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In sequence from Red Bluff heading west. The best part is Red Bluff to Hwy 3, but the rest ain't too shabby either!





So that's what that road looks like on nice day! The day we were on that particular road in early June (on vacation) it rained/drizzled the whole time...had to ride like....I was on a Harley! :dribble: Nice scenery, nonetheless- gotta go again soon.

Part 1. Enjoy.

Killer signage at the beginning of the clip. Great choice of music, and *THANK YOU* for mixing it in such that I can still hear the bike. I can't believe how many bike vids get ruined by drowning out the bike with music. I get bored stiff (don't do it) watching a bike vid if I can't hear what the bike is doing. Great job riding smoothly with a good line, too. Of course, with 140 miles of twisties, you damn sure should have got more than 5 minutes of riding that didn't have any mistakes to edit out.

Nice bike vid. I'd like to see more like that - you know, where you can hear the bike!

Killer signage at the beginning of the clip. Great choice of music, and *THANK YOU* for mixing it in such that I can still hear the bike. I can't believe how many bike vids get ruined by drowning out the bike with music. I get bored stiff (don't do it) watching a bike vid if I can't hear what the bike is doing. Great job riding smoothly with a good line, too. Of course, with 140 miles of twisties, you damn sure should have got more than 5 minutes of riding that didn't have any mistakes to edit out.
Nice bike vid. I'd like to see more like that - you know, where you can hear the bike!
Would you like a music free version?

Looks like a fun ride nut... and no mountainside cliffs to fall off either. :thumbsup:
Wait, the cliffs are coming...

No. Music is great. I just feel it should never drown out the sound of the bike. I'm always listening for what the bike is up to in a bike video. The choice of music can do two great things in a bike video: give an idea who the rider is, and augment the perception of the ride if chosen properly. I thought the level of the music in this vid was spot on. Though, it could have used a little more cowbell. ;)

Gentle passing, btw. Is, um. What I really mean to ask is... uh....is your bike clean?
Though, it could have used a little more cowbell. ;)
Um, those HD boys were not your run of the mill, grungy, biker dude types. They were more likely attorneys, doctors or other such professional types all in their late 50's or early 60's. As such, I passed casually especially since the first gent waved me by, which is very, very odd for this neck of the woods. That and I figgur'd if I dumped it on a strange road, they might be inclined to drag my sorry carcase off the side of the road before it got further flattened by a logger. Glad us 'clean bike' types can spot each other. Rainbow Power, bro!

I'll work on the cow bell thing. Oooh, I'll put in Oldfield's, Tubular Bells in for the 36 Part III! Thanks!

Glad us 'clean bike' types can spot each other. Rainbow Power, bro!

I'll work on the cow bell thing. Oooh, I'll put in Oldfield's, Tubular Bells in for the 36 Part III! Thanks!
I had to look it up (

), but I think the dynamic range available would make the video sublime.
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I had to look it up (

Nice job. That red pickup on the wrong side of the road around the turn was a real treat, eh?

I really scoured the Net for "action" vids of the FJR when I was trying to decide what to buy. I couldn't find anything like this. At least there are some out there now.

Great stuff . and i thought you were 38 years old and 178 lbs with a full head of hair . You old fat fart great job and keep them comeing . I will say it again i need to be on the left coast .

This road is TWN.......................APPROVED! Nice touch....Amazing vid. :D

Hwy 36 here I come! Mid September....

Nice vid there TWn, But dam at first when uz waz on your knezz thought i was going to watch a porn..Mr Pimp daddy.........


Great video buddy!

Damn!!! I miss the curves!!!

There are no twists and turns in South FL... guess I gots to get me one of them cruiser bikes or sumpting.

Great video buddy!
Damn!!! I miss the curves!!!

There are no twists and turns in South FL... guess I gots to get me one of them cruiser bikes or sumpting.
Thanks, Frank. Sorry to hear of the straight and flat. Ping Radio Howie, I hear he knows of a road out there in FL with not one, but two turns!

Hey Mr Cecil B. De Nutt!

Great video and presentation... :clapping: well done!

(I'm sorry about your close encounter with the LEO. I just had a similar experience here in NC but this particular trooper just wagged a finger at us and let us go after making us sweat bullets for 20 minutes :bye: )

