It's time for the NW Winter get together again!

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2008
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White Salmon, WA

Ok guys. I spoke with the owner of Fenders Cafe about the date and he said that it was perfect. I made a plan with him for Noonish. I can bump it earlier if need be.



Ok everyone, you know what time it is! So I found a pretty cool place, if we want to check out something new. I already talked to the owner which said that we could have the whole back room and said that he would set us up well if we wanted. He also said that he will play the new "Why We Ride" movie for us that he got. The food there was awesome. There are several cool older bikes.

Or we can do the old Buster's BBQ? So, I figured that I could set up a Poll (not to be confused with a "Pole" like FjRay dances on for work).

What do you guys think?


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Hey keep my Pole out of this.
Anytime works for me cause I'm worthless and unemployable and old.

The new place sounds like good fun. Busters is OK but seems to be going downhill a bit and we have a new Que place in Bend that is great so I don't need Portland for BBQ.

IDK... Good food and a motorcycle movie, or just good food...


Depending on the time, hope to see you there. I'll keep an eye out for the date.


I'm going to be in Portland Wed. for doctor stuff at the VA and was going to find the place so I don't get lost when it's important.:) :) :)

I'm going to be in Portland Wed. for doctor stuff at the VA and was going to find the place so I don't get lost when it's important.:) :) :)
Ray, when will you be in? I might be able to join you.
Going to the doc for a colonoscopy so I don't get any food . I just want to know where it is. Looking at a map it look like I could see it from the VA.

You don't need to go to the damn Dr for that. I have a great Camera phone with a $hit proof case that would work perfectly!
Besides, you'll probably be done and headed toward home by the time I'm done with my physical therapy. The offer still stands that if it gets too late (or you don't want to sit that long all the way home after your appointment...), you can always crash at my place for the night.


I'll let the VA know in case they need the srevices of a shit diver . I assume you get a percentage of what you find.

I'd probably find a cat missing a leg chewing on hamster! However, I do appreciate the referral. Most of my work comes from word of mouth.

I had a joke on deck about Carl not knowing his ass from a hole in the ground but the opportunity seems to have passed...

Hey, it's a $hitty job... I'm a gynecologist on the side too. I just go from one side............... to the other. It sucks when I do house calls though. I get no appreciation when all I hear is "who the Fxxk are you and what the hell are you doing in my house at 2am?" What has this world come too?

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