R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
If you all have any Qjets out there still that need this, lemme know. QJets were/are my specialty, couple hundred under my belt. Leaking primary wells ok.Ohhh yeah -- now THERE's a really nice car. My sister's first husband had a '67 convertable Cutlass 4-4-2. We rebuilt that engine in my garage during the summer or fall of 1971. It's the only time I've ever had every part laid out, pristine clean and back from the machine shop, before we started to put it back together. It was a royal bitch to rebuild the Quadrajet carb, and we eventually replaced it with a dual feed Holley. Saw my ex brother-in-law a couple years ago at my sister's for Thanksgiving (they're still friends) and we were talking about that car -- said the same thing as you did: he'd give just about anything to have it back.
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