Hey! Where's the pictures?! First, SW-FOG gets zero pictures posted and now youze guyz are withholding, too? Wadupwitdat? Allergic to digital Kodachrome, are we?
Nope, technologically stupified! I dunnah noe howzit dun and even dose who've sed, "Lookee hear, itso eazee!", aren't around when I get confused and use the escape key. So now, if I take any pics at all, I do them for me.
Highlander and Rogdeb both had their respective clicky machiines out, so I'd expect pictures on FJR Owners.
I'll get some pics up tomorrow. We just got home tonight. After lunch we rode up old Donner pass road, then hit the 80 eastbound and spent the night in Reno. Today, after a late breakfast with Dad, we headed down 395, then up over Sonora Pass, on to Sonora then south on 49 to Oakhurst and 41 south back to Fresno. What a lovely weekend it was indeed. Thanks Mike for the idea!!!