Just How Much Faster Is A Busa Than The Feejer?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Just curious as to the difference on a straight away, what is the performance difference?? Are they close in pickup? :(

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Well, The Feejer is a strong runner, But weighs over 600 lbs with 145hp.

The Busa weighs 450ish with 160hp.

The Busa will wax your ass on the feejer. Sorry.

I guess it depends on perspective. If you both first go 200 miles and then have a drag race the FJR will beat the Busa every time! Mainly because the Busa is out of gas by the side of the road 50 miles back.... :D

Oh, I'd say from personal experience that the Feej will hang with the Busa for about a hunnert yards, then fugedaboudit. Top speed on the stock Busa is about 185 mph. Feej is about 150, IIRC.

My son and I have GSXR-750's that will outpull and outhandle my '04 FJR, but the FJR is not a sportbike so the comparison is not fair. Overall the FJR is the best bike I've owned of the 30-35 bikes I've had since I started riding at age 14 (over 40 years). Enjoy it for what it is--the best of both worlds.

Lee in the Mountains of Northern California :p B)

On an 1/8th mile drag strip, a feejer without the hard bags (has) beaten both a GSXR1300 and a GSXR1000, both 05 models.

Two reasons:

1) The fjr with the shaft drive hooks up quicker, spins the wheels less and does not wheely anywhere near as much as the other two.

2) it really came down to reaction time and the riders.

The difference at the end was measured almost in inches, it was less than a foot each time.

The modded busa running the 240 rear tire, stretched swingarm and turbo'd out to 380bhp made itlook like we were on a 50cc two stroke scooter.

And by the way, I only had 3rd for about a second or so before the timing light.

THat was my experience, and it was a 7.39 run, can't remember the top speed, wasn't much, I think it was under 100mph, somewhere in the early to mid 90's, but don't quote me.

If I can find the docket, I'll scan and post it, the local squids do this every Friday night.

They call it test & tune night, it sure did suprise some people, me included, by the way, I was NOT on the bike at the time, I had this local lad in his early 20's and weighs about 140lbs soaking wet do it, my best time was 7.9?


I have gone against a stock Busa at the strip. 1/4 mile, Busa did a 9.8 et

I did a 12.2 et... Thats the best this fat ass can get!

My husband has a Busa and I have an FRJ...he can pull me anytime he wants. The horsepower on that bike is incredible. I ride the Busa sometimes too (but I love my FJR better) and when you twist the throttle, you move!! It pulls so hard and I love the thill of riding that bike! But, my heart belongs to my FJR :wub:

Some interesting old stats from CW:

‘03 Busa claimed dry weight: 478lb.

‘03 FJR non abs claimed dry weight: 521lb.

As for top speed (bone stock)…before the Busa became “governed” with the gentlemen's agreement now 186mph, they had a top speed of 194mph. WOW! :eek: The FJR usually comes in around 155 mph. Best I have ever heard with a *well-tuned* FJR…161mph.

So Spine…are ya going to add one of those beasts to the stables?

P.S. yes, I have a crush on the almighty Busa. :wub:

I wonder, If Suzuki will build a Sport Touring bike, with the 'Busa' has a baseline......things that make ya go huuummmm?

Per Motorcyclist Magazine

corrected topgear roll on

1/4 mile 60-80 wet wt

Hayabusa (03) 9.88 @ 143.9 2.70 550

FJR (03) 11.02 @ 124.1 3.65 641

ZX-12R (03) 9.92 @ 143.7 3.17 547

For what its worth. Should be a good indicator.


What I really need to know is which is faster an Enzo Ferrari or a GEO Metro!

I'm torn between the two and can't decide!

This is not a joke I really need help deciding!!!!

If you can afford the gas, get the Ferrari. Otherwise get the Metro.

Considering that you are trying to compare a sport bike to a sport touring bike, there really is no comparison.

And what I hate to see are FJR riders trying to ride it like a sport bike.

I love the FJR and it is a great ride.

And it does what it was designed for brilliantly. Sport-touring.

But when the FJR gets ridden like a sport bike, you can read the posts about the crashes and the rider tries to blame the forks or the suspension, etc.

It would be the same as trying to drive my wife's minivan like my porsche. I would end up in the bushes.

I can assure you that there is no way an FJR is as quick & fast as a Busa.

I can say this, given that I owned a 2001 Busa and traded it in for a 2005 FJR. After 8 weeks, I had more miles on my FJR than I had on my Busa after 4 years B) .

IMHO, a Touring Bike is not a Sport Touring Bike is not a Sportbike. My BMW K1200LTC owner's site is filled with a lot of riders extolling the virtues of the LT used as sportbikes in the twisties. Some FJR riders extol the virtues and the FJR as a pure sportbike, when it is actually designed and engineered for a different niche (thank goodness - based on my own needs/experiences).

I suppose if I could have only one bike, I'd be searching for that one machine that would ride like a sportbike, tour in luxury and comfort 2 up and fully loaded on thousands of miles of slab riding, and split the difference when I wanted it to. I doubt such a machine exists - with apologies to Multistrada riders.

Sooooooo, bottom line for me - if you want a sportbike, I still believe the Busa is a fabulous machine which the FJR cannot keep up with (equivalent rider skills and conditions). If you want a superb Sport Tourer, the Busa cannot touch the FJR.

