Damn, Jessie! Just yesterday I thought to myself. "I better check in on the FJR Forum and see if anybody has died recently", as I've been off channel for a few months. And this! Thanks for the excellent opportunity to jump up on my soapbox yet again!
I just (4 days ago) celebrated the first anniversary of my low-glycemic lifestyle. As of today's double-duece on the bicycle, I'm at 164 and 9.5% body fat, where I've kept to within five pounds of since I first hit that number back last February. 30 pounds lighter than where I've been most of my adult life. And diet is not only about not being fat...
Done a bunch of reading and research, and just ordered up a new book. Turns out there is very strong evidence that the Lipid Hypothesis (low fat, low cholesterol diet is good) belongs in the garbage. The culprit (nutritionally) is processed carbohydrates.
I've been eating plenty of saturated fat and high-cholesterol foods, but I don't want fries (or chips or bread or rice or noodles) with that. My latest blood tests show an LDL of 120, HDL 76, Tryglycerides at 64 and a blood pressure of 120/70. I think any cardiologist would be fine with those numbers, especially for a 50 year-old. The life insurance company sure was.
We've only been eating this high-glycemic food for the last 10,000 years. Coincidentally, that's also about how long many of our top-ten list of killers has been around. (gout, cancer, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, etc.. even tooth decay!). Before that, there was 4 million years of mostly disease-free existence on this rock.
The most recent info that I stumbled upon supports four different types of lifestyles, based on your blood type. It's all about chemistry. Still waiting on the book, but will be eagerly cracking into it as soon as it arrives. Based on what I've read so far on the web, it nailed my physiology and psychology dead-on. Can't wait to find out more!
Anyway, you seem to be of the mindset that you're not quite ready to join the ranks of the dearly-departed. I could have written this in a PM, but maybe somebody else who can benefit from a healthy change (might be a few around here) might use the info to their advantage. Hope you stay well and keep hanging around!