Japanese Police Motorcycle Video

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These guys can sure handle a street bike. Worth a look, 3 minutes long.
I used to live in Tokyo Japan during the mid 70s. I was fortunate enough to invite the Japanese Police Motor Unit out to Yokata AB to do a demo. They called it a "Skill Kana". Don't remeber what Japanese bike they were riding but expect it was a Honda 750 model. They are very skilled riders of course. In fact to obtain a motorcycle license in Japan, all riders must demonstrate similiar skills including getting their bike off the surface and pick it up ride it away. Seeing those small people trying to pick the bikes up and also place them on the center stand was fun to watch. But they had to master the exercise. In those days the largest cc bike for riders there was not to exceed 750cc. Maybe that requirement has changed as those police were on Honda ST 1100s.
