Its time for bike to visit shop

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Eric L

Not that kind of a doctor
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Boyds, MD
Bike is 3 years old, 35,000 miles, mostly very easy on the brakes.

I routinely change oil, brake, clutch, shaft drive fluid, coolant, air filter at 26K

Been through a buncha tires.

I brought the bike in to the shop at 26K and the mechanic said 'meh, looked it over, keep riding it'

That was almost a year ago.

The shop seems to not be in a hurry to charge me for things. What should I ask them to look at?

Bike is running fine, mileage is very consistant, no stalling. Starting is *almost* like new. Dont see any leaks from fork.

wheel bearings, steering bearings 'check', brakes check.

plugs? TBS? DO I replace cables or brake lines after 3 years and 36K?

what else?

The very most important thing you should do is have the valve clearances checked. You are overdue by almost 10k miles. In all likelihood, there will be no adjustment needed, but you want to know where they are now, so you'll know how much they are changing in another 3 years.

Other stuff I'd look at, (since you didn't mention them):

Brake and clutch hydraulic fluids flushed

Grease all suspension linkages and pivots

These are preventive maintenance items. You do them to avoid trouble down the road, not because it "needs it" right now.

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Valve check about 9,000 mile ago. Some folks skip the first check but at 35K you are due to spend the $$ for a doctor visit. Surprised the shop didn't tell you it was time.

Might want to get those valves checked. The only other fluid issue would be forks and lube the suspension, brake and shift lever points.

As mentioned by others, you're due for valve checks. Yamafitter made up a great spreadsheet to document valve checks. Ask the mechanic if he will fill this in for you. It proves they actually looked, and is a great record to compare for any change that occurs in the next 26K miles.

You didn' t mention changing spark plugs...get em.

The coolant lines have to be removed to check valves, plan on new o-rings and coolant.

Have you bypassed the AIR induction system or inspected the air cutoff valve, reed valves and hose? This is all accessible during valve check.

You may want to change the fork oil and replace seals as preventive maintenance.

Have the rear suspension inspected.

You're due for pivot points maintenance . You should plan to have the steering head bearings, brake, and rear suspension pivots inspected, cleaned, lubed, You may only do this once, but it's worth doing at this point. Queue Skooter G with "I rode 236000 miles and never lubed no pivots" :lol:

If you changed your own wheels, have you maintained moly lube on the drive splines?

Throttle cable lube?

That covers the stuff you have not looked at. IMO you can do your own brake pad inspections and replacements. At 35K miles I only had one front pad that was particularly worn, so I replaced all front pads. YMMV.

Good luck Eric.

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