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Yet another reason I don't have kids....too much to worry or be concerned about.

Doesn't make sense to have a kid strapped to you. If they are too young to ride, then they are too young to ride!

I'm gonna get one for Eve, so she won't worry about dozing off anymore. Point of clarification: She never has that problem in the twisties. :D

I'm gonna get one for Eve, so she won't worry about dozing off anymore. Point of clarification: She never has that problem in the twisties. :D
Jerry and Mieko use a buddy belt on his Guzzi. She won't ride without it.

I'm fairly touchy about my kids going with me also. Believe me I want them to come with me, but if they are sleepy enough where they have to be strapped on to me, they just aren't going to go with. My sister had the same feeling about her boy riding with her. I've seen these also and I don't know if I like the idea. Ive had a bike know for the last three years, a V-star and the fjr and I make sure they are prepared to ride and I make sure they are awake as we ride too. And if an accident would happen I think it would be better if they weren't strapped to you.


I've ridden with my daughter since she was 8. Now she is 20 and still rides with me. She has always had the knack of falling asleep while we are riding. In fact when I started riding with her I used to ride in dread and fear, constantly checking my mirror to see when her head would slowly tilt into view... I considered the belt thing but was disuaded by other riding dads who pointed out that in an accident the child may be crushed not only by the bike's weight but by your own. Far better to have the child thrown beyond the bike, far better of course to ride totaly and absolutely defensively...

For both of our safety I opted for a full back rest and top box, and a good intercom system. I cannot tell you the hours of pleaure, (and yes at times grating pain from off key songs), that I had listening to her invent stories, characters, give me full news reports about her life or the countryside we were passing through, or hearing her tell me that she loved me while riding in gale force winds and lashing rain.

All in all I think the experience of riding with your child, "DEFENSIVELY and CONCIENTIOUSLY" is a fantastic one if done safely and listening to their needs. We've done trips of 7 x 600 kms consecutive days together, and the trail of memories will always follow us... for straps and harnesses I've never been fond of any form of capital punishment... ;)

vdoguy, I Appreciate your thoughts. My kids love going with me also. Especially my 7 year old daughter. We haven't bought the intercomm system yet (my next major purchase) but I think that will greatly increase the pleasure of touring with the kids. They really do want to talk to you while riding. And rightly so. Whats the point of riding if you have to shout back and forth. Its tough. I also bought the Top Box for the kids to lean up against and they feel much safer with that.

My thoughts regarding the harness too. It just looks to me like another accident waiting to happen within an accident. IMO. But to each their own.

But it is a thrill the see the country side wit your kids on a bike. suck enough out of you as it is. Ya gotta take 'em ridin' with ya too?

That's just wrong.

Thank god mine's 28 and gone. ;)

belt forgetabbouttit . the riding experince is not to be locked in . i have 3 girls at home and the progression is from age 9 to 13 they love to get on the bike seems when they hit 14 thats it they are not in to riding on the back anymore . my 17teen year old will not get on the bike if i paid her .

" much?.....your children.....I want to buy them......"

devanator, the intercom is not only for pleasurable listening but it also helps as a WAKE UP CALL... no more worrying that they've fallen asleep when you can hear the snoring... :rolleyes:

I have been riding with my daughter since she was 7, she is now 12 and will take any and every opportunity to go for a ride.

We had one occasion, when riding my 1986 FJ1200 to watch a motocross race that she fell asleep on the back.

At that point I felt her head rock forward and fortunately head butted me, from that day forward, we ride with the buddy belt and helmet to helmet communication.

It is some of the best times we spend together, and I would not give it up for so called safety reasons.

She is not being coated in cotton wool, niether was I as a kid, it gets to the point in this country when you have just got to flip the finger at all the safety Natzi ney sayers and go out and enjoy your life.

For that reason alone, I am glad I grew up in England, and so is my daughter.

"If it feels good, do it"


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My son, who will be 8 soon, has ridden with me numerous times on 'short trips' since he was 7. Prior to that, I thought he was just to small & too young, IMO. I wear one of those belts with handles on it that he can hold on to; various companies make them; thus he is not 'locked in' or belted to me. Of course, he wears full protective gear/youth size full face, etc, etc. In addition we don't go on long distance trips, nor do I exploit the performance abilities of the bike when he is on it. (Duh!) We have a great time, take breaks & talk. If nothing else he has learned to wear full protection when you ride (and will point out to me other riders that don't) and I am confident he will continue to do so should he get a bike of his own someday.
