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As of 5/16/2009, Mr. and Mrs. BikerGeek99.

Congrats BikerGeek !!!!!!

I was married on the exact same day...............12 years ago :yahoo:

We can send each other reminders :rolleyes:

Happy wife Happy life

Ha! Got ya beat....the misses, and I celebrated our 17th year on May 16th. Damn were getting old!

Congrats BikerGeek

Congrats there BG99! :D

Let the fun begin. You allready have your FJR and it only took 29 years to get mine.

Enjoy the honeymoon, Ime still on mine. ;)

Congratulations! Geeze, after those trip reports I thought you two were already Mr. & Mrs. If she's still willing to get hitched after ridin' all over creation with you on a Feej then you've definitely found the right lady.

Best of luck!

ps - next time I'm in town, beers at the Mohawk are on me. :)

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. BG99. Hang on your in for the ride of your life, no pun intended. Now when's the party? PM. <>< :yahoo:

"you know why every bride smiles, right?"

Because she's nervous and doesn't know what she's getting into?

Btw....congrats :D

Congrats and always remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Even when there is a remote chance that she might be wrong, she's is still right. :D

Wishing you the best! :)

Congrats, It will be a year in June when I joind the ring of doom club. I then figured out how to still be single, I had her move to Denver for 6 months of Paramedic school. :rolleyes: But all good things come to a end and she is about done and planning on moving back home. Guess it is time to put back up the wedding photos and take down the motorcycle posters again.

Now lets all think about this for a minute. You posted on the 17th that you tied the knot on the 16th. I guess honeymoons are not what they used to be if you know what I mean. Seriously, congratulations and I am only sorry I did not get the opportunity to meet your lovely bride while at SFO. She is obviously a real trooper to get on the back of your FJR and ride in all the rain on your trip to OK and along rte 66. Hope to meet you both again soon.

There are 4 things you must never do: lie, steal, cheat, or drink.

But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love.

If you must steal, steal away from bad company.

If you must cheat, cheat death.

And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away...


Now lets all think about this for a minute. You posted on the 17th that you tied the knot on the 16th. I guess honeymoons are not what they used to be if you know what I mean.
What can I say? She was taking a breather. I was postin' nekkid.

Seriously, congratulations and I am only sorry I did not get the opportunity to meet your lovely bride while at SFO. She is obviously a real trooper to get on the back of your FJR and ride in all the rain on your trip to OK and along rte 66. Hope to meet you both again soon.
Thank you. I thought you met her, though, after we got back from the airport at SFO?

She is a trooper, and the Russell Day-Long seat has pillion cudos from her.

I wish you would have told me, we could have all lifted a cocktail in your honor Saturday night at SFO and had some sorta pre-wedding celebration for ya! We definitely would not have embarrassed you 2 at all... :innocent:
