Lane Sharing Question

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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
I legally lane share in California. Today, like many days, a pickup driver noticed me coming between the cars and pulled forward and into my path to make me stop and then said, "You guys are stupid and have a death wish."

I have a canned reply for these guys now, "My legal driving is made dangerous only when people like you decide to break the law and pull into my right of way."

I don't cuss, I don't use an angry tone. I just say it with a matter of fact tone. My hope is that they'll think. Fat chance eh?

I have to say that the ONLY time that this kind of thing happened to me and it was not a pickup driver doing it, the vehicle was a Isuzu Rodeo 4x4.

Is it true what they say about pickup drivers? They need to find some way to exert some kind of authority because they lack it in other parts of their lives (or anatomy). Well, it sure seems so when it comes to lane sharing and pickup drivers almost exclusively being the asshats that have a problem with a bike taking up open space.

Well...I think I'm going to go troll pickup forums and tell them lane sharing is legal, makes sense, is safer for the rider and the fact that a bike passes them in this manner does not mean that we are cheating them in their efforts to aggressively drive by everyone possible on their way to their destination.

I was so pissed at the guy today that I just pulled over and hada cup of coffee before proceeding. By the way...I just realized that I didn't even think about having a smoke at that moment...that's awesome! On Feb 8th, it'll be a year since I had nicotine of any type. I am NOT a smoker! I'm free!!!

Many pickup drivers are asshats. They are not free, they are troubled.

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O'vale -

Not ALL PUD's are asshats. I drive a 1 ton dually daily to work (until the Fjr arrives that is).. I routinely do the nice driver thing, let others go first, move to the left allowing lane sharing bikers room (even the harley apehangers) etc etc.

Even while driving the big truck I've had ID10Ts pull out right in front of me. Truly amazing.

You are on to something though.. and it's not just pickup truck drivers. Anyone who drives a larger vehicle knows that in most all instances they will come out on the better end of the stick.

An AssHat Honda Civic truly put me at risk while driving the dually. My immediate thought was 'I might get hurt, but this f*#k#r is gonna die."

Maybe because of where you live there are alot of male testosterone enabled pickup truck drivers who have the same 'I'm bigger than you are' attitude coupled with enough personal attitude to perform asshat tricks like what happened to you.

Oh, CONGRATULATIONS on kicking the cancer habit! :thumbup:

I know not all PUDs are the same, just that the vast majority of idiots that have issues with bikes passing them are puds.

and thanks ;-)

I think the real hero here is you, for keeping your promise not to smoke. I admire you more for that (cause I struggle with it too), and one of the reasons why I ride. (cause you can't smoke while riding)

Awareness is the key 100%.

When I drove a tractor it is amazing the amount of cars, trucks anything that do really stupid shit because they just don't know any better.

I was speaking to a relative a few years ago who was complaining about dump trucks. I started to just ask a few questions and it was amazing the things that she just didn't realize. After our conversation she seemed a little less upset and more willing to give the truckers a break.

Also something many don't know is why they are suppose to turn on their headlights when it is raining. Most people who don't do this think that because they can see fine they shouldn't have to. They don't realize it isn't for them it is for others. As an ex-trucker when it was raining the only way I could see a car was with the headlights.

I have said this one on here before. One day I parked my bike up on the sidewalk to give another parking space to cars. It was amazing the amount of glares and comments I got. I even got it from some of the workers in the store until I explained why I was doing it. There first assumption was me just being an asshat and figuring I was better than them. I have no problem parking in a space but in a parking lot with 5 stores and only about 20 parking spaces I thought I was being nice.

I would wager that most people in CA don't know lane splitting is legal. It should be something that the AMA and motorcycle advertisers should be trying to be made public.

In Texas it is illegal to stay in the fast lane, it is for passing only. The cops there will enforce it but people in many states are just good at ignoring signs like the slow traffic stay right. Many just don't give a shit and will stay going 55 in the fast lane while everyone goes around instead of moving over.

