Just got evacuated

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Hope your home is safe.
Has anyone heard from Armand? I thought he was in Diamond Bar. :unsure:
Doug, Armand is now working in Dubai, UAE, so he's probably just a little bit cooler than the fires. However, his parents are living in his house - I'll contact Armand tonight (a.m. in the UAE) and see if his parents need any help. Odds are that they don't, but I'll check.

Hope your home is safe.
Has anyone heard from Armand? I thought he was in Diamond Bar. :unsure:
Doug, Armand is now working in Dubai, UAE, so he's probably just a little bit cooler than the fires. However, his parents are living in his house - I'll contact Armand tonight (a.m. in the UAE) and see if his parents need any help. Odds are that they don't, but I'll check.

I just heard back from Armand, everything is ok.

Hope your home is safe.
Has anyone heard from Armand? I thought he was in Diamond Bar. :unsure:
Rouge, thanks for the concerns. I have since moved to Dubai as Hal mentioned. My house is rented out but bike is in my garage. I checked with the family and they are doing ok.

My in laws are in Tustin and they are safe.

I am thinking of the firefighters in all this.



Run, Forrest, run!!

Hope you come through this OK.

Positive mojo thoughts coming your way...


Thanks again everyone.

I snuck inside my house today and everything is fine. With a little luck I might be be able to move back in tonight. :yahoo:

The firefighters did a terrific job and saved a lot of homes in the area. I very much appreciate their efforts and am very grateful that I have a house to come back to.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families that lost their homes.

Glad your place made it!! Watched the news tonight and your one of the lucky ones for sure.

