It's That Time Again

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
From the NAFO Official website 'Fee' page:

When you have completely filled out and submitted the official NAFO registration form, you will be automatically routed to PayPal to make your rally fee payments. Note that your rally fee is NON-refundable!

I'm continuing to get requests for refunds for various reasons and I need to re-affirm our clear and long established policy. We fully realize that things happen in your lives that may prevent you from attending, but it is ultimately your call to bag the Event - for whatever reason.

Let me make this clear: You, the attendees, are funding this show - not the organizers. The organizers are simply a group of volunteers who are trying our damnedest to put on a spectacular show for you all. To ask for refunds at this point puts a huge burden on us and your fellow attendees, all while weakening the quality of the Event. All of our pricing is based on projected head counts and certain contractual commitments with the hosting hotel. Once we commit, we are committed and locked in. This holds true for the both banquet costs and room count/rates - not to mention vendor needs.

'Eh, big deal', you say? Well, yeah, it is a REALLY big deal, especially for Iggy and myself as WE ARE HELD FINANCIALLY LIABLE for the entire show. This is the only way to secure the quality kind of venue that is absolutely needed for this scale of event. The committee is willing to extend this risk into their personal lives because we firmly and truly believe in the Event, but more importantly, we believe in providing the best damned time for our fellow riders, our friends and our community that we possibly can.

Maybe more importantly, after a certain point of refunding (if we had an open refund policy), the cost to those who are committed to attend will rise. I ask you, is that fair to them? No, it's not.

Finally, we've already paid a big chunk of the monies collected from the Rally Fees to the hotel (per the contract) and Rally Swag, like shirts, are on order and monies have been sent. So, the Rally Fees are already committed and we have only a minimal amount retained for the balance due pending completion and performance of the hotel's responsibilities. Trust me when I tell you, none of the committee members wish to fund these things out of pocket if we don't have to - and I'm be damned to hell if I'll let that happen. I'm sure you all would agree that this is a reasonable and prudent course of action.

We've made a commitment to you and we sincerely and simply ask that you keep your commitments to us, your fellow attendees and the Event.

Thanks for understanding and listening.

TWN, Rally Master

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