If cops started enforcing some of these simple rules it would make things much better. Many people just aren't aware that they are an asshat.

PS Good job on the not smoking, I have been free for 9 years and 5 months...

Awareness is the key 100%.
When I drove a tractor it is amazing the amount of cars, trucks anything that do really stupid shit because they just don't know any better.

I was speaking to a relative a few years ago who was complaining about dump trucks. I started to just ask a few questions and it was amazing the things that she just didn't realize. After our conversation she seemed a little less upset and more willing to give the truckers a break.

Also something many don't know is why they are suppose to turn on their headlights when it is raining. Most people who don't do this think that because they can see fine they shouldn't have to. They don't realize it isn't for them it is for others. As an ex-trucker when it was raining the only way I could see a car was with the headlights.

I have said this one on here before. One day I parked my bike up on the sidewalk to give another parking space to cars. It was amazing the amount of glares and comments I got. I even got it from some of the workers in the store until I explained why I was doing it. There first assumption was me just being an asshat and figuring I was better than them. I have no problem parking in a space but in a parking lot with 5 stores and only about 20 parking spaces I thought I was being nice.

I would wager that most people in CA don't know lane splitting is legal. It should be something that the AMA and motorcycle advertisers should be trying to be made public.

In Texas it is illegal to stay in the fast lane, it is for passing only. The cops there will enforce it but people in many states are just good at ignoring signs like the slow traffic stay right. Many just don't give a shit and will stay going 55 in the fast lane while everyone goes around instead of moving over.

If cops started enforcing some of these simple rules it would make things much better. Many people just aren't aware that they are an asshat.

PS Good job on the not smoking, I have been free for 9 years and 5 months...
I totally agree on the awareness.

I totally understand that little vehicles can stop and accelrate a lot better than semi trucks so when they pull in front of me to pass a slower vehicle, and make me slow down, I don't care as it's a LOT easier for me to speed up once he has completed his pass than it would be for him to slow down, and NEVER be able to pass the slower vehicle.

I am also very aware of what other drivers do and don't think about and look for. Riding in congested traffic is good for this. I NEVER assume they see me, or care.

I REALLY wish that the 'slower driver stay right' rule was enforced as well as the 'slow vehicles use turnouts' and the...well...there are plenty of rules I wish were enforced. I also don't want to pay taxes and I guess you can't have it both ways.

Yeah, quitting smoking took some help. I was supposed to be on Zyban and the Patch for 4 months. After 3 weeks I found something even better than drugs and patches: resolve. I simply was NOT going to smoke ever again no matter what my mind told me about feeling better, just one being okay, or any other little trick the brain could come up with to trick my into smoking. The realization that your brain is working against itself is a little scary. I was wondering if I would ultimately be forced into dual personalities and start setting things on fire with my anger!

Well...the resolve was the key. I quit using the patch and Zyban after three weeks, and went through some hard withdrawals and knew that this time, I would never smoke again and I am right! Not a cigar, not a single drag, no tobacco in any form. Resolve. I WILL NEVER SMOKE AGAIN.

All that, and asshat pickup drivers drive me to fury. Jerks.


Well, I drive a Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab 4x4 Diesel and while I am an admitted asshat, motorcycle's are the only ones I am curtious to and will go out of my way to make room for them.

Anyway, I was driving for a living when I quit smoking. I never used any of the quit quick scams. It was 100% mental, everytime I wanted one I would simply repeat to myself all the reasons I wanted to quit and that smoking now would reverse all the progress I had made. I quit 1 month before my wedding and my wife still smokes.

Now I just wish I could use some of that determination and stick with my workout routine :D

congrats on quiting smoking. if we're to end up at a gathering some time, remind me and i'll bring you a celebritory cigar.


