Just test rode a brand new 2009 ABS model - clutch?

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Will always be FJR rider at heart
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Hi everybody,

I just test rode a brand new black 2009 at noon today - I still have a big fat grin on my face. I LOVED the ride, the unexpected nimbleness (I know I was SUPPOSED to expect that, but with the weight...), and I did two nice slow U-turns (I had read about a potential problem with that here), the slow turns turned out to be very comfortable for me on this bike. Also, I am 5'11", and the bike seems to be perfect for my height.

I have only good things to say about it, except I was very surprised about the clutch lever. I don't mean the getting used to being able to shift smoothly; I started out all jerky, but by the end of the ride I could shift perfectly.

Instead the constant pressure on my hand was what was getting to me. I am coming from a CVT clutchless system, and the only "normal" clutch bikes I had ridden in the last few months were friends 1200R BMW, a 650SVT, and I also rode a ST1300 about a full year back, all of this was swapping bikes on longer rides. The BMW and the ST have levers that need some force to get going, but once you're over the halfmark, there is no resistance when you just hold the clutch in. I don't quite remember the SVT, but I know my left hand was also hurting a bit when I got off that bike. Well, my back was hurting more then my hand though... Anyway, on the FJR today the resistance was constant, and after only 15 minutes mixed city/highway riding I already started cramping.

This is not normal, correct? Can this be adjusted? I couldn't find anything about this in a quick search (Sorry in case I didn't spend enough time!). The bike by the way had 0 miles on it when I got on it.

Anywho, so now I am 100% sure that I will get a FJR. :yahoo: I have been watching some very nice deals going through on ebay...

HAPPYPUPPY, are you the same Happypuppy I know from the Majesty/Burgman sites? I guess if so, Hi there, and Tag you're it!

Thanks for this site!

Chris R

Portland, OR

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There's an adjustment right on the lever that let's you change the distance. The only thing I have noticed on my '08 is that the clutch only activates in the last little bit of pull on the lever so I have to keep it squeezed tight against the grip for it to fully disengage. Other than that I notice no difference in the actual "action" of the lever between the FJR and my VTX or my Valk or Blackbird before them.

Perhaps you might invest in a set of these? :rolleyes:


There's an adjustment right on the lever that let's you change the distance. The only thing I have noticed on my '08 is that the clutch only activates in the last little bit of pull on the lever so I have to keep it squeezed tight against the grip for it to fully disengage. Other than that I notice no difference in the actual "action" of the lever between the FJR and my VTX or my Valk or Blackbird before them.
Perhaps you might invest in a set of these?
Hi Silverhound,

Thanks for the reply. I did try out the dial gauge. It was on 5 when I started, and I rolled it to 2 to change the distance. But the resistance did not seem to change at all anywhere in the lever travel. I just wonder if it was sticky because it was so new? Anybody else here that bought a brand new one have that experience?

Otherwise, I do some rock climbing, so I do have some decent finger strength; or, well, at least they are not totally whimpy... :rolleyes:

Chris R

Portland OR

And the '09s have reduced clutch lever pressure - I suspect that the only possible answer is that you must just be a wimp.

It IS still Friday, no?

as you have a 09 you might want to try adjusting the bars. Is your wrist straight or slightly cocked?

You can also adjust the angle of the lever up or down some to make sure your hand is level with your forearm.

If your hand is bent a bit to the outside, you will notice pain on the "pinky" side of your hand (bent too far the other way you notice pain in the heal of the hand.

I ended up pulling the outside pins out of the bottom of the bars so they would sweep out more...that and just riding more to exersise those hand parts helped alot.

Making sure you are not leaning on your hands as you ride helps too.....


Hi everybody,I just test rode a brand new black 2009 at noon today - I still have a big fat grin on my face. I LOVED the ride, the unexpected nimbleness (I know I was SUPPOSED to expect that, but with the weight...), and I did two nice slow U-turns (I had read about a potential problem with that here), the slow turns turned out to be very comfortable for me on this bike. Also, I am 5'11", and the bike seems to be perfect for my height.

I have only good things to say about it, except I was very surprised about the clutch lever. I don't mean the getting used to being able to shift smoothly; I started out all jerky, but by the end of the ride I could shift perfectly.

