Just Curious

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
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Is it easer to adapt to a FJR if you are coming off a "Sport" bike or "Touring" bike?

I have been riding for almost 40yrs (Standards, Cruisers & touring bikes) I love the long distance rides and thought that the Sport-tour would be the perfect bike. I have never ridden a sport bike so I am not sure how well I will adapt to the more sporty riding stance.

I just locked down a deal on a new 06 FJR and will be picking it up next week. :yahoo: I have been riding a Valkyrie Interstate that I just sold. It was a great bike but I want something a little lighter with a little more sport.

What do you think? Will I adapt ok? Please don't tell me that I just made a major mistake. :unsure:

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That is a big yes you will adaptit just takes a little time.

One thing for sure, you just got rid of a big load between your legs :yahoo:

Why worry just be happy you own the best bike around.... :clapping:

Your sitting position will be a bit different, as will the CG of the bike... but you should adapt. If after riding for a while, something seems still out of whack, there are probably adjustments that can be made to make you more comfortable.

What do you think? Should I adapt ok? Please don't tell me that I just made a major mistake. :unsure:
You made a huge mistake! :dribble: Once your muscles adapt to the new seat/arm position you will be doubting your reasoning for purchasing the Valk. You'll begin to wonder why you ever rode "like that". You will spend your free time searching maps for more backroads to ride and farther destinations. You will begin to mentally persuade yourself of your need to ride the bike more, to use more vacation time.

Too late, you've just been assimilated! :yahoo:

:rolleyes: You will do fine!!!

Any time you go from one "riding position" to another, you will make some adjustments and your muscles will take a little time to adjust, but you will really enjoy this bike.

You will probably make some fine tuning adjustments just like a lot of us do to make the bike perfect for you. You will really enjoy the ride, the sportiness, carrying capacity of the hard bags, adjustable windshield etc., etc.

The people on this board are a wealth of information on seats, handlebars, and farkles of all kinds just stay tuned and you will find the answer to almost any question you have.

Welcome aboard and be prepared to start taking those long distance rides you always dreamed about.


I can to the FJR from a "curiser", it took a little time to adjust and learn to keep the weight off my hands, but I sure do not miss the tailbone ache I got from the seating position on the curiser.

I can to the FJR from a "curiser", it took a little time to adjust and learn to keep the weight off my hands, but I sure do not miss the tailbone ache I got from the seating position on the curiser.
I'll second that!!! :D

I came off of cruisers at the start of this season, having bought my "Feejer" last winter and I will not go back.

IMHO, the FJR sits me a bit more upright than a true sport bike, good thing, or I would not be able to ride it for very long. I am 6' 3" with a number of minor aches and pains but I went 7 hours on the FJR yesterday without any concerns; I realize individual experience may vary.

I can't speak for the Valk. but in comparing any cruiser I have ridden, I would miss the performance and handling (at both high speed and low speed) of the FJR.

It comes down to individual choice but my only complaint is that I demo rode one two years ago and I waited two year to get one.

Is it easer to adapt to a FJR if you are coming off a "Sport" bike or "Touring" bike?
I have been riding for almost 40yrs (Standards, Cruisers & touring bikes) I love the long distance rides and thought that the Sport-tour would be the perfect bike. I have never ridden a sport bike so I am not sure how well I will adapt to the more sporty riding stance.

I just locked down a deal on a new 06 FJR and will be picking it up next week. :yahoo: I have been riding a Valkyrie Interstate that I just sold. It was a great bike but I want something a little lighter with a little more sport.

What do you think? Will I adapt ok? Please don't tell me that I just made a major mistake. :unsure:

You just made a major mistake...

Not in buying an FJR...but in waiting to long to do so.

I rode a "cruiser" for almost 4 years and the transition to the FJR has been fairly smooth.

Unless your body is too old to toss a leg that high, you'll be more than happy...


Welcome to the Forum! Verdict is still out. You may be a whiner, but only time will tell.


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typical welcome. don't feel picked on...

i came from a valk, too. thought it was tremendously powerful and awfully nimble, and given it's size, i guess i'd still say it was nimble for a hippo. but you just found a whole new definition of performance, and i think you'll find like i did that the miles are MUCH easier in this seat than on your tailbone. i loved the valk and hated to see her go, but i wouldn't take her back as a one-bike-at-a-time guy.

by the way, if you DO miss her, i can sell you a pocket-sized copy. stripped and modded an 84 GL1200 standard. https://www.shulala.com/GL%201200/ if you want to check it out...

have fun.. check the speedo now and then if you like your bank balance...


Thanks for all the replies. I was only able to sit on one and was not able to ride it before I made a decision to get one. I was glad to hear that some of you came off of cruisers to the FJR and had no trouble with the transition. I usually do adapt to most things fairly easily and from what you have all said this should be know different. Thanks for all the input. This is surly going to be a long week waiting for it to arrive. :(

We won't notice you made the transition if you don't wear your chaps while riding.
Opps!!! You mean I have to get rid of my chaps. What will I ware? :eek:

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Bad decision. You'll never adapt. I'll do you a favor and take the FJR off your hands for $??? I hope you realize what a favor I'm doing for you... :p

Now that I think about it, you may want to take up Tae Kwon Do to be able to get a leg over the saddle and not kick the hard bags... especially coming from a cruiser... :lol: I know it helps for me...

Now that I think about it, you may want to take up Tae Kwon Do to be able to get a leg over the saddle and not kick the hard bags... especially coming from a cruiser... :lol: I know it helps for me...
That's so true Groo... a slow-motion round kick and you're on.
And welcome warsw... just keep the RPM's below 5k for a while until you're used to it. Anything over 5k RPM's makes your arms longer. :crazy:

I used to get tremendous tailbone twinges after 30-45 minutes on the old Royal Star Cruiser. Loved the bike but couldn't stand 120 miles before tank fill, the tailbone twinges, & the feeling that some other bike has gotta handle better than this ...

Bought the FJR 6/6/05, absolutely love it, put on 15k miles is a year, and I'm gonna ride 2500 miles to WFO in, lessee, 16 days, no, 15 days 16 hours and 30 minutes.

29 minutes 45 seconds...

29 minutes 30 seconds...


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