This'll prolly piss-off some folks here who drive big honkin' SUVs and pickem'-up trucks, but it's those friggin' big-ass mirrors hanging out another foot beyond the already stupid-wide bodies that tend to get clipped a lot by us legal lane sharing motorcycle types. Hit 'em once with your shoulder and they get pissed forever. Can't blame them, really. (Well I could, but that's a whole 'nuther discussion on the sensibility of these battleships on today's roads.)

I too, have been blocked from time to time by these behemoth driving 'tards and mostly by ones that you just know are for show. If it's a working truck, they usually don't block you and many times will make room for you as they ride dirt, road or ATV and get sharing. That ubiquitous FOX sticker on the rear window is a good indicator of who's driving the truck, too.

*Disclaimer: No offense to big honkin' SUV and pick-up owners on this board. I'm generalizing. :p

*Disclaimer: No offense to big honkin' SUV and pick-up owners on this board. I'm generalizing. tongue.gif
Generalizing, that's what democrats, I mean republicans, I mean politicians do TWN.

We big honking truck type take no offense. However if they were to put my Cummins in to something else I would buy that instead. :D

Plus, my mirrors fold unlike most FJR's mirrors :D so no harm done...

I understand your pain, as a motorcyclist and the driver of a big pick'em-up truck. The mirrors on my Titan extend out quite a bit (Tow Package mirrors) and I always do my best to give motorcycles room if they decide to share the lane with me.

At the same time, when I'm riding my FJR, I do my best to make sure trucks with big mirrors are fully aware that I'm moving up alongside them. Sometimes I flash the high-beams or use the horn, usually works out OK.

I've been pretty fortunate when lane sharing, only had one @$%^&*# idiot move over into me.....he was driving a small BMW convertible....a Z-4 I think. Luckily, it was just a small bump.

I'm allowed 102" width by CA law. I take all 102... and why can't CA pass a law to make parking spaces wider? I have a tough time rolling over bikes and Civics to squeeze into my rightfully enabled spot.. :D

....not much of a truck driver either.... he just ran over 12 motorsickles while leaving the parking lot....

I understand your pain, as a motorcyclist and the driver of a big pick'em-up truck.  The mirrors on my Titan extend out quite a bit (Tow Package mirrors) and I always do my best to give motorcycles room if they decide to share the lane with me.
At the same time, when I'm riding my FJR, I do my best to make sure trucks with big mirrors are fully aware that I'm moving up alongside them.  Sometimes I flash the high-beams or use the horn, usually works out OK. 

I've been pretty fortunate when lane sharing, only had one @$%^&*# idiot move over into me.....he was driving a small BMW convertible....a Z-4 I think.  Luckily, it was just a small bump.
I have ZERO problems with trucks that are wide and built that way. I have problems with nimrods seeing me in their mirrors and intentionally swerving to get in my path. You see, the problem with these particular assholes is that they got to see me coming because I do as you do. I make it obvious I'm coming and I don't go very fast.

They feel they are justified in being assholes. Just like someday I might feel justified parking a meat hook into their fenders, or tires. But alas, I'll probably just ride home pissed off and rant here. I guess I am passive aggressive and need couneseling ;-)

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congrats on quiting smoking. if we're to end up at a gathering some time, remind me and i'll bring you a celebritory cigar.
I'll gladly accept the cigar and give it to the first person that will use it!

"Hey! Where's Monica?"



It is interesting that you post this topic because it coincides with my experience as well; only pick-up trucks have deliberately blocked my path when I am lane splitting. Many pick-ups do move over to give me more room when they see me, but when an asshat decides to block me it is invariably a pick-up. Fortunately I've developed the attitude that "getting even" with them involves going faster than them (which is easy to do). No obscene gestures, no cursing, just a twist of the throttle. Although your effort to educate them is to be commended.

And congrats on kicking the habit.


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I was wondering if I was just unlucky with pickups. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have also had many pick up drivers make room for me, as well as various cars.
