J&M Socket Permanent Mount Suggestions?

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Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Southern, CA
Starting a new project. I am trying to figure out a way to mount a permanent socket for my J&M headset lower cord to plug into somewhere toward the front of my bike. I am not quite a Bluetooth convert, though the systems seem to be getting better. I just prefer the corded solution (FWIW, my passenger likes to watch movies and the bluetooth always has a bit of a delay).

Right now I have my rider and passenger sockets hanging out the grab rail where we lift to put the bike on the center stand. They just hang there, but I would like to take the rider and move it forward to either the handlebar or somewhere on the faring.

I looked at panel mount DIN-6 sockets, and they may work, but I can't seem to find any with a weather cover. Of course, most of the time I am riding I am plugged into the headset for GPS, tunes, CB, and the occasional phone call. So maybe a weather cover is not needed since the J&M lower cord has a little umbrella. As it is, I am no stranger to soldering up a solution, but thought I would ping the group for any ideas to see what others may have done.

There's a little room under the fairing near your knees. A buddy has the socket there on his Concours.

He also has velcro closures on his knee pad and hip that snugly wrap the headset cord and keep it from interfering with arm movements. As I have seen first-hand -- more than once -- if he forgets to unplug, that setup 'automatically' pulls out the cord when he dismounts.

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Im invisioning a helmet with a 7 inch screen mounted to the back of the pilots helmet much like the back of a mini vans headrest. That close would make me go cross-eyed if I were the passenger.



I have a pair of HeatTroller recepticals mounted just under the ledge of the lower left dash panel facing my knee. Its a good spot for something like that, out of the elements, pointing slightly downward, and not needing a weather cap. When I hook up my heated vest and gloves, this is where my coiled cords get inserted. The HeatTrollers are bike mounted with the knobs on the panel just above.

There is a good location on the tailpiece to mount the passenger socket between the rear seat and the tail light. It angles slightly forward and up and not covered by the saddle bag, presenting itself to the passenger. A weather cap is recommended for this location.

My preference is to have both driver and passenger recepticals on the left side as well since it is normally the side for mounting and dismounting the bike. When I was running a Starcom communications package this was where the passenger plugged in. The same spot on the right side of the tailpiece has a switched Powerlet socket, and is where I plug in my slow cooker when on long all day rides.



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(FWIW, my passenger likes to watch movies and the bluetooth always has a bit of a delay)
How does your passenger watch movies while the bike is on the move?
She has her phone plugged into the USB input to the GPs, playes audio back through the headset. She leans back and rests the phone on my upper back, and the the phone is teathered so she doesnt loose it. Works well, but I have asked her to stop the movies a few times when the audio became too much and was distracting.
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(FWIW, my passenger likes to watch movies and the bluetooth always has a bit of a delay)
How does your passenger watch movies while the bike is on the move?
She has her phone plugged into the USB input to the GPs, playes audio back through the headset. She leans back and rests the phone on my upper back, and the the phone is teathered so she doesnt loose it. Works well, but I have asked her to stop the movies a few times when the audio became too much and was distracting.

Blind Squirrel posted: Watching movies while riding kind of misses the point of being on a motorcycle IMO.
.... apparently your opinion is not shared by everyone in the moto-universe.

Perhaps it would be different if you were the passenger on a nine-hour Interstate transit from Chesapeake to Atlanta.

The red circle is where I have mine mounted. It's zip tied to inside the fairing and the little tail just hangs there. Works pretty well. Not sure on a Gen 3 how accessible that spot is. But from a usability standpoint, I've had no issues there. The passenger plug still hangs out near the grab rail. I think I cut away a small piece of the plastic to get it to fit. She likes it on the right side of the bike. Makes it easier for her to get on and off I guess. The cord going across my chest would annoy me, but if she's happy, so am I.


This IBR couple (Jim Winterer and Lisa Erbes) had a GPS attached to Jim so Lisa could use it. Don't see why a similarly mounted tablet could be used for ..... I don't know ... Navigation? Weather? Hotel reservations? Movies? Facebook? Skype with the kids?

If it works for IBR contenders, it works for me.


(Photo courtesy of Rick Corwine and used with his permission, because Rick's a really nice guy!)

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