KY to New Orleans & Back

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville TN
I packed up & left snowy KY behind Tuesday, 3/11:


You guys in Mid-TN have great roads! I took 53, 56 & 16 (all highly recommended) down to AL, stopping for a couple of Lakeside pictures in TN:



I stayed the night in Cullman, and slabbed it Wednesday to New Orleans.

The valets at the Westin-N.O. were great; for 3 days, every time I pulled up, they'd move a car away for me to park right up front. In all, they moved 6 or more cars for me. Tipping probably helped.


Did some sightseeing, mostly while my wife was in meetings:





Yesterday, I slabbed it all the way back (almost 800 miles). The distance wasn't an issue, but the temperature change was brutal. South Mississippi: 91 degrees @ 2:00pm. Central KY: 36 degrees @ 1:30am.

You guys in Mid-TN have great roads! I took 53, 56 & 16
Ah, this he now happily proclaims after stealthily slipping thru the area and therefore preventing the locals from having an opportunity to acquire :innocent: …uh, that is, I mean, to see in person and compliment that fine looking RMS.
Seriously, good pix and glad to hear ya had a safe trip. Reading your post makes it sound like you were solo on the bike. Just wondering, did your wife ride with you?


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You guys in Mid-TN have great roads! I took 53, 56 & 16
Ah, this he now happily proclaims after stealthily slipping thru the area and therefore preventing the locals from having an opportunity to acquire :innocent: …uh, that is, I mean, to see in person and compliment that fine looking RMS.
Seriously, good pix and glad to hear ya had a safe trip. Reading your post makes it sound like you were solo on the bike. Just wondering, did your wife ride with you?

Hands off! That RMS now has my butt-stamp deeply's definately getting more comfortable with break-in. My wife loves it, too. She flew to & from New Orleans, and rode around with me one afternoon.

Nice ride. I hear ya on the temp change. Spring has sprung down here, azaleas and dogwoods are out, temps are up. Life is good.

Took the liberty of spending 5 minutes in P'Shop to sorta fix your white balances. No charge. (This time!) :rolleyes: Still a titch off, but for free. . . . whaddya 'spect?





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Sorry I missed you, JM. Good ride report, though.
Sorry I couldn't meet up with you, too. I was roped into a few meals w/ wife & coworkers, and never had more than a couple hours to ride while I was there.

I managed to ride River Road halfway up to Baton Rouge...that was probably the best one I found in LA.

Nice pics and report. Good ol' New Orleans. Grew up in the city and still have a home in Gentilly. It's coming around slowly but surely. Thanks!