Instead the constant pressure on my hand was what was getting to me. I am coming from a CVT clutchless system, and the only "normal" clutch bikes I had ridden in the last few months were friends 1200R BMW, a 650SVT, and I also rode a ST1300 about a full year back, all of this was swapping bikes on longer rides. The BMW and the ST have levers that need some force to get going, but once you're over the halfmark, there is no resistance when you just hold the clutch in. I don't quite remember the SVT, but I know my left hand was also hurting a bit when I got off that bike. Well, my back was hurting more then my hand though... Anyway, on the FJR today the resistance was constant, and after only 15 minutes mixed city/highway riding I already started cramping.

This is not normal, correct? Can this be adjusted? I couldn't find anything about this in a quick search (Sorry in case I didn't spend enough time!). The bike by the way had 0 miles on it when I got on it.

Anywho, so now I am 100% sure that I will get a FJR. :yahoo: I have been watching some very nice deals going through on ebay...

HAPPYPUPPY, are you the same Happypuppy I know from the Majesty/Burgman sites? I guess if so, Hi there, and Tag you're it!

Thanks for this site!

Chris R

Portland, OR
Ive got an 07 (heavier clutch supposedly than 09) and I found quite heavy first of all. Basically I think the specific muscles strengthen up as you ride the bike and I also tend to pull more at the end of the lever which makes it lighter. Now after a couple of months it feels completely natural

All you have to do is get a set of new levers, brake and clutch, from Bike Effects, PAZZO levers and that will help you out and most likely cure your problems with the levers... yes i have a set

I also just ordered the Pazzo levers after reading the rave reviews on this forum. Even though I didn't really have any issues with the clutch lever, they just look really cool. ;) If they work better than the stockers...even better. Supposed to be here on Tuesday...woohoo!

Thanks for the reply. I did try out the dial gauge. It was on 5 when I started, and I rolled it to 2 to change the distance. But the resistance did not seem to change at all anywhere in the lever travel. I just wonder if it was sticky because it was so new? Anybody else here that bought a brand new one have that experience?Otherwise, I do some rock climbing, so I do have some decent finger strength; or, well, at least they are not totally whimpy... :rolleyes:

Chris R

Portland OR
I did some rock climbing way back when and got strong as a monkey, so I don't think being wimpy is an issue here. I bought a brand new 08 and the clutch has been super smooth from day one. These bikes are pretty near rock solid at this point in their product life so it may just be a matter of getting used to its clutch. There have been reports of clutch plate issues in the past, but I don't think that is what you are referring to.

I just got my 2009 FJR1300A with 0 miles on it this week. I've been busy so I don't even have 100 miles on it.... but I love this bike! The clutch effort takes some getting used to. I also have a 2007 V Star 1300 and I've got 6500 miles on that bike. The clutch effort is much greater on the FJR... I don't like holding it in at lights or in traffic. I know the pre '09 bikes have an even stiffer clutch, and I'm probably just a wimp, but on the way home from the dealer my first stop was at my favorite speed shop to order a set of long length ASV adjustable levers. I like ASV's better than Pazzo because that are much more adjustable and seem to be of better quality (and pivot forward to be break-resistant/proof like the stock levers, better warranty than Pazzo, and they're local to me). I'm hoping to get the travel dialed in and that'll help. I don't think it'll reduce the effort required, but it'll reduce the travel required, as I can dial in exactly the length to get in and out of the friction zone without pulling up all that slack.

Clutch operation effort is more of a personal thing. I am officially a senior citizen but don't find the clutch on the FJR to be much of an issue. I have a Honda Sabre also and its clutch is a little "softer" but engages at the end of the lever travel compared to the FJR which has it friction point at the beginning of the lever travel. Different, but very easy to adjust to for each of my bikes. Bought both bikes used with about 3K on the clock so no experience with a new bike's clutch since my first bike bought in '67 (told you that I am a senior citizen). :lol:

Hi everybody,I just test rode a brand new black 2009 at noon today - I still have a big fat grin on my face. I LOVED the ride, the unexpected nimbleness (I know I was SUPPOSED to expect that, but with the weight...), and I did two nice slow U-turns (I had read about a potential problem with that here), the slow turns turned out to be very comfortable for me on this bike. Also, I am 5'11", and the bike seems to be perfect for my height.

