James Burleigh

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I just got off the phone with him and he is doing very well considering..........

He is gonna be posting up a Meat Wagon ride report soon.


Jeez Hans !! Scaring yourself and everyone else :eek: Quit that shit ;) --- and ease up on whatever it was that caused it.

We're seriously glad your're back home and recuperating now :) . Take extra care buddy.

Sounds like Em has her work cut out for her huh? :huh:

I hope the boy was home and not stuck here in Minnesota over the holiday.

...amazing what they can do with a little piece of metal these days.

Take care!


Good for you, you paid attention to what your body was telling you. You got medical help quickly!

Take your meds, do what's needed to get the most out of this stent.
In the long term, your body is telling you something needs to change. Get schooled up on CAD and make the lifestyle changes necessary to put this behind you!

Heal quickly my friend.



Hans - Let me guess. This happened right after Fang told you to do the dishes. Anything to avoid dishpan hands :p

Get well quickly. I miss your smiling face.

Hans, get well soon, this tribe needs your insight. The only redeeming thing is, now you know of any problems and will be ahead of any further problems. Get well, amigo.


I'm glad you recognized the problem and made the call; many people don't.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Those damned M&M's will get you every time.

I want to know what was in the boda bag that may have been the culprit. Get well soon Hans we need your commuter chronicles to continue. Say, you don't suppose that lane sharing increases one's heart rate to unacceptable levels would it?

Wow - didn't expect to be reading that, this morning. Glad to hear that it was only a stent that was needed rather than quadruple bypass surgery. Get well soon, Hans.

Hans, hoping for a speedy and complete recovery. A little less stress in your life will do the trick... :unsure:

Thank you, all, for your kind thoughts, best wishes, and offers of support. I appreciate the support of this community when the chips are down. A special thanks to MadMike for encouraging, uplifting words and sharing the news. I will post details in my off-topic "ride report." JB

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Holy carp!

Glad you're (relatively) OK, Hans! Sooze and I are pulling for you.

Uh, so to speak.

(That's him on the left, if you haven't met him.)


And I just had an idear - get a hold of Bust. He's got lots of 'sperience with heart attacks. (Seriously. No kidding here.) If the Village Idiot Of Owosso doesn't chime in here, PM me and I'll get my people in touch with his people and they'll get in touch with your people and ... you get the idear.
