Ken Condon Saved My Life...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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The most important rule I ever learned from biking books was 'You must be able to stop in the distance you can see'.
One of my riding mentors counseled me to expect a pickup truck around any corner blocking my lane and be ready to stop appropriately... I have actually had that happen to me... coming around a corner, my "spidey sense" was on full mode, and lo and behold a pickup truck was trying to make a u-turn in the middle of a turn... twice!! Ya just never know what to expect. :blink:

My pickup truck was backing out of a (his?) driveway in the middle of a right hand curve from the right of River Road with a load of cut lumber sticking out the lift gate about 3 feet. Yow. Brakes, air horn, mirror glance, scan, kick to the left and around as he jammed to a stop sticking out 3/4 of the way into the right lane. Yow.

Any less than on my riding game, lack of attention, reflexes ready, and anything over the 35 mph speed limit, I probably would have been toast.