I have only good things to say about it, except I was very surprised about the clutch lever. I don't mean the getting used to being able to shift smoothly; I started out all jerky, but by the end of the ride I could shift perfectly.

Instead the constant pressure on my hand was what was getting to me. I am coming from a CVT clutchless system, and the only "normal" clutch bikes I had ridden in the last few months were friends 1200R BMW, a 650SVT, and I also rode a ST1300 about a full year back, all of this was swapping bikes on longer rides. The BMW and the ST have levers that need some force to get going, but once you're over the halfmark, there is no resistance when you just hold the clutch in. I don't quite remember the SVT, but I know my left hand was also hurting a bit when I got off that bike. Well, my back was hurting more then my hand though... Anyway, on the FJR today the resistance was constant, and after only 15 minutes mixed city/highway riding I already started cramping.

This is not normal, correct? Can this be adjusted? I couldn't find anything about this in a quick search (Sorry in case I didn't spend enough time!). The bike by the way had 0 miles on it when I got on it.

Anywho, so now I am 100% sure that I will get a FJR. :yahoo: I have been watching some very nice deals going through on ebay...

HAPPYPUPPY, are you the same Happypuppy I know from the Majesty/Burgman sites? I guess if so, Hi there, and Tag you're it!

Thanks for this site!

Chris R

Portland, OR
Best thing to do is look for somebody in/around Portland with an 09 and try the clutch for comparison. You don't have to ride the bike, just pull the clutch a few times. If it's the same, then you've got some training to do. If it's easier, then the dealer needs to make an adjustment.

But if you can get past the clutch issue one way or another you won't find a better S/T, and you won't find a better group of riders than FJR people.

Hope you stick around.

Thanks everybody for their replies - including pointing out that I'm such a whimp! I was just so surprised at the lever action that I wondered if the lever of this specific bike could have been sticking, seeing that the bike still had 0 miles on it, and that the dealer guys said that nobody had really looked at it yet in terms of setup.

Either way, it was only a test ride, I did not buy this specific bike. It looked absolutely stunning in black, but I can't bring myself to purchase it. My wife already hates me riding to begin with and is always worried; I can't tell her that I'm buying a black bike with the less visibilty, be it real or imagined. I am also wondering how much every little scratch or scrape would show on that beautiful glossy black paint...

I still have not made the decision between A and AE, that will depend on what the deal will be at the time. If I end up with an A, I assume I will get used to the lever either by changing my riding style (which is the likeliest), not keeping the lever held at the red light, but leaving it in N and releasing the lever, or like many of you suggested by modifying. If I end up with an AE, no issue anyway.

Looking at my recent riding history, I'm coming from the land of scooters and CVTs, so an AE does hold quite a bit of appeal for me. My main use of the bike will be commute, which includes 2/3s cross country, and 1/3 city, both together 16-24 miles one way depending on the route, and then the once every couple of weeks day trip, plus the very occasional over night trip thrown in. My point is I think I would be happy with either model.

I am hopefully only about two weekends of framing away from ordering the metal roof for my new garage/shop building, so I am getting closer to having a nice dry spot for my future FJR, after which point I can pull the trigger on the best deal I see out there.

Thanks again for all your comments.

Chris R

Portland OR

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If you are considering an AE now is a great time to look at the 08's in particular. I know of 2 brand new ones that sold here in Wisconsin for $9999.00. I know because I missed out on both. I picked mine up about 2 weeks ago for $9900.00 with $30.00 doc fee and the normal tax, title and liscence.

btw, I love mine, with just over 1100 miles it gets better everyday.

When new, I found the clutch a bit tough to deal with. After that first oil change, all was well with world. I think it was a combination of getting used to it and the oil change seemed to smooth things out.

With my AE, I still have soreness from driving all week then riding. Posture made all the difference by arching my back slightly and remembering not to rest my torso on the grips.

A few riders have mentioned Helibars risers but others have pulled the pins on the stock adjusters to get relief without $325+ in risers.


If I can't get the soreness to subside soon, I'll put my 6 mo. old AE with 2K mi. on it up for sale.

