What's that old saying? "Try it, you'll like it!"Now I see why that **** is illegal in most states. Looks very dangerous to be engaged in. I'd try at least once.
forgive my ignorance, but what does HOV mean?
Well I must say I agree with you but didn't want to brag... B)It is not for...one who is "skills" challenged....
Nice Video JB! Combat touring at it's finest!Yep. And how about the poor SOB motorcyclist stuck in the three-foot wide fast-lane shoulder broken down?
Thank you. Meosborn hit the nail on the head. The breakdown lane is just a few feet wide there. There was nothing I could do, and on top of that, if you look carefully, you'll see that he's actually making a cell phone call. But a scary situation to be in for sure. And that reminds me--one of my commute prep activities is to always be sure my cell phone's got enough juice to get me home, in case I wind up on the side of the freeway.Nice Video JB! Combat touring at it's finest!Yep. And how about the poor SOB motorcyclist stuck in the three-foot wide fast-lane shoulder broken down?
Any reason you didn't stop to assist the stranded motorcyclist?