Just purchased my new 08 FJR 1300A today

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Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
After pouring over this and other forums on the FJR, ST1300 and Concours the past few months, I decided on the FJR and picked it up today. This forum is a wealth of information and I appreciate you members taking the time to post on this site. My last two bikes have been an 81 Suzuki GS1000G (originally advertised as a "sport tourer" because it had a shaft drive and "V" rated tires) and an 03 VMax, both purchased new. I still have both of them although I may not ride them much in the future. In my initial ride home, I noticed how quiet and refined the FJR is and how you can quickly exceed speed limits without being aware. I live in Southern California and hope to get in some riding in this weekend. I hope to post more on this site when I know what I'm taking about. As mentioned in this forum, I've ordered frame sliders and already thinking of a taller windshield.

Thanks again,


Welcome, JIMM!

You've made a great choice, and I'm sure you'll come to enjoy this bike as much as the rest of us do.

I envy you your ability to take the new scoot out for a spin this weekend. As a native Californian, I remember those days... now living in the "Frozen North", with about 3' of the nasty white stuff on the ground and more forecast for the very near future. I'm sick of winter already, especially now that the auger drive gear box on my super-razoo Ariens snow blower decided to go on vacation.

Enjoy your new ride, and keep us informed on how things are going.



Consider yourself assimilated :) -- and there's more than a few FJRers in SoCal that could keep you company.

And you don't need to wait till you post - 1/2 of us haven't a clue what we say anyway :lol: , but we're real amiable.

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Sounds to me like you got the real deal there Jimm! Congats!! Always glad to welcome another 08'er to the menagerie.

And you're already talking the frame-slider language (just don't wait too long); and windshields too....my God Martha, our boys' been fully assimilated by that darn FJR gang already. :clapping:

Enjoy and be safe,


Welcome Aboard from the Deep South.

Big congrats on your new Black Beauty.

I'm a big fan of Cal Sci windshields with the holes in the bottom. Quiet as a mouse and I can finally hear the engine's sounds at speed.

Just my 1.5 cents.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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Welcome to the collective. You have been assimilated.

The other bikes will just collect dust now. As far as a taller windshield it is a defenite if you ride 2up. Ordered mine with the Yamaha taller

touring windshield. I am happy with it but it seems a lot of people go for the V-stream.

Enjoy your ride. :yahoo:

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Congrats on the new bike. You're gonna like this one.

I was going to pull mine out today, it had finally thawed around here enough to go for a put.

I woke up and saw another 4 inches of snow.

Have a great and safe year!


Best choice you could have made. I've have only had my '08 for two months and I like it more, every time I ride it.

Be safe and have fun.. :yahoo:

After pouring over this and other forums on the FJR, ST1300 and Concours the past few months, I decided on the FJR and picked it up today.
Welcome, congrats and, what put you over the top? What made you decide on the FJR over the other choices you had?


I love my '07, bought it showroom new Aug 26, 2008 - Rolled over 7200 miles on todays balmy 52 degree ride.

Jim, It does now show what city you live in but if you would like to join us for a ride tomorrow morning we are going to ride out to Fallbrook to meet other members and work on each others bike. Simon and I (Trent) are leaving from the Chevron at San Canyon and the 5 freeway at 7:15 tomorrow morning. I will turn on SPOT Tracking link in the morning when we pull out if you decide you would like to join us. LINK

There should be about 10-12 of us and we will work on the bikes, go out for lunch and then do some more riding. Hope you can make it and we will be gone most of the day.

congrats on your new bike. I also went back and forth, eliminated the Connie because I couldn't plant my feet on the ground and eliminated the ST1300 because it was heavier than the FJR by far! Now my poor beloved Vulcan 1500 is just gathering dust! good choice!

Congrats on the addition! I too scoped out the C14 and ST1300 before deciding on my FJR.


congrats on your new bike. I also went back and forth, eliminated the Connie because I couldn't plant my feet on the ground and eliminated the ST1300 because it was heavier than the FJR by far! Now my poor beloved Vulcan 1500 is just gathering dust! good choice!
Hey barry! Glad to see you made it over! I've been doing a little maintenance this week- replaced spark plugs, rear wheel is at dealer for a new tire, drive shaft clean and lube, air filter, etc. etc. Been putting any miles on thet baby? I ended up with 16,092 for 2008.


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After pouring over this and other forums on the FJR, ST1300 and Concours the past few months, I decided on the FJR and picked it up today. This forum is a wealth of information and I appreciate you members taking the time to post on this site. My last two bikes have been an 81 Suzuki GS1000G (originally advertised as a "sport tourer" because it had a shaft drive and "V" rated tires) and an 03 VMax, both purchased new. I still have both of them although I may not ride them much in the future. In my initial ride home, I noticed how quiet and refined the FJR is and how you can quickly exceed speed limits without being aware. I live in Southern California and hope to get in some riding in this weekend. I hope to post more on this site when I know what I'm taking about. As mentioned in this forum, I've ordered frame sliders and already thinking of a taller windshield.
Thanks again,


Never stopped me! :yahoo:

Just kidding, congrats on the bike!

Welcome Jim,

Another O8 guy here, used to ride a Suzuki Vstrom. Your going to LOVE this bike, I did all the comparisons and am thrilled with the FJR. I popped a Yamaha tall screen on right away, doesn't keep me completely out of the wind, but hey, its a freakin motorcycle ya gotta feel some wind. Unfortunately I am in the frozen tundra where I woke up to a balmy 1 degree morning and a buttload of snow. I do confess, I fired up the FJR and rode in tiny little circles in the garage last week. I hauled ass.
