up to 67 degrees here in Chandler and I'm freezing my fat ass off. Well, not completely off; but, I'm wearing a ski parka in the house and muk-luks! Even supposed to rain here tomorrow; Lord, have mercy!!

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I was hoping this thread had some snow pics; great. Us deep south Texans don't get that much snow.

Glad to see priorities are in place and the bikes are in the garage....

Yeah...Global Warming sucks!
Nah, Global Warming ROCKS! Just think how bad it would be without Global Warming! :blink: :yahoo:

The weather is strange here....... there seems to be something called water falling from the sky! :dribble:

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We didn't get nailed as bad as the Washington DC Area...

I only measured 12 inches of snow on top of the car ,,,, The News said the

Granville / Newark area got 16 inches.

Took over two hours to get the driveway cleared with the tractor and snow blade..

The little tractor can only push the snow so high...

As much snow as I've seen in quite a few years...

Yeah...Global Warming sucks!
Nah, Global Warming ROCKS! Just think how bad it would be without Global Warming! :blink: :yahoo:

The weather is strange here....... there seems to be something called water falling from the sky! :dribble:
Tell me about it, Rogue! Water stuff is falling from the sky here in Phoenix, too! Have to saddle up by Noon to ride to a concert; it's going to be tough, but I'll MAN UP!

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This winter in CO is colder than normal. Not happy with it. I love the snow here in Denver cuz if it snows on Mon it's gone by Thur. But the colder temps are keeping me off the bike. Can't wait till summer. In 2007 & 08 I rode up to mid-December. I've ridden only one time since Nov. I blame it all on global warming. If Al Gore hadn't invented the internet all of this wouldn't be happening.


...6 more inches fell today. Over 62 days w/ 5+ inches on the ground. >Sigh<

That ain't tea in that mug...



Let's see, if a quarter inch of white stuff will stop DC in it's tracks...

Here's 30" on the north side of DC:


[SIZE=14pt]And we have another 10-20" coming tonight and tomorrow![/SIZE]
